Duty Rates
Duties on goods vary widely, depending on the product and the country in which it was manufactured. Other charges and duties may also apply depending on the item, for example excise duty and excise tax on luxury items such as jewelry.
For example, clothes made outside Canada, the U.S. or Mexico are not qualified for the NAFTA exemption. If you exceed your personal limit, you will have to pay duty of 18% in addition to GST & PST or HST.
Search the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Tariff Database
If you need to know custom tariff of specific items, please use the following search form to search the CBSA Tariff database (effective August 1, 2009).
Search phrases can be:
- ‘sugar cane’ (no quotes): broad match, searching for ‘sugar’ or ‘cane’.
- “sugar cane” (with quotes): phrase match, search for “sugar cane”.
The following is a list of duty rates for some common items which will be add as people inquire about them:
- 84.52 Sewing machines, other than book-sewing machines of heading 84.40; furniture, bases and covers specially designed for sewing machines; sewing machine needles. FREE
Please note that there may be errors when importing the duty tariff database on this site. If in doubt, please contact a Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) office. Or read through the 10MB PDF at customs tariff.
925 responses so far. Leave a comment
I live in Canada, and if I wanted to purchase a ceramic cookware set manufactured in the U.S. valued at $298.00 u.s. what extra taxes would I have to pay?
June 25th, 2009 at 4:19 pm
Sue, Thanks to NAFTA, there should be no duty on the ceramic cookware. But if you haven’t stayed over 48 hours outside Canada, you’ll have to pay GST and PST for the cookware.
Hope this helps.
March 11th, 2010 at 11:19 pm
Hi BoB, i live in quebec,canada and i am entering the state of NY just for a couple of hours to purchase a tv from best buy, specifially a dynex tv. I want to know what costs will i be encountering when coming back into quebec, canada.
thank you!
July 7th, 2010 at 10:26 am
Do you have an answer on this?
January 12th, 2010 at 5:37 am
i live at mexico
if I wanted to purchase enamel cookware set manufactured in the china valued at $300.00 u.s. what extra taxes would I have to pay?
October 29th, 2010 at 3:38 pm
I live in British Columbia. If I purchase a software program from Washington worth US$600 what taxes and duties would I be required to pay to bring it into Canada? How do taxes and duty prices differ if I spend a week-end in Washington, purchase the software while I am there and drive back to Canada after a 48+ hour trip?
Ariz Saleem
December 8th, 2010 at 6:43 am
Hi Bob,
I m ariz From pakistan And i want to export paints and T-Shirts to canada I purchases on U$200,I just Know the Duty Of Canada. Can u help me plz..
Antonio Raposo
January 20th, 2011 at 1:54 pm
Yoo , i wanna buy your t-shirts and paints , give me the bill a kappa169@hotmail.com
March 2nd, 2011 at 6:13 pm
I want to import some respiratory fit testing equipment (to test the fit of face masks used in manufacturing processes) from the US. The equipment is worth approximately $10K USD and I live in Ontario Canada. Any idea of my costs would be appreciated.
I live in the US. My Canadian husband lives in Ca. I want to bring him a new TV for his birthday estimated cost approx $599.00. How much will I have to pay in duty and taxes on this? Am I better off shopping for the item there?
Customs Info
August 17th, 2010 at 10:08 am
Only a $60 exemption applies so you would owe %5 duty and HST on the remaining 539.
Error on my email address. should be ktsmith43 at yahoo.com.
Thanks. I am planning to get him a TV identical to the one I have. Would there be duty if I just brought him my TV to use?
Customs Info
August 17th, 2010 at 10:08 am
October 7th, 2011 at 1:14 am
Hey I am a collector of many many types of stuff but the thing that has me worried is my new love of props and costumes from Andromeda and Stargate SG1 and this year so far I have spent around ten grand and expect to spend another three grand or more before years end. I have other collector friends, some got hit and some didn’t, and one day they get a bill in the mail telling them they owe a lot of taxes or duty fees…. So why are some charged and others not? And how much can I expect to pay in duty fees if anything at all? I always thought that duty fees are charged at the tine the item comes into the country? Or if any duty fees were due they would be charged at the time of delivery if not at time of shipping? Everything is of course used because the stuff was used during five seasons on the air for Andromeda and ten years for SG1… Also in the state we live in I am exempt from paying property taxes up to $450,000.00 worth of real property but any property over that amount I would have to pay the taxes for the item but thankfully I do t have to worry about anything over that amount since I never come close to the max… Anyway if I am charged duty fees like my friends had to how much am I looking at on $15,000.00 worth of TV props, costumes and set pieces? I’m a disabled veteran and I would have to stop buying props and stuff if I get hit with duty fees and there is still so much I want to buy
Bill sandman799@msn.com
John R
October 7th, 2011 at 3:40 pm
Are you in Canada or the US?
