Archive for the 'Tariff' Category

Duty rate for Other articles of zinc.

Published by under Tariff

Tariff Item Description of Goods Units of Measure MFN Tariff Applicable Preferential Tariffs
7907.00 Other articles of zinc.
7907.00.10 Anodes for electroplating Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free
7907.00.10.00 Anodes for electroplating KGM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free
7907.00.20 Discs or slugs, containing by weight 90% or more of zinc;
Gutters, roof capping, skylight frames and other fabricated building components;
Zinc tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings (for example couplings, elbows, sleeves)
7907.00.20.10 Discs or slugs, containing 90% or more by weight of zinc KGM 3 %
7907.00.20.2 Gutters, roof capping, skylight frames and other fabricated building components KGM 3 %
7907.00.20.21 Grills or air diffusers KGM 3 %
7907.00.20.29 Other KGM 3 %
7907.00.20.30 Zinc tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings (for example, couplings, elbows, sleeves) KGM 3 %
7907.00.90 Other KGM 3 % CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free
7907.00.90.1 Castings: KGM 3 %
7907.00.90.11 Not alloyed KGM 3 %
7907.00.90.12 Alloyed KGM 3 %
7907.00.90.90 Other KGM 3 %

For the latest tariff rate, please refer to CBSA

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Duty rate for Extracts and juices of meat, fish or crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates.

Published by under Tariff

Tariff Item Description of Goods Units of Measure MFN Tariff Applicable Preferential Tariffs
1603.00 Extracts and juices of meat, fish or crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates.
1603.00.1 Of meat:
1603.00.11 Of whales 6 % AUT, NZT, CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free
1603.00.11.00 Of whales KGM 6 % AUT, NZT, CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free
1603.00.19 Other KGM 6 % AUT, NZT, CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, PT: Free
1603.00.19.10 In cans or glass jars KGM 6 %
1603.00.19.90 Other KGM 6 %
1603.00.20 Of fish or crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates KGM 3 % CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, MUST, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free
1603.00.20.10 Of clams KGM 3 %
1603.00.20.90 Other KGM 3 %

For the latest tariff rate, please refer to CBSA

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Duty rate for Iron ores and concentrates, including roasted iron pyrites.

Published by under Tariff

Tariff Item Description of Goods Units of Measure MFN Tariff Applicable Preferential Tariffs
26.01 Iron ores and concentrates, including roasted iron pyrites.
2601.1 Iron ores and concentrates, other than roasted iron pyrites:
2601.11.00 Non-agglomerated Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free
2601.11.00.10 Concentrates TNE Free

For the latest tariff rate, please refer to CBSA

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