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Cross-border Shopping Guide / FAQ for Canadians

What’s the personal tax exemption when I come back to Canada from shopping?

In the most concise form, the personal exemption limits are:

Effective June 1, 2012, the new personal exemption will be as follows.

Increased traveller personal exemption limits effective June 1, 2012
24 hours or more up to CAN$200 Goods must be in your possession at time of entry to Canada.
48 hours or more up to CAN$800
7 days or more up to CAN$800 Goods may be in your possession at time of entry to Canada but are also permitted to follow entry to Canada (via courier, mail or delivery agency).

If you bring goods over the exempted value, after being absent from Canada over 48 hours, the value for duty of the goods shall be reduced by an amount equal to that maximum specified value and, in the case of alcoholic beverages and tobacco, the quantity of those goods shall be reduced by the quantity of alcoholic beverages and tobacco up to the maximum quantities allowed.

If you are only absent from Canada less than 48 hours and you bring back goods over $200, you’ll have to pay duty/tax on the full value.

There are many details and exceptions to the personal exemption limits. Please read our article for more details.

How many bottles of wine/liquor can I bring back to Canada?

None, if you’re out of the country for less than 48 hours. But if you’re willing to pay duty and tax, there’s no limit.

If you have been outside Canada for at least 48 hours and are of legal age, you can bring back only one the following free of duty and tax as part of your personal exemption:

  • 1.14 L (40 oz.) of liquor; or
  • 1.5 L of wine; or
  • 24 X 355 ml (12 oz.) containers of beer.

How many cigars/cigarettes can I bring back to Canada?

If you’re out of country less then 48 hours, you have to pay the applicable duty and sales tax. Otherwise, you can bring back all or any the following if you’re over the legal age.

  • 200 cigarettes;
  • 50 cigars or cigarillos;
  • 200 tobacco sticks; and
  • 200 g (7 oz.) of manufactured tobacco.

What is the tax exemption applied to mail order items?

If you don’t have time making a trip to USA, online shopping is a good alternative. Be sure to read our article on Canadian duty and NAFTA and mail order.

You don’t have to pay duties and taxes if your mail ordered item is:

  • a gift worth $60 or less; or
  • worth $20 or less.

This exemption applies on a per item basis. Items sent to a Canadian as a gift by another person must include a card or notice indicating it is a gift. Clearly identified gifts worth CDN$60 or less are not subject to duties or taxes; however,gifts greater than CDN$60 are subject to duties and taxes. This CDN$60 exemption does not apply to tobacco, alcohol, advertising material, or items sent by a business or association.

Are children’s clothes duty free? How much duty do I pay?

This depends on where the cloth were made. If the children’s clothes are not made in US or Mexico, you will need to pay 17% duty plus taxes. Thankfully, you don’t pay PST for children’s clothes. Please read our article on Canadian duty and NAFTA.

How bad is the wait at the USA-Canada border crossings?

USA shopping is a rewarding pastime to Canadians, as long as it’s not all spent at the border crossing. Canadian Border Services Agency offers an up to the minute estimate of the wait time at all border crossings (Canadian side). Check it out before leaving home.

US Customs & Border Protection has a counterpart wait time estimate at the US side. Check it out when returning.

Where can I find Canadian $ exchange rate in the last few days?

Yahoo Finance has those rates and charts. Find out 3 month CA$ to US$ exchange rate chart here.

What’s the closest US factory outlets to Toronto, Vancouver, Ottawa, Kingston and Montreal?

Please read our article on US factory outlets.

Can I pay taxes at the border with a credit card?

Yes, you can pay with all major credit cards, i.e. Visa, Mastercard, American Express.

Is there an annual limit to your times crossing the border and making the duty free claims or are you allowed to cross the and make the $750 claim as long as you meet the stay criteria?

No, there is no limit on the exemption amount regarding border crossing frequency.

Please read our disclaimers for the use of information presented here.


225 responses so far. Leave a comment

225 Responses to “FAQ”

  1. christina ferrisNo Gravataron 31 May 2008 at 9:19 am

    Hi, I am planning a trip to the US for 8 nights. I know a few things that I do not have to pay taxes on but I do not know what they are. I heard that electronics and children clothing is exempted but I am not sure. Could you give me a list of what is exempted if possible.


    Christina Ferris


    LaylaNo Gravatar Reply:

    So I am buying a waffle knit ardigan from American Eagle, and the sub-total is $16.96 (US) with $2.60 tax (Ontario HST). But, I’m being charged $3.05 in duty.
    The item with tax is below $20 in Canadian dollars, why am I still charged duty?


  2. adminNo Gravataron 31 May 2008 at 4:04 pm

    The answer is that everything you want to buy. But you’ll have to pay the US taxes (varies from state to state). The good thing is that you don’t have to pay Canadian duty, GST and PST for upto $750 per person.

    Happy shopping.


    Ryan GalonNo Gravatar Reply:

    I was wondering i might eb buying a truck from duluth its 750 dollars and if i only go for the day to get it how much duty will i pay for it?


  3. MarkNo Gravataron 15 Dec 2008 at 3:08 pm

    I am ordering a log home kit from the US. Do i have to pay duty on it?


  4. adminNo Gravataron 15 Dec 2008 at 3:16 pm

    If it’s made in US, it’s likely there’s no duty, based on NAFTA. You may want to check out the details at http://www.cbsa.gc.ca/trade-commerce/tariff-tarif/


  5. JessicaNo Gravataron 09 May 2009 at 11:30 am


    I just want to clarify my plan to make sure I do understand. I hope to order approx $300.00 US of wedding centerpeices from CB2 (Crate and Barrel) and get them shipped to a courier service near the Montana-Alberta border. If I stay more than 48hrs and less than 7days, i do not have to pay duty on them? What exactly would I have to pay extra?

    Thank you for your help!


    GeriNo Gravatar Reply:

    What courier company do you use at the Montana AB border. tks


  6. adminNo Gravataron 09 May 2009 at 11:36 am

    Hi Jessica,

    If you do stay out of the country over 48 hours and can prove it (e.g. hotel receipt), you can bring back the goods for free. The only extra would be hotel room cost and gas.

    Have fun,


    amitNo Gravatar Reply:

    Hi If I buy yamaha mini music system , i am staying in USA for 6 day (family of 4 going to USA), its made in Japan, worth $350, do I need to pay custom duties and HST


  7. thomasNo Gravataron 12 May 2009 at 1:32 pm

    I travel to US everyday and I would like to purchase a TV from Costco in the US, how much duty or pst or gst do I have to pay?


  8. SallyNo Gravataron 08 Jun 2009 at 11:21 am

    If I bring over (2) cases of beer, do I pay 18% duty on the 2nd case since the first one would be free? Average cost of a case of beer is 20.00+.


  9. StanleyNo Gravataron 08 Jun 2009 at 11:43 am

    If you bring 2 cases of beer, I believe you’ll have to pay for the duty on the 2nd case over your quota (assuming you’re qualified for bringing alcohol home, i.e. over legal drinking age and stayed over 48 hours)


  10. JoshNo Gravataron 14 Jul 2009 at 1:38 pm

    Hi there,
    I will be in US for 5 days and I am getting a laptop gift worth about $500.00. Would I have to pay duties and taxes when I come back to Canada?
    Thanks in advance


    BoBNo Gravatar Reply:

    If you’re outside Canada more than 48 hours and less than 7 days, you’re only entitled CA$400 worth of good free of duty and tax. If you’re over the limit, especially on one item, I’m not sure whether you can pay duty/tax on the amount exceeded the limit.

    If you find out, please let us know.


    dale casselmanNo Gravatar Reply:

    you would pay 7% tax on 300.00 as you exceed your limit by 100 . i know that it seems wrong. but, they simplify all transactions that exceed limit with a generic number of 300


  11. JasonNo Gravataron 29 Aug 2009 at 7:51 am

    I’ve been out of canada for the last 2 months and will be returning shortly, if i get 400 cigarettes (2 cartons) any idea on how much would i have to pay approximately for the second carton?