I believe there’s no duty on TV sets. If you bring it over to Canada, you’ll have to GST (5%)+PST (8% in Ontario). If you ship it, you’ll still be paying GST+PST, and in addition to shipping cost, the outrageous brokerage fee, $49.73 for UPS or less with USPS (see http://betterdollar.com/mailorder/brokerage-fee/).
The best way is to invite your husband over for 7 days, then he can bring the TV home without any duty or tax.
Hope this helps.
I live in Canada and I’m looking to purchase a guitar from Russia valued at about $2500. How much would I be looking to pay for taxes?
July 23rd, 2009 at 2:15 pm
Unless you have a group of 4 people and left Canada for over 7 days, you’ll have to pay the GST/PST/HST (depending on which province you live). I don’t know about the duty for guitar. You may want to contact a Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) office about the Customs Tariff. http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/contact/listing/indexpages/index-e.html
Live in Canada…..Want to bring back $300 worth of wood shelving…..Anyone know how much duty I will need to pay??
Customs Info
August 17th, 2010 at 10:12 am
no duty on wood shelving…just HST/GST/Sales tax depending on province of residence
Forgot to mention the shelving is in the United States.
Susie, wood furniture shelf is like to be free from duty. If you have exceeded your duty free quota limit (as per absence from Canada), you’ll have to pay GST/PST.
Call CBSA if you’re not sure.
I would like to purchase a sewing machine from the US and have it shipped to BC. The cost of the machine is $868 Canadian and they have quoted me $39 UPS shipping. How much duty can I expect to pay on this purchase?
August 10th, 2009 at 3:57 pm
Importing sewing machine is free, according to the latest duty tariff. But you’ll need to pay GS/PST/HST, plus some brokerage fee from UPS.
See item above
November 30th, 2011 at 5:02 pm
Hi Bob
I would like to know how much it would cost in duty and taxes to bring over from the U.S. to Canada $2406.87 (us money) of bathroom cabinetry made in China. Your help would be greatly appreciated!
I would like to import a subaru part costing US$95 plus $34 USPS shipping fee. Do you know how much duty and tax I will have to pay?
Customs Info
August 17th, 2010 at 10:15 am
6% duty plus HST once you convert to CAD.
I would like to bring back a louis vuttion bag priced at 700usd. I’m only in the US for 4 days; how much duty will I have to pay?
You’ll be entitle CA$300 duty free and pay duty and tax on the remaining amount at CBSA specified exchange rate.
See “Reduced Value for Duty” in http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/dm-md/d2/d2-3-1-eng.pdf
Hi There!
I will be importing plastic bottles (80 ml) from Thailand in bulk for commercial use. What tarrifs, duties, and taxes can I expect to be responsible for?
David Lee
Have a look at this page, http://betterdollar.com/?s=3923.30
At the end about Carboys, bottles, etc.
I’d think it covers your case. To be sure, you’ll have to call CBSA office.
Hi David,
Quick one for ya, I wanted to buy a new flat screen t.v. Best Buy in Canada is selling it for $4000, Best Buy U.S. is selling the same t.v. for $2200. If I went to the U.S. to buy it, would I be taxed the GST/PST (ontario) on what I paid in US$ of what it’s worth in CDN$ and would there be any other duties. i.e. luxury item? Any idea how much I’d be looking at??
August 27th, 2009 at 6:41 am
TV is duty free. If you stayed in US before coming back less than 48 hours, you’ll have to full GST/PST on the US$2200. If you stayed over 48 hours, you can deduct the exemption (i.e. $300 for less than 7 days, $750 for over 7 days) from the price for GST/PST.
Combining the purchase with a friend visit or vacation, it’ll be worth it.
Hey, I’m from British Columbia and I’m purchasing motorcycle apparel and accessories online. This includes safety gear (gloves, jacket etc) and motorcycle cover and disk lock alarm. It comes to US$720. I can’t find what category these items would fall under, so I was wondering if you know if I would have to pay duties on any of this stuff. I know I’m going to have to pay taxes unfortunately of %12.
August 27th, 2009 at 2:47 pm
This is a hard one. I cannot find any directly relevant. They could be considered as apparel or safety gear. You’ll have to ask CBSA for an answer.
I am opening a childrens clothing store and need to purchase some items from U.S. approx value 2500.00. These items are not made in U.S.There is a Canadian supplier but she is out of stock on most items. What will I be looking at for duties and taxes?
