Apr 12 2010

Designer clothing, garments & apparels duty tariff

Published by at 8:16 pm under Cross border shopping

Designer cloth and apparels are most common among what we Canadian bring back home from abroad. Duty for clothing, apparels and accessories are most complex depending on materials, country of origin and type and style. Hopefully, the following cover some most common items.


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3 Responses to “Designer clothing, garments & apparels duty tariff”

  1. jessicaNo Gravataron 05 May 2010 at 12:10 am

    hi all,
    It has lot of useful & interesting data.
    Better Home


  2. Brad BillingsNo Gravataron 30 Jun 2010 at 6:45 am

    I’m sure glad that I found your website, it had just about all of the information i was looking for


  3. TJNo Gravataron 25 Feb 2012 at 4:27 am

    I am planning on bringing my wedding dress home to Canada this Sunday from the US that I have already purchased. Do you get charged duty on an item like this? And if so is it the 17-18% duty that I read above? Also, I will be bringing it back across to the US in a month for alterations and than once again bringing it back to Canada. How will that work with duty and is this allowed? Any answers would be great! Thanks!


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