    BoBNo Gravatar Reply:


    There’s a new Excise Duty Rate – effective January 1, 2008 on cigarettes. This is $0.425 per five or fraction of five cigarettes. If you have 200 cigarettes over the personal exemption limit, you’re looking at $17.

    More details see http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/E/pub/em/edn17/edn17-e.pdf


  12. IreneNo Gravataron 01 Sep 2009 at 9:43 am


    Does anyone know if Canadian residents can claim the US taxes they paid on goods.
    We paid 12% tax in the US (Buffalo) and then we had to pay the GST and PST on top of everything as well.
    I have heard that US citizens can clain GST and PST that they pay in Canada but do Canadians have something like that as well?


    BoBNo Gravatar Reply:

    No, unfortunately Canadian cannot claim US Taxes.
    See this post: http://betterdollar.com/can-canadians-claim-back-the-tax-they-paid-when-cross-boarder-shopping/


    WilliamNo Gravatar Reply:

    This being the case, how come Canada extends the courtesy south of the border. Personally I think it shouldn’t be returned in either case. If you purchase goods in any country and there are applicable taxes you should pay them and not expect it being returned. You should contribute to the country you’re buying goods in, plain and simple.

    New question…we’re planning on buying a baby change table/cabinet from IKEA…IKEA Canada sells the piece for $219 plus GST/PST….IKEA US sells the same piece for $169 plus tax…would any duty apply to this purchase on a same-day trip? GST/PST I’m okay with paying as I’d pay it anyway. Depending upon how busy they are at the border they’re more likely to pass you through anyway as long as you avoid the demon’s of Alcohol and tobacco…which is all canadian customs seems to care about anyway 90% of the time.


    AdrienNo Gravatar Reply:

    From time to time we travel to North Dakota to shop. They do allow foreigners to claim back the state sales tax on most goods provided certain minimum requirements are met. It’s a bit of paper work, but depending on what youve bought it is worth the effort. I pick up the form at their tourist info booth.


  13. SuNo Gravataron 15 Sep 2009 at 9:25 pm

    Im having a purse shipped from the US to Canada. The purse is approx. $1,500. The purse was not made in the US so it doesn’t meet the NAFTA Duty-Free Status. Any idea how much taxes and duty would be?


    BoBNo Gravatar Reply:

    The duty ranges from 7~11%. Please see which one fit the description: http://betterdollar.com/?s=purse


  14. RickNo Gravataron 11 Oct 2009 at 9:25 am

    I ordered some electronics from China the total is 625.86 CAN how do I calculate the taxes that I will pay?



  15. SteveNo Gravataron 26 Oct 2009 at 9:59 am

    I have noticed that US prices on plasma televisions is much cheaper cross border. If I went to BUffalo to purchase a televisoin for say $2000 US what would it cost me to declare it coming back to canada? Do I pay duty on it as well as the NY state tax and GST/PST?


    BoBNo Gravatar Reply:

    Please see our blog: http://betterdollar.com/what%E2%80%99s-the-duty-tax-on-plasmalcd-tv/


  16. ChristyNo Gravataron 10 Nov 2009 at 10:38 am

    I’m a Canadian Citizen but have been residing in the Bahamas for 5 months (I have a Bahamas Resident Permit). I plan to travel back to Canada for 10 days and I’m wondering how much I’m allowed to bring back into Canada without having to pay duty! Does the $750.00 apply to me or would I return as a visitor and if so what is the amount I’m allowed to declare? Also if anyone knows when I return to the Bahamas how much I’m I allowed to delclare?


  17. Estate TaxesNo Gravataron 18 Nov 2009 at 10:12 pm

    Hey thanks for posting this one. I had a good friend who just migrated to Canada this week. I will immediately inform her about this. Thanks! Just a question: Are there any organizations or club membership that my friend can apply so that she won’t pay that certain tax in case she’s out of the country for more than seven days?


  18. RickNo Gravataron 19 Nov 2009 at 12:42 am

    I am considering buying a video camera in Los Angeles and bringing back to Canada. Cost is $7000 US. The JVC Camera is made in Japan. Will I pay duty on it bringing it to Canada?


    BoBNo Gravatar Reply:

    There’s no duty on video camera.


  19. BryanNo Gravataron 08 Dec 2009 at 1:29 pm

    hi, according to eBay’s website http://www.myborderpro.com/2006/
    there is 5% duty on video camera imported from US to Canada. Now I am confused.


  20. PeterNo Gravataron 14 Dec 2009 at 11:22 pm

    Hi…i’ve been ‘tv hunting’ for a few months and cannot find the model i want (for the right price) in Canada…my Uncle in Ohio heard i was looking for this specific tv and says they have them for 1/2 of what i’m looking for in Ontario…since its Christmas, and my birthday 3 weeks later, he offered to buy it for me…but i have to go pick it up (his way of getting me to visit)…will i have to pay taxes on a gift that cost ~$3000? i don’t want him stuck with it if its going to cost me a fortune to bring back to Ontario…so we’re trying to figure this out…any suggestions?


    BoBNo Gravatar Reply:

    I’m not surprised that the US price is 1/2 what we have here in Canada. Have a look at my post here, which should help you determine the duty and tax. http://betterdollar.com/whats-the-duty-tax-on-plasmalcd-tv/

    Merry Xmas


  21. GraceNo Gravataron 17 Dec 2009 at 10:03 pm

    I have a question to ask. Where do I leave a question to answered?


    Richard MayberryNo Gravatar Reply:

    I may be selling a boat to a Canadian Citizen. How much cash can the Canadian bring to the USA in order to buy the boat?

    Richard the American


    JonNo Gravatar Reply:

    You probably already know the answer but for anyone else who is curious, there is no limit to the amount of cash a Canadian may bring to the USA. However, they will need to declare to USA customs if the amount is greater than $10,000.


  22. GraceNo Gravataron 17 Dec 2009 at 10:06 pm

    Ok..got it..lol
    I am from winnipeg, ca
    I want to purchase a snow blower. It is 650.00 . I will only be in the states over night. Maybe 26 hours. What duty will I have to pay?


  23. BranaNo Gravataron 20 Dec 2009 at 9:30 am

    I am planning to by washer/dryer in US. How much I pay duty? Does it mattery how long I stay there? I am planning to buy Bosh – not sure if is made in Mexico.


  24. BuntyNo Gravataron 25 Dec 2009 at 8:20 pm

    I understand the TV from US to Canada tax as per your website. My question is that if we are 3 people in family, all together and out for more then 7 days, can we or are we able to combine the exemption limit to 2100$ instead of 750 each and then import a TV for about 2000$ without any extra duty/GST/PST?



    BoBNo Gravatar Reply:

    Basically, you are not allowed to combine your personal exemptions with others’. Neither the exemption transferable. But in the case of a family, since you fill in only one form, and the exemption amount is over the claimed amount, there’s a good chance that the border control officer would just like you through.

    If you decide to take the chance, please let us know whether it works.


    Rhonda MurrayNo Gravatar Reply:

    We are a family of 5 who went to Disneyland, and on our trip we purchased 2 sofas and a golf cart all valued at aprox $3500., and they let us through without any charges: prob depends on the attendant


  25. PierreNo Gravataron 04 Jan 2010 at 5:19 pm

    I will be ordering a Nikon lens from a retailer in the U.S. which will be shipped to me in Canada. Will I have to pay duty ( earlier you said video cameras exempt , are camera lenses also exempt?) pst & gst ?


  26. MisterPGNo Gravataron 05 Jan 2010 at 12:26 am

    I want to purchase a 6-month old car in Washington or California and bring it back for my personal use in Canada. Aside from paying the RIV fee, GST & PST, do I also have to pay state tax on the vehicle?


  27. PhilNo Gravataron 09 Jan 2010 at 3:01 pm

    I want to purchase a pair of headphones from B&H online. I’ll use USPS for the shipping but I was wondering if I have to pay any duity on them. any help is greatly appreciated, and thanks. Great web site!