August 28th, 2009 at 1:37 am
If the items are not made in Mexico either, you will need to pay 17% duty plus taxes (you may want to verify this at a CBSA office). Thankfully, you don’t pay PST for children’s clothes.
Bob, You are a being such a help to everybody. Thank you so much first of all. I too have a question I can’t find the answer for ater searching the Canadian Border services website.
I’m interested in purchasing a watch from the U.S. through ebay. It’s a fair big ticket item type of watch and I’ve been made aware that there maybe some sort of additional Luxury tax involved beyond GST PST HST. Is this true? Do you know how much it would be? the watch would be in the $3000 range if that’s needed to assess this.
Thanks so much
Other Cam
August 29th, 2009 at 8:29 pm
one more thing. The watch was originally swiss so I guess NAFTA agreements don’t apply.
August 30th, 2009 at 8:58 am
I also cannot find the Excise tax (luxury tax) reference to Watches. But there may be tax on jewelry which I’m not sure if your watch falls into this category.
August 30th, 2009 at 8:01 am
Hi Other Cam,
I believe the so-called “luxury tax” is really the import tariff. For watches, this ranges from 5% to 14%, depending on mechanic, electronic, automatic winding, etc.
Have a look at http://betterdollar.com/?s=9103 and http://betterdollar.com/?s=9102. You should be able to figure out which category your watch belongs.
Enjoy your watch! And it’s my pleasure to help others. Thanks for your kind words.
December 8th, 2010 at 10:51 am
Put it on and enjoy through the border, they would never know.
January 29th, 2012 at 5:43 pm
Not a good idea. Expensive items like that are too easily spotted. Not to mention the money trail since that is how they caught the ones not paying income tax on Ebay. It’s not a pair of jeans paid by cash. Good bye expensive watch, possibly car, possibly bye bye you.
Hi there, I would like to order a personal Bosch Kitchen mixer for homemade breads and cakes and other small home kitchen bakewares and appliances. The total cost is around U.S. $850-. How much duty will I expect to pay if it is shipped to me via postal service?
Thanks so much!
Customs Info
August 17th, 2010 at 10:17 am
no duty just HST/GST/sales tax
$5 canada post handling fee if sent by regular mail
I would like to purchase a fish finder made in the US over the internet, what would the duty be to import it to Canada? The value is around $310.
Thanks for your help.
September 3rd, 2009 at 6:42 pm
I cannot find anything comparable to a fish finder. I guess the government has to hire full-time employee to classify those goods.
Can we consider it as a range finder? If so, there’s no duty. See here. http://betterdollar.com/duty-rate-for-surveying-including-photogrammetrical-surveying-hydrographic-oceanographic-hydrological-meteorological-or-geophysical-instruments-and-appliances-excluding-compasses-rangefinders/
Customs Info
August 17th, 2010 at 10:22 am
fish finders are classified under 9014.80.90.20 Other instruments and appliances, other, sonar and echo sounding equipment. 3% duty if manufactured in a country we have a free trade agreement with or a country that falls under tariff treatment 09 GPT like China if you have a certificate or origin or statement from the exporter. GST/HST applies
Just curious if anyone knows if there is duty on a Plasma TV worth 759.99 US?
I would be picking it up at Port Huron, Michigan.
So far there is a 300.00 and change difference in price compared to Canadian dollars. This is without duty.
September 7th, 2009 at 7:55 pm
I believe there’s no duty on TV. If you are not absent from Canada over 48 hours, you don’t get any exemption ($50).
September 9th, 2009 at 10:58 am
Hi Bob,
Would you please advice if there are custom duty charges for personal computer, printers, digital graphic tablets for artist/designer, and household items like baking pan/mold, kitchen standmixer, household wholegrain mill, juice blender, kitchen oven etc. Thanks!
September 9th, 2009 at 2:40 pm
Please use search function on the site to find out if there’s duty. for most electronics, there’s no duty.
January 5th, 2010 at 10:10 pm
actually there is 3.5% duty if it is an HD display TV which I assume it is;otherwise,6%.
January 6th, 2010 at 9:34 am
Where did you get the duty rate information for HD TV? For TV, it’s 5% if it’s not made in North America.
Hi Bob,
I am heading to the states for 4 hours and my boys would like me to purchase some T shirts from a store that we don’t have here in BC. When going through the border under Nexus would I be paying GST/PST and the 18% duty tax? When “they” say children’s clothing is exempt what does that mean exactly? if I chose to go through the regular crossing (not using my Nexus) what would be acceptable to bring back as far as clothing…….anything?
I am a US Citizen and have been staying in Canada/Montreal for over 3months. I would like to ask, if I drive from Montreal to Vermont and purchase an LCD worth $2000 USB and can I bring it back to Montreal/Canada within24hours.
Do I have to pay the regular PST/GST tax as the regular Canadian would pay?
September 14th, 2009 at 10:30 am
$2000.00 USD
September 14th, 2009 at 10:43 am
Custom duty has to do with bringing goods to Canada and the goods remain there. If you can prove that you’ll going to carry the LCD back to US, perhaps you’ll be exempted of duty and tax. Otherwise, you’ll be taxed like an Canadian
I want to fedex a use IPHONE to my sister who lives in Calgary Cananda, does anyone knows how much the duty will be charged? Thanks!!!!!
September 20th, 2009 at 10:41 am
Most electronics are free of duty. I’d believe so is iPhone. Let us know when you find out otherwise.
I want to buy the Geneva Lab XL and have it shipped to Ottawa Ontario. I am trying to find what the duty and tax would be applied to this purchase. Really appreciate it.
September 20th, 2009 at 2:58 pm
Don’t know about speakers. There may be no duty or 6%. Let us know if you find out.
September 20th, 2009 at 3:00 pm
So you think 6% is a maximum on this type of good?
September 20th, 2009 at 7:12 pm
6% is most common rate for electronics.
want to import from Hong Kong (1000 Usb flash memory 1GB)
for a value of 6000 C$
how does duties, fees and taxes get calculated ?
PS: it will be shipped from Hong Kong first class international air mail service
September 28th, 2009 at 2:38 pm
Don’t know about this one. Most likely duty free.
Let us know if you find out.
I want to purchase some leather furniture and a wood dining set from the states what would the duty/taxes be to bring into Canada?
Hi Bob,
I would like to buy a Strider bike for my son and I’m trying to figure out the cheapest way. I can buy one here in Canada for $119 total. Or I was thinking of purchasing online for $89 US with free shipping. Wondering what other taxes and duty would I still have to pay.
Thanks so much
October 7th, 2009 at 11:11 pm
I doubt there’s free shipping to Canada from US etailer. And you’ll be charged GST+PST and $29 brokerage fee. Also consider warranty issues, I don’t think it’s cheaper getting it from the US.
I am trying to buy a US-made garden shed back to Canada, do you know if duty applies?
Thanks a lot,
October 7th, 2009 at 11:08 pm
There’s no mentioning of garden shed in the CBSA duty tariff. So you’ll have to call them to ask about it.
on a recent trip across border for shopping, i was told by the customs people on my way back that if you declare what you purchased you only pay gst/pst, if they ‘catch you’ with undeclared items then they will charge you duty in addition (and may confiscate the items)
Hey Bob,
I am looking at importing electronic goods (cameras) from S.Korea.
What kind of duty will I have to pay when they arrive by air?
I am looking at purchasing a electronic keyboard/piano for $1249.00 CAD. It is made in Sweden but I am buying it in the US from a distributor. What can I expect to pay for it at the border with all the extra fees If I go and pick it up in the US. I was also thinking of getting a friend who resides in the US to send it to me. Which would be the least expensive??
October 15th, 2009 at 2:47 pm
Not sure about electonic keyboard, upright piano is duty free, but grand piano duty is 7%. http://betterdollar.com/duty-rate-for-pianos-including-automatic-pianos-harpsichords-and-other-keyboard-stringed-instruments/
i am just visiting to buy some cloths for the kids. less than 24hrs. how much tax i need to pay? how if we buy some clothing for myself?
October 15th, 2009 at 2:45 pm
If the children’s clothes are not made in US or Mexico, you will need to pay 17% duty plus taxes. If the clothes are made in Mexico/US, it’s duty free.
This is what I found out the lasttime I went through custom “Canada” and get some clarification on the rules.
For Canadian citizen:
Depend on how many days you left Canada and each day there is an amount in which i dont recalled. But if you purchase stuff in the USA the item subject to either duty fee and/or tax depend on your province. The good news is, if you left for 48+hours you are entiled 400 then you can used 400 and substract the total amount you are bring back then pay the tax/duty base on the different.
Example: gone 48hours – purchase TV 1000 – 400 = 600 is what you are paying tax and/or duty depend on item.
US citizen bringing electronic to Canada is no such luck unless you can demonstrated you are going to bring the item back with you.
Hope its help.
Hi BoB
I’m from Quebec and I’m planning a trip to New York in order to purchase a LCD TV which is not available in Canada. The cost after doing the exchange rate is about 740$CDN. I’m planning on staying over 48 hours. How much in taxes and duty would I be looking at.