  28. SMNo Gravataron 13 Jan 2010 at 12:32 am

    Check which headphones you’re buying. Country, etc. to see if duty applies. But even if it does – you might get lucky. Sometimes.. low cost packages shipped by mail, just slip right through. ‘Duty free’ If not – you’ll get to pay your duty at the Post Office. (Good luck!)


    PhilNo Gravatar Reply:

    Hi thanks for the reply. I just called customs canada and the girl I talked to said there was no duty on any headphones. I hope she’s right. I’ll probably order them soon.


  29. johnNo Gravataron 20 Jan 2010 at 8:45 pm

    i would like to start a import export business, from india to canada. what is the tax i’d pay on large amount of jewels? would the tax be less if i wasn’t runnnig my own small business? also do u know of any proceedure i can take to lower the tax as i’d frequently be import and exporting goods.
    thanks alot for your help, great web site! keep up the great work!


  30. jimiNo Gravataron 27 Jan 2010 at 7:44 pm

    I’m interested in buying a new receiver for my home theatre from state, the product made in Japan.
    Do you know if I have to pay a custom duty on it.
    Thank you


  31. Amber FrancisNo Gravataron 31 Jan 2010 at 5:53 pm

    I plan to purchase a few bundles of purses from California that have been manufactured by a California company off of eBay. However, I don’t think I’m going to the states for any period of time. (Unless I have to), Their packaged properly in boxes and plastic wrap to ensure protection of the quality purses. I’m buying about 110 purses all for the price of 1626$ including the shipping and handling. If I reduce the cost of S+H, and add the value of what I’m paying of the purses alone are 1303$ How much duty, tax, etc or whatever there is would I have to pay on top of that? They come in 2 bulks of 40, and 1 bulk of 30. I plan to use the individuals for myself, and the duplicates as gifts.


  32. TaysauceNo Gravataron 01 Feb 2010 at 6:07 pm

    if im ordering somthing from an american website that costs $40 and i want it shipped to Canada do i have to pay duty?


  33. CindyNo Gravataron 24 Feb 2010 at 6:16 pm

    Hi, I’m going to the states for a school trip that will last 6 days. I’m a bit confused about how much I am allowed to spend shopping and if I will have to pay duty on these items.


    CindyNo Gravatar Reply:

    Does this mean I wont have to pay duty on anything if I stay below a total value of $400 CA?


    BoBNo Gravatar Reply:

    That’s correct, under 7 days, $400 duty&tax free goods.


  34. john mcallisterNo Gravataron 25 Feb 2010 at 4:12 pm

    I have a lead on a Lindeman Bin 85 2009 – very inexpensive at 2/$10. I was thinking of declaring a case upon return to Ontario Canada after 35 days. Could someone tell me what the duty and taxes would be and if it worth it? Thanks.


  35. TerriNo Gravataron 09 Mar 2010 at 10:27 am

    I am purchasing a diningroom set in Michigan.. they will deliver to Sault Ste Marie, Ontario. They are telling me that I will pay no duty just the PST.. is this correct? The total is $1200.


  36. JenNo Gravataron 17 Mar 2010 at 11:09 am

    If I go to ND for less than 24hours, how much will I pay on alcohol per case/bottle at customs?


    BoBNo Gravatar Reply:

    You’ll be paying 100% duty and tax. There’s no personal exemption on alcohol under 48 hours.


  37. KurlyNo Gravataron 25 Mar 2010 at 3:37 pm

    I’m making a border run tomorrow to get some basics, How much extra do I have to pay to bring pack a 30 pack of beer? Is that per case? Thanks in advance.


  38. MarkNo Gravataron 30 Mar 2010 at 1:31 pm

    If i Go to thé states for day and fill up car with gas do i have to declare gas or lets say bought earings for girlfriend And she wears them??? Thanks In advance


  39. CharityNo Gravataron 30 Mar 2010 at 11:05 pm

    I orderd 4 boxes of womens clothing from a US company i paid $811 for the goods and shipping. How much will it cos tme to clear thia goods here in Canada.


  40. benNo Gravataron 18 Apr 2010 at 8:32 pm

    If I’m buying some furniture from IKEA (total value of 500)how much would I pay taxes at the border?


  41. Norm in CalgaryNo Gravataron 24 Apr 2010 at 11:48 pm

    If I buy a Samsung computer in the US for $830 + tax and I’m out of the country for over 7 days would I only pay the GST on
    $830 – $750?


    JustinNo Gravatar Reply:

    No you pay tax on the entire amount $830.


  42. PeterNo Gravataron 30 Apr 2010 at 8:26 am

    If I purchase a replacement laptop battery online from Hong Kong, is there duty and/or taxes to be paid? If so, what is the rate?


  43. MelodieNo Gravataron 06 May 2010 at 10:26 am

    We just recently traveled to the Ikea in Minneapolis. They told us there that when we get back home to MB, to fill out a form and send it in to claim the u.s. taxes that we paid on all our purchases. I have searched everywhere and can’t find this form. Can you help me out??


  44. TammyNo Gravataron 29 May 2010 at 11:25 am

    I live in Ontario, not far from the boarder, and I am having a party. I thought purchasing liquor across the boarder would be the cheapest way, even if I have to pay duty on it? Do you agree?????? And am I legally allowed to do this?????


    Customs InfoNo Gravatar Reply:

    It may not be cheaper…the duty and tax is really high on alcohol. but yes you are allowed if you want to pay. There is a limit though to the amount….cant remember right now lol…i think its 45 litres


  45. MelodieNo Gravataron 01 Jun 2010 at 11:14 am

    I live in Manitoba and just came back from Ikea in Minneapolis. Where do I find the forms on line to claim the taxes that I paid on my purchases? I need help 🙂


  46. craigNo Gravataron 16 Jun 2010 at 11:16 pm

    I am going to be relocating to Windsor so I have some questions about cross border shopping. I will need to buy some stuff from Ikea to furnish my apartment and there is one in Detroit. I searched your faq and found that beds are duty free however Ikea’s goods are made in Sweden. What would be the duty rate on Ikea’s goods? Thanks!


  47. jonNo Gravataron 28 Jun 2010 at 12:46 pm

    Hi, Can two or more personal exemptions be added for one receipt? ie a couple travelling to the US for 48hrs and buying a tv worth $800?

    Also, not sure if this is a rumour but let’s say that you stay in the us for 48hours and you dont use up all of your tax exemption for the stay..ie you onlny spend $100 when you are allowed $400..can u keep the remaining $300 for next time?


    BoBNo Gravatar Reply:

    Yes, combining exemptions are allowed, as long as you travel together.

    It’s very unlikely that you can save unused exemptions for next time. Can you point me to the source of the rumor?


    jodyNo Gravatar Reply:

    Are personal exemptions subject to any terms or conditions?

    You should be aware that the following terms and conditions apply to personal exemptions:

    You are not allowed to combine your personal exemptions with another person’s or transfer them to someone else.
    You are not allowed to combine your 48-hour exemption (CAN$400) with your 7-day exemption (CAN$750) for a total exemption of CAN$1150.
    Children are entitled to a personal exemption as long as the goods they are declaring are for the child’s use.
    Personal exemption claims must be made in Canadian dollars, which requires you to convert the amount you paid for goods in the U.S. (including sales tax) into Canadian dollars at the applicable rate of exchange.
    Generally, the goods you include in your personal exemption must be for your personal or household use. This includes souvenirs, prizes and gifts.
    Goods brought in for commercial use or for another person do not qualify as a personal exemption and are subject to full duties.
    Goods you include in your 24-hour exemption or 48-hour exemption have to be with you on your arrival in Canada. Goods you claim in your 7-day exemption may be shipped to your home by mail, courier or other means of transportation, except for tobacco and alcohol.


    RobertNo Gravatar Reply:

    “other menas of transportation” can that mean a friend coming to Canada to visist me?


    Customs InfoNo Gravatar Reply:

    no you cant keep the exemption for next time. however if you purchase something but decided to have it shipped home…you can declare it on your return and they will give you form to record your exemption so when youre goods arrive you can still use it.
    And technically you cannot divide or share an exemption. So one of you would have to claim the item. However, some officers will let it slide.