October 15th, 2009 at 9:31 pm
You’re looking at paying ($740 – $400) part on duty and tax. Note the LCD TV has to travel with you.
Hi Bob, I’m considering buying winter tires in Buffalo, ( I live in Toronto), Do you know what percentage of duty I would pay, and would the amount be based on the retail amount paid for the tires in Buffalo, or would the CBSA have another listed amount?
October 16th, 2009 at 6:39 pm
Duty for tires range from free to 6.5%. If you can produce a receipt, duty is calculated based on the actual price.
Hello Bob, I am looking at purchasing some studio monitors (speakers for home studio) from a US company. I live in Canada. To avoid shipping costs, I want to ship them to my friend who lives in the US, pick them up and drive them back across the Canadian border. The speakers are made in China. I’m wondering how much duty/taxes I will expect to pay when I declare them crossing back into Canada.
October 17th, 2009 at 8:11 pm
Speakers (mounted in their housing) has a duty rate of 6.5%. I’d think that include your studio monitors.
I’m looking to bring a new Ikea couch back to BC, how much duty can I expect to pay? It’s probably made in China or some place similar.
Video Display Projectors.. If purchased in the US and shipped to Canada, What should the Duty Be??
They are not TVs, They are Display units.
October 23rd, 2009 at 12:30 pm
Projector has its own category. The duty are between 0~6%. Please match the type of projectors here. http://betterdollar.com/?s=projector
We are in the US for five days. We would like to take a case of wine back. What duty must we pay on alcohol if we exceed our limit?
October 26th, 2009 at 7:37 pm
If you bring in more wine than the exempted amount, there’s 19% excise tax. GST&PST will also be paid.
January 21st, 2011 at 5:45 am
I believe I had to pay 75% YES 75% duty after my 2 bottle exemption. 12 days in the US.
I am a PR card holder staying and working in the Middle East. I plan to come back to Canada. When I am returning; I plan to bring my personal items like LCD TV, Camera, Laptop etc. Some of them I had declared when I landed as an immigrant but those models of TV and Laptop have since changed, I mean they have become outdated and I have replaced them with newer models. Do I need to Pay a duty on my personal belongings. Any help is appreciated.
I have about 6 cases of wine i want to bring home. 2 given to me as gifts from the winery i work at and 4 cases of wine that i made. i have been in the US almost 5 months. what kind of taxes and duties will apply to me?
October 27th, 2009 at 8:59 am
Please read our article here: http://betterdollar.com/duty-tax/excise-tax-or-duty-on-wine-beer-spirit-cigar-or-tobacco/
Hi, I have ordered a TV from China. How much is the duty tax to import it from China. I have read about that there is no duty on TV and you just have to pay (GST + PST+Courier charges). Is that for importing from any where or just from United States?
October 29th, 2009 at 7:50 am
China is the MFN (most favorable nation) to Canada. Ironically, this means the duty rate is the highest. Yes, there’ll be a difference if the TV was made in Mexico.
I’m not able to find any reference in the government docs regarding TV duty rate. But some reader reported 7%. I’d be interested if you find out.
See more info here: http://betterdollar.com/what's-the-duty-tax-on-plasmalcd-tv/
Read this article it says that Canada does not collect taxes from imports from China on several items, TV is one of them and loose quite amount of money. What do you think is that true?
October 29th, 2009 at 8:45 am
The article mentions that TV has duty of 5%. I can see it on CBSA document too.
That means that they will charge 5% duty on the price of the TV + (GST) and (PST). I am in Ontario so that will be (13%) + (5%) = 18%.
October 29th, 2009 at 11:30 am
No. The formula is, TV * (1 + 5%) * (1+PST+GST). I your case, 18.65%.
No a big surprise 😉
Sorry Bob, I just just confused wont it be 20% if they do
(1+5%) and (1+13%)(GST+PST)
October 29th, 2009 at 11:44 am
I was using multiplication to calculate the total cost of your TV, including your TV cost. 18.65% is your duty and tax rate.
The price for TV was 400. So much is the total with tax and duty?
I’m a Canadian citizen and am purchasing a computer in the US – which I will leave there for work. The computer comes with a free HP printer/scanner/copier which I plan to take to Canada to be left there. I am trying to determine if I will have to pay any duty on the printer. Some comments say electronics are generally free of duty, others indicate it can be 6.5%. Any insight on this? Many thanks!
October 30th, 2009 at 7:20 am
The government hasn’t caught with the latest and greatest technologies yet. Printer, scanner and copier are all free of duty individually. Most likely, there’s no duty when they are combined.
I’m a Canadian citizen that’s planning on making a trip to Buffalo to purchase an electric guitar for $699 USD and an amplifier for $799. I’m aware it’s well over any exemption limits, but what additional costs am I going to incur when returning?
November 1st, 2009 at 10:25 am
Duty on Guitar is 6% (see 9202.90.90.10 in http://betterdollar.com/?s=guitar). It’s likely the same for electic guitar.
I’m looking to buy a GreenStar juicer from the States (Florida, to be exact). According to the website, it will cost 617 USD after shipping and taxes. How much would I have to pay at the border?
Hi Bob, I have a question about LCD TV, My mom is visiting me here in USA but she is going back to her country
through Canada, she is bringing back a LCDTV which is one month old, since her flight from Toronto, she
need to bring this TV to Canada. I am wondering do we need to pay any duty or Tax, but that TV is not
going to be in Canada. She will transport to her country.
November 5th, 2009 at 10:41 pm
If your Mom is only in transit passing through Canada, I’d think no officer will bug her for the TV. If she enter Canada via other means, e.g. car, and then leave from Toronto, you should be able to declare with the border officers and show the flight proof to avoid any tax/duty.
I’m no expert on this one. You may want to call CBSA to find out the procedure.
Hi, I have a home based business and I am looking to buy sample spray bottles from a company in China, how much duty will I have to pay and is there anything else I should know before proceeding with this transaction? Do I need any sort of business license? a license is not required in our province for my business, but will there be any issues with this when receiving a parcel? Any advice would be great. Thanks
Hi Bob,
I and my wife, both Canadian citizens visiting Bufflo to buy a LCD TV in December. It is almost 50% lower in price. How much do you think sales tax is charged in New York state?
Hi Bob,
Another quick question. If we stay in USA for more than 48 hours, can we both claim exemption against GST/PST of $400 each for one item (Television)?
November 8th, 2009 at 4:44 pm
I don’t think you can combine the exemption amount from the two of you. But you can certainly try.
NY sales tax is 4%
What is luxury tax?
November 9th, 2009 at 11:35 am
Luxury tax is legally called Excise tax. http://betterdollar.com/duty-tax/excise-tax-sin-taxes-or-luxury-taxes/
What is the duty on tires, I am in ontario and looking a purchasing some in the states
I’m interested in purchasing an electric hedge trimmer in the USA but made in China. Is there duty on such an item if not made in the USA?
Hello, I would like to bring a gift (LCD TV) to my relative who lives in Canada. The MRSP price is about $4200 and it can be bought on eBay for $3500. BestBuy does not sell it yet but I expect $6000 CAN. I used this TV for several months.
What is the declared value for Canadian customs? It is used and it is a gift.
How customs determine used item value based on verbal price declaration? Obviosly I may say this TV worth $1000 but they may not accept it.
November 10th, 2009 at 8:42 am
It’s the first time we run into situation like this. I’m sure it won’t be the last.
Customs officer don’t normally accept verbal declarations. It’s best that you bring the receipt along.
If you can prove the TV is made in US/Mexico, it can help avoid the 5% duty.
I don’t know how used items are appraised. Please write about your experience when you get through it.
Just forgot to mention, that I’m going to cross the border by car and TV in it. So I can make this verbal price statement.
I want to order two American Girls dolls to be shipped to me in Canada. From searching the data base it appears that there would be no duty on dolls. Is this true?
I will be out of Canada for approximately 12 weeks. I am considering purchasing some electronics, (i.e., DSLR, Lens, Flash) probably in excess of $750 amount.
I think the items would duty Free, but what about taxes?
November 15th, 2009 at 9:49 am
Assume your total amount is X, when you’re returning, the tax (and duty if any) will be tax =(X-750)*(1+Duty_rate)*(GST+PST); duty = (X-750)*Duty_rate
November 15th, 2009 at 7:18 pm
Thanks, now to see if it is a better deal over here.
I’m thinking of purchasing high end US made (Vermont) light fixtures online. Total cost about US$1500 vs CA$2200. Shipping would be UPS. I understand I’ll be responsible for GST/PST. Is there a duty/tariff on light fixtures made in the US and what is brokerage fee and how much does it cost?
November 15th, 2009 at 9:51 am
NAFTA exempts all duty for goods made in US/Mexico. You’ll pay GST+PST and the brokerage fee is here http://betterdollar.com/mailorder/brokerage-fee/
I would like to buy a Harmon pellet stove that is made in the USA. I would like to know if duty will be applied to this item when it is transported across the border into Canada. I am planning to purchase this item very soon and would appreciate a response as soon as possible. Thank you very much.