  48. jodyNo Gravataron 01 Jul 2010 at 11:30 am

    i’m from canada, lower mainland to be exact. today we have had the hst put into effect. i had read somewhere, but can’t remember now where, that the amount of shoppers from canada shopping in the states has lowered significant enough to have an effect on merchants in washington. the article said something to the effect that starting in july, canadian shoppers from lower mainland did not have to pay state tax if they showed drivers licence proving their address, as a way of getting more people to shop in washington again. but i can’t find this article anywhere and can’t remember if i read it in a news paper or online or just a flyer of some sort. anyways, looking for someone who may know any information to this effect. would entice me to shop in washington more if this were true, as we have to pay the hst, and the gas is always lower in the states, i would shop more in washington. anyways,thanks


  49. JordanNo Gravataron 22 Jul 2010 at 8:13 pm

    I want to go across the border to buffalo from toronto to buy a guitar from guitar center because it is $300 cheaper in the US than in Canada. The Guitar’s price is aprox. $500 and I was wondering how much money it would be to bring it across the border. And I am only going for about 5 hours, thanks.


    Customs InfoNo Gravatar Reply:

    as you are not gone at least 24 hours, no exemptions apply. So it depends on where the guitar is made. US made means no duty just sales tax.


  50. SaajanNo Gravataron 27 Jul 2010 at 5:56 pm

    Hi there. I live in the Lower Mainland and I ordered computer parts worth roughly around $1250 through an american computer website. I shipped them to my uncle’s house in Seattle. When the computer parts arrive they plan on bringing them over to my house along with his wife. If they plan on staying more than 2 days at our house I believe they have a total of $800 exemption. Is their a way for me to get the parts back into Canada without paying fees. Like what if I built the computer at their house and I brought it back and said it was a gift. Would that work?


    Customs InfoNo Gravatar Reply:

    no it would not. they do not have an $800 exemption. they can only bring their own goods for the visit duty and tax free. They can declare it as a gift but that only takes $60 off the value for duty. computer parts should be duty free and only sales tax would apply…HST


  51. JoshNo Gravataron 31 Jul 2010 at 12:49 pm

    I may purchase a motorcycle seat from a US manufacturer, approximate value $500. I want to have it shipped directly to me. What regulations/fees/duties will I be subjected to, and would it be better to have it shipped to a US address and pick it up?


    Customs InfoNo Gravatar Reply:

    Long answer so check out my blog for options http://www.canadacustomsinfo.com it really depends on how you feel about brokerage fees or canada post fee. duties depend on country of manufacture…sales tax applies


  52. KimNo Gravataron 01 Aug 2010 at 3:42 pm

    Does anyone know if the Canadian government knows when you have crossed into the US?


    danNo Gravatar Reply:

    They know exact time when you crossed.


  53. shreddiesNo Gravataron 02 Aug 2010 at 5:09 pm

    I heard that items such as doors, windows used for home renovations were excempt? Are they?


    Customs InfoNo Gravatar Reply:

    exempt from what? taxes? taxes apply


  54. SusanNo Gravataron 04 Aug 2010 at 4:51 am

    I will be picking up printed wedding invitations from Buffalo(Fedex) and crossing back at Niagara. What do I have to pay AT THE BORDER? iS PAPER EXEMPT? Since these are a wedding gift, I do not know the cost, nor do I have a bill, only a guesstimate. Help please.


  55. SusanNo Gravataron 04 Aug 2010 at 4:54 am



    Customs InfoNo Gravatar Reply:

    yes there is. Gift exemption applies only to non-residents sending goods or bringing it with them up to $60 per item. You will not owe duty but have to pay sales tax


    susanNo Gravatar Reply:

    We crossed with the invitations and paid no tax. Thank you for the answer.


  56. JJNo Gravataron 17 Aug 2010 at 9:28 am

    I will be going to the US next week for 48 hours. I am wondering if it is better to use cash or credit or if it even matters.



    BoBNo Gravatar Reply:

    The difference is rather minimal when you only spend small amount of money, say under $1000.

    If you have a US$ credit card, it’s better for points, insurance, potential purchase dispute.

    If you only have CA$ creditcard, there’ll be 2% currency conversion charge from the creditcard company. In this situation, cash is probably better.


  57. Michelle L.No Gravataron 30 Aug 2010 at 5:51 pm

    Hope that someone can help me with this question.
    I have an Aunt who lives in London, Ontario who has a hot tub that she is giving to me. I live in Ohio. What fees, duties, or taxes can I expect to pay moving this from Canada to Ohio? Thanks in advance!


  58. HeatherNo Gravataron 03 Sep 2010 at 8:21 am

    Groceries: I heard if you go to the US for the day and purchase a few groceries (<$50 worth, no produce or meat) there is no duty/taxes on groceries. Is this correct? Thank you


  59. SteveNo Gravataron 05 Sep 2010 at 1:28 am

    I am a Canadian & have bought a travel trailer in California & the registration has been transfered to me now they want me to pay $1000.00 in taxes in Ca. in order to receive the title. I need this title to import it into Canada. Is there a way to get my taxes back or a way to get the title without paying the tax?


  60. TracyNo Gravataron 05 Sep 2010 at 11:52 pm

    I want to purchase on line from the US. It’s a set of cookware made in the states, worth about $330. Am I not going to pay duty? But I do have to pay 5% tax?

    Many thanks!


  61. BrianNo Gravataron 20 Sep 2010 at 7:27 pm

    Great website… but some people are repeating questions that are answered right above.

    I think I have a pretty unique one and would appreciate any help. I am in the States and would like to buy something online. If this item is shipped from a different State, to my house in Canada, but falls under my exemption amount and obeys all of the other rules, is there any issue with this?
    Do I ever have to actually have the item in hand?
    I understand I will have to pay the taxes and duties then claim them back.
    Any information is appreciated.


  62. tonyNo Gravataron 08 Oct 2010 at 11:20 am

    I am planning a day trip to plattsburgh. Also planning to do some grocery shopping, how much i,m i allowed to cross over with paying and taxes.


  63. KatieNo Gravataron 11 Oct 2010 at 11:13 pm

    I have a quick question that nobody can seem to answer properly!
    I am planning a trip to New York for about 4 days. I will be driving down with a friend of mine. We are both of legal age in Canada, but we are not over 21.
    If i purchase alcohol legally at the duty free before entering the United States, will border control confiscate it from me 2 minutes later?


    JonNo Gravatar Reply:

    Yes. You cannot be in possession of liquor if you are under the age of 21 in the USA, even if you are of legal age in Canada.


  64. SandyNo Gravataron 29 Oct 2010 at 11:42 pm

    I’m giving my parents returning to Canada my old computer (5 years old) – will they have to pay taxes on it?


  65. VincentNo Gravataron 04 Nov 2010 at 5:16 am

    Can you please tell me, for example I stayed in USA for 2 weeks for Vacation how many cigarettes can I bring back to Canada? How many packs of cigarettes to Canada if a pack cost 25 Australian dollars? and would it make it a diffrence if I mail it seperately like 3 packs and 3 diffrent packages 1 per each package? Thank you very much.


  66. Gabriele ErnstNo Gravataron 04 Nov 2010 at 2:07 pm

    Hi ,
    I bought online some Speakers that i can not buy in Canada because nobody sell them . I hear that i don`t have to pay taxes in this case, is that truth or not.



  67. joanaNo Gravataron 11 Nov 2010 at 12:45 pm

    Hi there,

    I am planning a day trip to Buffalo from Toronto for some shopping. How much are we allowed to spend there on clothes & gifts etc? and how much will we be taxed on the items?


  68. JensenNo Gravataron 15 Nov 2010 at 6:55 pm

    I plan to travel to US for 2 days and 1 night. By the time I return that would make my stay just short of 48 hours. Say I was away for 42 hours. Does that make me qualify for 48-hour exemption, or are they looking for the hour-by-hour count. If that’s the case I guess I would have to sleep in my car for a few hours before I cross the border?



    susanNo Gravatar Reply:

    Read the rules at the top of this site. This tells you.