November 18th, 2009 at 11:21 pm
If it’s made in USA, thanks to NAFTA agreement, there’s no duty.
I unknowingly bought some jewellry worth $165 from a US site.I want to know how much duty will I have to pay on it to get it in Canada.
November 19th, 2009 at 4:34 pm
Jewellery duty rate ranges from 5~8.5%.
See http://betterdollar.com/?s=jewellery
i am trying to buy a cell phone from ebay that will cost just over $300 including the shipping. it would be shipping from hong kong to canada. what kinda of duty fees could i be expecting to pay?
November 22nd, 2009 at 10:46 pm
There is no duty on cellphone.
November 23rd, 2009 at 1:51 pm
i live in New Brunswick, Canada, so would i be expecting to pay any other taxes?
hi, i’m trying to buy a snowboard and bindings (burton – i belive made in USA) in USA and bring it over to Canada. i will stay in US for less then 24 hours. the value of the sport goods will be around $500 USD. Can you tell me how much do i have to pay for duty, tax, gst and PST (i live in BC, Canada). thanks for your help…
November 23rd, 2009 at 8:27 am
There should be no duty, since it’s made in US.
I’d like to purchase a computer battery on ebay from Hong Kong and not sure if it is considered electronics. Would I be paying duty on this? Thanks!
November 24th, 2009 at 8:13 am
Batteries are part of electronics. They are duty free.
Looking to buy an Xbox 360 120 GB hard drive – valued at $60 US from Hong Kong, shipped to Canada. is this duty free?
November 25th, 2009 at 12:11 pm
Hard drives are duty free.
If this can be marked as a gift, it’ll be tax free.
Thanks Bob, will try to ask for the seller to mark as gift
we have a gift shop and are considering going to new york
gift show what duties/taxes would we be looking at when we
purchase goods that have to to shipped
to canada
November 26th, 2009 at 4:53 pm
This all depends on what type of gift you’re going to bring back.
Hey Bob, Im looking to purchase a plasma tv from Buffalo and return to Canada with it. How much duty, if any, would i have to pay. Only going to Buffalo for the day. Thanks
November 27th, 2009 at 8:51 pm
Todd, have a look here http://betterdollar.com/whats-the-duty-tax-on-plasmalcd-tv/
It should answer your question.
Good luck and have fun
I was wondering how much it would cost me for duty and tax for importing small empty bottles worth about $200
i live in canada and want to buy a motorbike which is made in italy from the united states and bring it home to canada, what would the duty rate be that ide be paying? thanks
I’m looking to order a DLP/LCD lamp for a Sony LCD rear-projection tv. The company ship via USPS Priority. Aside from the PST/GST charges should I be expecting other tariff and/or brokerage fees when Canada Post (I assume) delivers the product to my address.
Thanks, your help is awsome.
I am interested in purchasing two external Digital-to-Analog Converter (soundcard) for my computer through mail order. These cards are manufactured in China for a British company. The retail values are $100 & $200 British Pounds. Can you please advise the rough amount for duty and taxes for each item. Thanks!
December 7th, 2009 at 9:50 pm
@Tony, Firstly, duty is calculated based on the invoice price, not retail value. Secondly, I cannot find duty for Sound card. Mostly likely it’s free from duty like other electronics. If you find out, please let us know.
I am going to USA for more than 24 hrs. Like to know about the tax for food items(like, choclate powder,cheese sticks,coder powder )more food items. Also for kids clothing, toys extra….
Thank u in advance
December 11th, 2009 at 8:35 am
Groceries limits can be found here. http://betterdollar.com/duty-tax/goods-to-declare/
Hiya Bob, I will be buying a new guitar amplifier made in the USA with a value of $2300.00 us …any idea what the duty would be on that when it get here to montreal?
thanks in advance
December 13th, 2009 at 5:50 pm
Check out this one http://betterdollar.com/?s=amplifier the entry with yellow highlight.
Not sure if this is applicable to your guitar amplifier.
I have ordered Mikasa dinnerware and had them delivered to a friend in the US to bring to me when she comes to visit. How much duty will there be?
I live in Canada Ontario and would like to import appliances (Freezer, Washing machine, dryer; Gas; Dishwasher, microwave) from US. In order to qualify for NAFTA exemption I would select product either manufactured/ Assemble in US or Mexico.
Niagara or Sarnia border from Canada would be the closest.
I would like to know if I have to pay any duty / taxes on these items and also if there are transport company who would deliver this.
December 13th, 2009 at 5:42 pm
Choosing appliance made in US/Mexico is a good strategy to avoid duty. However, tax will always apply.
I don’t know any transportation company, other than the couriers. If you find out, please let us know.