  69. bonsNo Gravataron 19 Nov 2010 at 3:12 pm


    I am planning to go to US for 3 days and want to bring a HD TV which which costs $1500 (made in Korea). If I am travelling with my wife and kids, how much tax/duty do I have to pay? Will they calculate the tax/duties after deducting the allowance for each person or only $400 allowance will be deducted from the taxes?


  70. JayNo Gravataron 23 Dec 2010 at 5:13 pm

    If I buy a blender in the USA worth $450 made in the USA; how much tax would I pay when returning to Canada?


    BoBNo Gravatar Reply:

    If it’s made in USA, there’s no duty. You only pay HST or GST+PST depending on your port of entry.


    JayNo Gravatar Reply:

    So, it would be a 12% HST on the full $450 returning to BC?


  71. ChristinaNo Gravataron 02 Jan 2011 at 11:38 pm

    You get unlimited groceries, or some may be limited dairy meats etc. but as long as it was made in the USA.
    2 dollars for a gallon of milk and here in Vancouver its 5-6 dollars. And other groceries for the house, Its worth it. I would shop local and spend $200 on 10 bags. And in the states I have a heaping grocery cart for under $200. Just can goods, dairy, meats and kids cereals some snacks etc.. And looking at it, it would have cost me $400+ for the same items.


  72. ArielNo Gravataron 20 Jan 2011 at 7:33 pm

    Hi there, I was wondering if payment of duty is refundable or non-refundable? I ordered a pair of jeans online and wrote UPS a cheque as reimbursement for duty, but I am now exchanging them. Is that money lost or is there a way I can recover what I paid for duty on the exchanged item?


  73. michelleNo Gravataron 30 Jan 2011 at 9:06 pm

    me and my mom want to go to the usa from canada but we want to bring one of my friends… is there something we have to do like get a note from her parents saying that they give us permission to bring their child… or do we have to do something els??


  74. KevinNo Gravataron 31 Jan 2011 at 5:27 pm

    I made a purchase from L.L. Bean in Freeport Maine through their mail order division . 25 pairs of snowshoes that were made in China. What % of Canadian Duty and what % of Canadian Taxes should I be charged ?


  75. deteroNo Gravataron 04 Feb 2011 at 3:48 pm

    Because of cross border shopping, All the Canadian border towns and cities are in recession. Stupidity on those who think to save a few lousy dollars. Everything has a merry go around domino effect eventually will back to haunt them financially or worst, lost their jobs.


    JonNo Gravatar Reply:

    Blame the Canadian retailers who artificially inflate the prices. There’s no reason the same item at the same chain in Canada should cost 25% more.


  76. M N PANJUNo Gravataron 10 Feb 2011 at 10:18 am

    restrictions that apply to Canadians, do they also apply to UK citizens visiting Canada, who cross the border to make purchases of more than fifty dollars – having stayed less than 24 hrs, pls reply soon as we plan to visitBuffalo tomorrow


  77. M N PANJUNo Gravataron 10 Feb 2011 at 12:26 pm

    Called you two hrs ago no reply yet


  78. M N PANJUNo Gravataron 10 Feb 2011 at 5:09 pm

    eight hrs still waiting for a reply


  79. M N PANJUNo Gravataron 10 Feb 2011 at 5:11 pm



  80. Mike HNo Gravataron 14 Feb 2011 at 1:20 pm

    Hi, I just bought a coffee grinder ($60) that is hand made in the USA. Canada post wants $12 for duty. I as under the impression that if something is made in USA or Mexico then NAFTA applies and there will be no duty or taxes, is this correct? thanks


  81. Mike HNo Gravataron 14 Feb 2011 at 2:03 pm

    Thinking about this more, these fees must be Ontario HST plus a brokerage fee, somehow I forgot about these. I guess I will find out once I can get the package.


  82. AnnaNo Gravataron 01 Mar 2011 at 7:47 am

    I have one question. I have just bought women clothes in an online store in the USA. The clothes will be shipped to Canada. The order is worth 316 USD. Will I have to pay any tax when the package comes to my door?
    Thanks for reply, Anna


  83. DarioNo Gravataron 14 Apr 2011 at 8:43 pm

    I am buying a paintball gun worth 398$ from a company. Could they refuse my shipment? And if not, how much would be duties?

    Thank you


  84. PaulNo Gravataron 19 Apr 2011 at 12:41 pm

    Is there duty on a BBQ that is manufactured in the US


  85. BobNo Gravataron 09 May 2011 at 11:21 am

    I am purchasing a Weber BBQ in the U.s. at $700.00. What is the duty and Tax! Thanx Bob


  86. AMITNo Gravataron 12 May 2011 at 2:10 pm


    so if I am buying made in Japan, Yamaha music system worth 350 usdand i am in us for 6 days (we are four in family), di I need to pay any taxes or duty or HST


  87. joolzNo Gravataron 13 May 2011 at 5:48 pm

    What a great source of valuable info. Thanks Bob, for making the time to clarify what is a very confusing thing.

    Heading to Spokane for 3.5 days and want to bring back a lot of children clothing. When we last visited last fall, we were never asked if we bought children’s clothes at the crossing, even though our baby was in the car. Has anyone had to pay th 17% duty on childrens/baby clothes? And is the baby allowed to have an amount he can declare? Both mom and I plan to top our $400 limit on groceries and other items but is there an amount the baby is entitled to that we could set aside his clothes to?

    Also, the 24 can case of beer is per person over 18, not per vehicle, correct?


  88. KyleNo Gravataron 15 May 2011 at 1:19 pm

    Okay so, ive been in florida since march 29th. Im leaving on the 20th of May. Im 20 years old so i cant legally buy alcohal in the USA, but i can in canada. Since im going back to canada, am i allowed to get my friend down here to buy it for me and bring it back to canada where i am legally aloud to buy and drink it…? PLEASE HELP!


  89. OliviaNo Gravataron 21 May 2011 at 2:48 pm

    Hi there, I am a Canadian citizen and I ordered something online at JC Penney on May 5 and had it shipped to a JC Penney store in Buffalo close to the hotel we are staying from May 20-22. They charged my credit card on May 5 when they shipped the item from their depot to the store in Buffalo. I have been in Buffalo for 48 hours and have picked up my dress. Can someone tell me if I have to claim the dress when I cross back into Canada even though technically I paid for it weeks ago and not during this shopping trip? Does it count towards my personal exemption limit? Kind of a weird situation. Any input would be appreciated.


  90. joolzNo Gravataron 22 May 2011 at 12:32 pm

    Why not wear the dress as you cross? We wear our new shoes, shirts, watches, etc as we go over the crossing back.


  91. joolzNo Gravataron 24 May 2011 at 12:41 am

    In case it helps someone else I’m going to reply to my questions above.
    When asked what we purchased, I did say baby clothes, along with other things. The baby was in the car and the wife is pregnant, so it should have been obvious that we bought a good amount of clothes (wife loves Baby Gap). Despite of this the border guard didn’t seem to care or gave any signs that we were to pay for the 17% tax on children’s clothes. He did come out to look at the trunk but it was a quick search and let us go (it was a smaller border crossing in southern BC/Idaho).

    so for anyone wondering if it’d be an issue to buy baby clothes in the US I can say that on both our two trips to the US, we were never bothered about it. Of course, your experience may vary.

    As for tax on booze, we did bring 2 cases of 24 ‘normal’ size cans, which equals to one case for each adult in the vehicle. I inquired on the cost of bringing additional booze and here’s the breakdown:

    wines over the limit – you pay roughly 100% of its value in tax.
    Beer over the limit – you pay close to I think 80% of its value in tax.
    Hard liquor – wasn’t sure on the tax but it is higher than the wine, which means you could be paying more than double what you paid for it at the store, once the taxes are added.

    And I wouldn’t try to hide it if you’re over the limit and refuse to report it. There was a car being fully searched in a bay next to where we were. This being a very quiet border crossing, I was afraid it could have been us seeing how these guys need to stay busy. So if you get caught lying to them I understand that it goes on your record and you get searched each time.


    JonNo Gravatar Reply:

    Honesty is always the best policy. Not only to avoid having lying on your record, but if the officer sees you’re being honest and cooperative, odds are they’ll let you go without having to pay the duty/tax.

    If they catch you lying about, say, some clothes, they might think you’re hiding some more serious stuff and they’ll search your vehicle for it.


  92. nairaNo Gravataron 25 May 2011 at 10:18 am

    i just have a question…..me and bf are planning to do grocery shopping in plattsburg…..we are just going there for a day…..are we allowed to spend at least 300 bucks? do we have to pay taxes when we come back? one of my co-worker just went last sat. he told me there`s no problem as long you showed them the bill……please answer, thanks!


    JonNo Gravatar Reply:

    There are no taxes on groceries, regardless of duration of stay. But make sure if you purchase anything non-grocery at the same store, that you put it on a separate receipt. Some customs officers can’t be bothered to separate them out and will charge tax on the whole amount.


  93. markovaNo Gravataron 27 May 2011 at 6:35 pm

    I’m planning on purchasing a boat dock in Minnesota and returning home thru Manitoba border crossing. Dock is manufactured in U.S. thus qualifying under NAFTA as duty free? Would I pay both taxes GST/PST?


  94. MariaNo Gravataron 28 May 2011 at 3:22 pm

    My aunt from LA, is sending me a graduation gift.
    It’s worth about $3400CND, will I be taxed even though it is a gift? and by how much?


  95. MariaNo Gravataron 28 May 2011 at 3:22 pm

    /\ Sorry, Im from Toronto, Canada


    JonNo Gravatar Reply:

    The gift exemption is only $60. You will likely be taxed the whole amount, if you haven’t been already.


  96. RaghuNo Gravataron 30 May 2011 at 12:28 pm


    I purchased a guitar from Seattle and paid 9% tax there. At the border I paid again 12%. So total taxes were 21%.

    Is there any way to avoid this duplicate taxes?

    I see someone from Manitoba has posted similar question above.

    Please advise.


  97. joolzNo Gravataron 31 May 2011 at 6:22 pm

    It depends where you live. In our visit to Washington state last week we never had to pay for their rip off 9% taxes anywhere by simply showing our AB drivers license. Well, except for the clueless clerk and manager at Autozone that had no clue, but endedup giving me a discount to compensate, so no loss there.

    It is my understanding that BC and Ont that have even bigger rip off extortion taxes are also exempt. Anyone else has to pay the taxes and you can’t recoup it.

    Let this be a lesson to anyone from AB that happens to be reading this: do your shopping at Washington state instead of Idaho (cour d’alene is next door to Spokane) – ensure to show your drivers license prior to paying. Or in my case, I forgot to do so at the cashier at Walmart and customer service had no problems refunding me the tax when I returned to the store later (we had spent over 140.00 and the tax = about $9). Trouble is, the poor customer service rep had to re-enter each item so it took over 10 min. Felt bad for the guy but he was nice enough and didn’t mind.

    You cannot do this at restaurants as it doesn’t apply to prepared foods or at hotels. One more tip: buy your booze in Idaho, and gasoline where it’s cheaper. However idaho doesn’t give us a tax break, which is why you likely want to buy more in Washington and save yourselves the tax.


  98. TanjaNo Gravataron 20 Jun 2011 at 7:56 pm

    I want to buy a baby stroller in the U.S I am from Canada will they take it at the border because they took my friends car seat she bought the value of the stroller is $75.00


    JonNo Gravatar Reply:

    There are safety regulations on car seats, but not strollers. You’ll be fine.


  99. KarenNo Gravataron 21 Jun 2011 at 10:40 am

    Planning to go to Bellingham, WA from Alberta in July. We are going overnight only, clothing shopping for teens is on the agenda. Thanks for the previous reader letting me know about the AB drivers license, that will save some money. I was wondering, does anyone know how much taxes/duty I would be charged if buying an itouch, probably for $274 US (32 gig here is over $320 CAD) if adding all taxes etc it is the same, I would just buy it here.


  100. janeNo Gravataron 23 Jun 2011 at 12:21 am

    im going to US on saturday just for a day, how much money i am able to spend? thank you


    joolzNo Gravatar Reply:

    jane asked:
    im going to US on saturday just for a day, how much money i am able to spend? thank you

    Well Jane, that’ll depend on how rich you are. God bless you if you’re able to cross the border with 9,999.00 (they will question you if you’re over 10 grand).
    Happy shopping!


  101. SandraNo Gravataron 23 Jun 2011 at 11:01 pm

    Hi bob

    I will be crossing the border for some shopping in buffalo for only a couple hrs (I live in Ontario) I will be getting some groceries from wal mart about $100 as well as im looking to buy a lap top worth $300. how much would the duty fee’s be

    thank u



  102. PabloNo Gravataron 27 Jun 2011 at 9:36 am

    Hi! I’m an Argentinian and I’ll be for 2 months in Toronto on business. I’d like to cross the border and go shopping in Buffalo. Do I have to pay any US or Canadian taxes on goods I could eventually buy?
    Thank you!


  103. JenniferNo Gravataron 30 Jun 2011 at 11:12 am

    Can my 2 year old claim the $400 dollar exemption if we are in the U.S. for 5 days?

    Thank you!


    JonNo Gravatar Reply:

    Yes–bear in mind that the purchases must be claimed separately. You wouldn’t be able to claim, say, $200 for your 2 year old and $600 for you.


  104. tanyaNo Gravataron 01 Jul 2011 at 10:47 pm

    im curios, i am from US for awhile and i am about immigrating to canada if someone tell me if i bring my money more than $10000, if the US custom asking me to pay exit tax or i should pay taxes on it.


    JonNo Gravatar Reply:

    You won’t pay any taxes on it. You just need to declare any amount over $10,000.


  105. cheripie76No Gravataron 09 Jul 2011 at 7:51 am

    When making my personal declaration do I use the pre-tax amount or including any state tax that I paid. Example I purchased an IPad, the base price is $599, but total paid was $629, can I claim just the $599?


    JonNo Gravatar Reply:



  106. bgNo Gravataron 18 Jul 2011 at 10:15 am



    JonNo Gravatar Reply:

    You would get a $400 exemption for being in the US 48 hours. You would be subject to HST for the $100 above that.


    JammaNo Gravatar Reply:

    Since it’s a single item that is over the exemption amount, you will have to pay tax on the entire amount of $500. But the officer may use his discretion and wave you through as long as you don’t have much more than $500 to declare.


  107. DanNo Gravataron 20 Jul 2011 at 10:14 am

    I will be driving to Toronto from the US Friday thru Sunday , is there a limit on how many bottles of wine/liquor can I bring into Canada?
    Also will I be taxed


    JonNo Gravatar Reply:

    Duty/tax-free, you can bring: 1.5 litres (50.7 US ounces) of wine, including wine coolers over 0.5 percent alcohol, or 1.14 litres (38.5 US ounces) of liquor, or a total of 1.14 litres (38.5 US ounces) of wine and liquor, or 24 x 355 millilitre (12 ounce) cans or bottles of beer or ale, including beer coolers over 0.5 percent alcohol (a maximum of 8.5 litres or 287.4 US ounces).

    Above that, you will be taxed.


  108. ThangsNo Gravataron 21 Jul 2011 at 6:39 pm


    My wife is 6 months pregnant and we are planning to get a stroller worth $680 from Amazon.com and have it shipped to a friend’s address in Detroit. Will I need to pay any duty/taxes on the stroller if I bring it back to Canada? If so, how much? Also, what if I remove all the packaging and leave the stroller in the trunk and claim it as a pre-owned item?


    JonNo Gravatar Reply:

    You will have to pay duty/taxes (only taxes if it was made in the US) unless you will be in the US longer than 7 days ($750 exemption).

    You could try claiming it as pre-owned but it will look quite new to the customs agent, and you could still end up paying duty/taxes plus be subject to more scrutinous inspections in the future.


  109. AaronNo Gravataron 24 Jul 2011 at 10:24 am

    I have planned a trip to the US and I will be coming from Europe. Is it cheaper the cigarettes and perfumes tax free in the Euro-zone and will I have to pay tax at arrival in the US on those goods again? I wanted to bring for my 3 nieces a bottle of perfume and maybe a few boxes of cigars from Holland…


  110. shonaNo Gravataron 26 Jul 2011 at 7:48 pm

    i am going on a camping trip with my family, from Calgary to Montana. Just wondering if there is a limit on the amount of alcohol I bring across the border to consume in the US (bring from Canada) in our trailer? Thanks so much


  111. HeenNo Gravataron 26 Jul 2011 at 8:05 pm

    I am crossing Canada and want to purchase some California wine in Eastern Canada as they are not available in Western Canada. I will be travelling through US states to go back (at least 1 month of travelling) and won’t be consuming the wine as I want to bring it back home for consumption next year. My concern is the duty free limit and the possibility of being charged for alcohol purchased in eastern Canada going into the states (eastern region) and then back into Canada in the western region. Is there anyway to get the bottles stamped in Canada to prove they were purchased in Canada so I have no issues when I re-enter Canada? Thanking you in advance for any advise you can provide.


    JonNo Gravatar Reply:

    Before crossing into the US for the first time, stop at Canada Customs and inform them of your plans. You will receive a Form Y38: Identification of Articles for Temporary Exportation that you will need to show when you cross back into Canada to avoid paying duty/taxes.


  112. HieiNo Gravataron 03 Aug 2011 at 6:00 am

    Hello! I’m going to go to Mexico soon to visit some friends and family. I want to take a laptop with me, but im not sure if I will have to pay taxes for it to bring it to and from Mexico. I will be staying in Mexico for about two weeks if not more. Are there taxes I have to pay, a time limit i can be with the laptop over there, and if there are taxes that need to be paid what would be the amount? any information would be much apreciated


    JonNo Gravatar Reply:

    Like above, you will need a Form Y38 to show when you return so you will not have to pay taxes when you return.


  113. AllyNo Gravataron 03 Aug 2011 at 12:54 pm

    i live in ontario, canada and i am planning to buy clothes from yesstyle.com. i am planning to spend 70-150 dollars on clothing. i am wondering around how much custumn tax/duty fee/ duties am i going to be charged when they mail it to me?


    JonNo Gravatar Reply:

    $9 – $20 HST and duty will depend on the country in which the clothing was made.


    allyNo Gravatar Reply:

    what if the clothing are shipped/made from somewhere in Asia like… Taiwan or Hong Kong. How much duty fee would i have to pay?
    THANKS (:


  114. JamesNo Gravataron 08 Aug 2011 at 12:52 am

    Hellow there.

    I am going to buy used gondola shelving from US to CANADA. It is for my convenience store. Could you let me know how much will I pay for tax?
    1. custom tax + canada HST ?
    2. How much is Cus. tax?


  115. GariNo Gravataron 08 Aug 2011 at 6:15 pm

    Can`t find any info on duty rate for cooler / freezer polyurethane insulated panels. Manufactured in US, used / new ( if it makes any difference ), basically these are panels to build cold rooms.


    BobNo Gravatar Reply:

    The used panels would be duty free, the new panels would be subject to HST/GST.


  116. SunBeeNo Gravataron 10 Aug 2011 at 9:04 am

    Sorry if this was asked: American bought wedding dress and sending to BC Canada. Has been altered etc cost at time was $300.00 total. How much duty or taxes would the receiver have to pay? Thanks!


    BobNo Gravatar Reply:

    Wedding dresses are free of duty and taxes.


  117. ChainsawMonkeyNo Gravataron 12 Aug 2011 at 10:43 am

    I purchased 20 pairs of chainsaw safety pants from Austria for some friends and coworkers on a forestry crew in BC here. These I was to sell at cost for demos with the idea of exploring a future business. I purchased these for 2180 Euro (was to inc. 160 freight). The company put a total of 4118 Euro ($5586.20 CAD) as the value on the shipping label. So now I’m to pay $1850.86 on import charges, (1005.52 duty, 791.01 GST + brok. fees). I’m just on my way to pick them up right now and I’ll just pay it to avoid further delays. Are my fees due to be based on market value or based on what I’ve actually paid for them? Do I qualify for a refund and how can get this process started? Is there any tax exemptions for safety equipment?


    BobNo Gravatar Reply:

    Make a copy of your receipt that specified 2180 Euro. Send that to Canada Customs with the label that specified 4118 Euro. You will be refunded the duties and tax on the extra 2000.


  118. Zach gorgeNo Gravataron 12 Aug 2011 at 10:42 pm

    Im flying into Toronto from Tampa Florida in about 9 days time i have bought 22 cigars here, are the limits the Same when flying into Canada and are my Bags going to be scanned?
    P.S i am a Canadian citizen and is there number i may have to contact you for further questions


  119. Zach gorgeNo Gravataron 12 Aug 2011 at 10:43 pm

    How much duty tax would 22 cigars roughly run ?


  120. JackieNo Gravataron 17 Aug 2011 at 11:59 am

    My daughter and I are going on a cruise to Bahamas, I want to bring a bottle Rum home. We are driving from Canada, taking a plane from Detroit to Miami Florida. Leaving for the cruise from the Port of Miami. My question is how do I get it home legally. re: Bahamas to Canada. We will be out of Canada for 6 days.
    Thank you.


    BobNo Gravatar Reply:

    You should have no problem getting it home legally, just declare it, both when passing through US and when returning to Canada. One bottle of rum is within your exemption.


  121. SeanNo Gravataron 24 Aug 2011 at 2:03 pm

    I am planning on buying a 100lb bathroom vanity on-line from a company located in New Jersey. They offer free shipping anywhere in the U.S. however shipping it to me in Toronto, Canada will cost me over $150. I am purchasing it for only $650. If I get a Buffalo address from one of those companies to have the company ship it to, how much should it cost to go to Buffalo and bring it back over the border? Thanks


  122. KarenNo Gravataron 28 Aug 2011 at 11:51 pm

    I know my son orders online purchases from BC and he has them delivered to a US pick up place. They only change 1.00 for each item. I was wondering what you call these places and I’m looking for similar services near the Thousand Island crossing in Ontario


  123. Johan UNo Gravataron 29 Aug 2011 at 5:16 pm

    I am going to have a Pair of speakers and a DJ console shipped to a US border shop. I will be driving with them back into canada. about $350 worth of electronics..

    if there are no documents to show the value of the items what do I do? do I just tell the Canada Border person what I paid for them or do I always need printed proof?

    Items are made in China whats the duty % fee?


  124. AndreiNo Gravataron 29 Aug 2011 at 8:11 pm

    I have a question, I am planning on ordering a pair of shoes from the a US website (I can order them on the Canadian website but they are 2x the price) and I am wondering how much tax would I pay on them. The shoes are worth $60.00 USD and I can’t write them down as a gift, how much would this cost?


    BobNo Gravatar Reply:

    $60 x (GST/HST) = amount of tax


  125. Johan UNo Gravataron 29 Aug 2011 at 8:17 pm

    I am going to have a Pair of speakers and a DJ console shipped to a US border shop. I will be driving with them back into canada. about $350 worth of electronics..

    if there are no documents to show the value of the items what do I do? do I just tell the Canada Border person what I paid for them or do I always need printed proof?

    Items are made in China whats the duty % fee?

    what is the best thing to do?

    please and thank you


  126. AadiNo Gravataron 30 Aug 2011 at 10:19 pm

    I am flying to states for 9 days. I recently bought brake pads and rotors from ebay and shipped it to my friend’s house in states…i would like to bring the brake pads and rotors with me when i fly back to toronto. Would they make me pay any duty on that?? The cost for both is $ 215. I would like to shop from there but alltogether it wont go over $700. Am i allowed to bring such items in check in luggage???

    Thank you in advance…


  127. CherylNo Gravataron 31 Aug 2011 at 10:14 pm

    We were in the Rochester, Minnesota, recently and paid taxes on some purchases made and probably on hospital bills (paid as advance, the final bill will come shortly). As a Canadian, can I claim a refund of these taxes? and if so, how do I do that?


    JonNo Gravatar Reply:

    Minnesota doesn’t allow for refunds of state sales tax by non-residents. As for the hospital bills, contact your provincial health ministry to see what they will cover.


  128. rhondaNo Gravataron 01 Sep 2011 at 1:10 pm

    Im leaving for 4 days and Im bringing kosher food due to religion am I allowed to bring chicken or beef over the border.
    Tk u


    BoBNo Gravatar Reply:

    Meat are strictly controlled. Normally you cannot bring any meat product crossing the border


    JonNo Gravatar Reply:

    Actually, take a look at this:


    You are allowed up to 20kg total of meat (that would include chicken and/or beef)


  129. mimiNo Gravataron 19 Sep 2011 at 10:23 pm

    And are groceries duty free as well? Do we include them in our personal exemptions? What about the taxes charged on clothing, do we calculate what we spent on pre tax amounts or the final amount on the reciept? So confused 😛


    JonNo Gravatar Reply:

    Groceries are duty free. Do not include them in the personal exemption.

    Do not include the tax charged on clothing; claim the total pre-tax amount.


  130. TiffanyNo Gravataron 21 Sep 2011 at 12:03 pm


    I will be traveling from US to Montreal and driving to up state NY. I will be in NY for 5 days. I will be driving back to Montreal and flying to US. If I by dutyfree in US on way to Montreal. What will happen when I cross border back into us by car? At what point can I buy dutyfree and not be charged?


    BoBNo Gravatar Reply:

    That’s heck of a trip! I’d assume you’re US citizen. when you cross to Canada, you don’t need to pay any duty for personal effects, as long as you state that these will not remain in Canada. You should be able to buy duty free at all points, while you need to watch out for the last entry to US.


  131. DeborahNo Gravataron 11 Oct 2011 at 9:28 am

    Can I, being a Canadian cross the border to refund my american beer cans?


    JonNo Gravatar Reply:



  132. BethNo Gravataron 28 Oct 2011 at 4:11 pm

    Family and I are travelling to Port Huron to do some shopping. We will in the U.S. from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon. Are we entitled to $700.00 limit or only $50.00. I am a little confused on whether or not the time line is OVER 48 hours or if this is considered less than 48 hours?


    JonNo Gravatar Reply:

    The time line is 48 hours or more. For example, you cross into the US Friday at 4 pm, and cross back into Canada Sunday at 3pm, $50 exemption each. But if you cross back into Canada Sunday at 5pm, $200 exemption each.


  133. diyinchinaNo Gravataron 02 Nov 2011 at 9:37 pm

    Does anyone know if the Canadian government knows when you have crossed into the US?


    JonNo Gravatar Reply:

    Yes, it’s stored when your driver’s license/passport/NEXUS is scanned.


  134. Ken ToewsNo Gravataron 04 Nov 2011 at 6:40 am

    How much duty is charged on a cattle or horse water Ritchie fountain brought back to Canada from the US on same day?


  135. Jose LopezNo Gravataron 05 Nov 2011 at 6:47 am

    Hi. I’m an European visitor in Toronto and I wanted to buy some stuff in an US outlet. Should I pay duty an sales taxes when I return to Toronto bearing in mind I’m not canadian?


    JonNo Gravatar Reply:

    If you intend to leave any of the goods in Canada, yes. Otherwise, if you’re taking them with you to Europe, say so, and you will not pay duty/taxes.


  136. MikeNo Gravataron 06 Nov 2011 at 10:22 am

    I like to buy some used stone tools from florida. value $3000 cash I will be picking them up and bringing them across the border myself, would i have to pay duty or taxes.


    John RNo Gravatar Reply:

    commercial or personal?
    HST applies.


    MikeNo Gravatar Reply:

    for Commercial use


    John RNo Gravatar Reply:

    can you tell me more about the stone tools? What do they do, made of, etc. and where are they made? if made in the US, duty free, and the GST you’ll get back as an ITC.

  137. RobNo Gravataron 14 Nov 2011 at 3:26 pm

    I’m wondering what duty would be paid on a pearl necklace from the states. Specifically from pearlparadise.com. Any thoughts?


    JammaNo Gravatar Reply:

    Duties on jewelry in the middle of the last decade. I am pretty sure you’ll just pay tax and not duties.


    JammaNo Gravatar Reply:

    Sorry, meant to say “Duties on jewelry were dropped in the middle of last decade”


  138. BrendanNo Gravataron 24 Nov 2011 at 11:54 pm

    I am currently living in Shenzhen, China (captial of the world for electronics manufacturing).

    I am a fellow Canadian planning to ship tablets to Canada.

    Does anyone know how much I will pay in taxes? (customs, brokerage fees, etc.)

    I am very curious as to what the duty will be on a $150 USD tablet. I know shipping is about $35 from HGK plus I will pay GST/PST. ANything else I am missing? 6% duty?

    Also, if anyone is interested in drop shipping from shenzhen, sourcing, or purchasing let me know I will be glad to be assistance.



  139. Ruth E BremnerNo Gravataron 29 Nov 2011 at 8:11 pm

    What is the maximum one can bring across the border after one month, 2 months, 3 months, up to 6 months? is there a cap of $750 regardless of time away?


  140. JenNo Gravataron 30 Nov 2011 at 3:57 pm

    Me and my other three friends went to Portland on Monday. We left Monday noon time then came back aroud 4 am this morning. We claimed our purchase for about $2800 in total, so they asked us to go to the office to pay the tax. My question is, if I want to return something I bought during this trip next week, which is worth about $1600, can I also get the refund of the tax too on my way back to Canada?
    Thank you for your help~


  141. MonicaSNo Gravataron 13 Jan 2012 at 2:10 pm

    Good article on the subject:


  142. BeckyNo Gravataron 17 Jan 2012 at 8:28 pm

    I am leaving Canada for a cruise, and will be away for 10 days. I totally understand that I am only allowed to bring 1 litre of alcohol back with me, without paying duty or taxes. If I brought two more bottles back, what would the duty and taxes be? I read somewhere that alcohol can be partially exempt if you are under the $750 you are allowed to bring back duty free. Just wondering if it’s worth it?


  143. TammyNo Gravataron 28 Jan 2012 at 2:02 pm

    I am looking at purchasing a hottub off ebay the only thing is they don’t do international delivery so I have to pick it up.
    the cost is under 1500. US what kind of duty and taxes will i be charged at the border?


  144. MikeNo Gravataron 12 Mar 2012 at 8:43 am

    Looking to purchase tires for my SUV, does anyone know off hand what tax and duty you would have to pay at the border? Thanks.


  145. SeanNo Gravataron 19 Mar 2012 at 6:37 pm

    Looking at buying a new car lift thats made in China. It will cost around $1500 what type of charges should I expect. Will be in the US for over 7 days. Thanks


  146. StevenNo Gravataron 24 Apr 2012 at 10:56 am

    If i cross the border to the us to search a puppy does i have to pay taxes on the price that I paid for?


  147. PaulNo Gravataron 07 Jul 2012 at 7:50 am

    If you are planning on crossing Pembina border (Manitoba to US), you must purchase items from the duty-free before you leave Canada. I found this out the hard way as when I left Canada, I didn’t want to purchase anything at the border. When I came back, I also had the option to go to the town of Pembina and buy stuff ($800 worth of items per person) but missed the chance. If you are planning on doing the same, I would highly recommend you buy the stuff and keep then in the car… just a friendly advice.


  148. carlosNo Gravataron 25 Jul 2012 at 12:39 am

    How much tax will be charged if I buy new (Goodrih) tires for my truck in US, I’m thinking to order them on line, the total cost for set 4 is 1,200.00 Cn and the


  149. nellieNo Gravataron 08 Aug 2012 at 6:26 pm

    I’d like to buy some shoes on ebay that will be shipped from China. They cost 26$ plus 19$ shipping, how much duty would be charged?


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