I would like to purchase 110 bags that are not available in canada for a team. They are made in China and worth about $40 each. How much duty would I need to pay?
i live in canada and i ordered hair extencions from china i was just wondering how much duty is.
Hi….I live in Ontario and I am wanting to buy a $1000 watch on Ebay from the states. I know that I have to pay the GST and PST on the watch but what will be the duty and do I have to pay some other “luxery” tax or something on top of that?
I would like to purchase a dog from the states that will cost me $2000.00 american what would it cost me in duty fees?
I am wanting to purchase a $700.00 Snowblower…I will only be in North Dakota for 26 – 30 hours. Wha is the duty on that please? Thank you I am from Manitoba, CA
December 17th, 2009 at 10:24 pm
There’s no duty on snowblower. See http://betterdollar.com/?s=Snowblower
Hey Bob, I’m from British Columbia and I would like to purchase cashmere scarf(or wool scarf) from China for wholesale.
I would like to know if I have to pay any duty / taxes on these items? What is the Tariff item’s number?
I am thinking about buying a new LCD TV. I’ve noticed that prices in the US are cheaper than here in Canada. I was wondering if I bought an LCD TV in the US and came back (only over for a couple hours), I understand I’d have to pay the PST and GST, but is it 18% for the tariff on top of that?
was wondering if there was duty on speaker made in china $1000.00 canadian coming from the us to canada
I live in the US but want to bring a case of California wine as a gift to people I am visiting in Ontario. What are the taxes and duty on alcohol?
Wanted to buy $500 or so worth of electronics (aka radio, i believe is duty free?). If I bring over 4 friends for less than 24hours how much can i bring over?
December 25th, 2009 at 8:26 am
There is no duty/tax exemption if you stay outside Canada for less then 24 hours.
December 26th, 2009 at 8:17 pm
I meant there’s no personal exemption, you stay outside Canada for less then 24 hours.
Bob are you stating that an item that has an Free exemption as per the MFN Tariff would be invalidated if you are there for less than 24 hours?
December 26th, 2009 at 8:14 pm
That’s not what I meant. If an item is marked “free” in MFN column, it means there’s no duty, whether you’re awaay from Canada less than 24 hours or not.
I am looking to import about 40,000 worth in construction materials (Siding, wiring, insulation etc.). What would the rate of duty be bringing it from the U.S. into Canada?
We are in US for the winter. If we took back to Canada a case of alcohol US price $192.00 what would the duty cost .
Hi; I live in Canada and I am looking to start a small business to buy internet auction items for resale at a flea market. If I buy the items from a U.S. auction and they are listed as good for export would there be extra duty costs. The items I am most looking at are watches, fashion jewelery, sunglasses etc. Most items are manufactured in the US but some of them are manufactured in China. What should I expect? Thanks.
Hi there. I am looking to purchase a graduation gown from a US online store and have it shipped to me in Canada. its $430. and so i’m wondering what the maximum duty charge/percentage is i could end up paying.
December 31st, 2009 at 9:45 am
The duty rate is rather complicated, depending on material, (and of course country of origin). Please have a look at the page here http://betterdollar.com/?s=gown
My husband is thinking about purchasing a large piece of farm equipment from a dealer in the United States. What would the process and charges be? Lets say he is looking at a $70,000 Wheel Loader. Thanks for the help.
I am from Minnesota, I will be traveling to Canada for a month to visit my girl. I want to bring her a flatscreen TV, neon bar sign, playstation 3 and few other things. How will I know what my duties will be? I don’t have receipts really for the stuff. What is my best option, and how should i go about this? Tv is about 900 dollars, bar sign 250, ps3 300.
January 2nd, 2010 at 10:13 pm
oh by the way, I plan on leaving the stuff with her, not bringing it back.
January 2nd, 2010 at 11:10 pm
Being a US citizen, you will not be entitled any duty/tax exemption. However, the NAFTA agreement will exempt anything made in US, Canada and Mexico from any duty. So if any of the gift you bring along are made in NA, please bring the proof.
For other details, please see: http://betterdollar.com/whats-the-duty-tax-on-plasmalcd-tv/
January 2nd, 2010 at 11:25 pm
They won’t give me grief?? I’m worried they’ll be like why are you bringing all these electronics and giving them as gifts. My electronics are from China, and I don’t have receipts for them, how will they know their worth?
January 3rd, 2010 at 12:22 am
Basically what I’m asking is…. How do they figure out duty rate….If I bring over a TV, PS3, dvd player and such, and have no receipts for them. What is the process.
I will be purchasing an 8-week-old puppy (purebred St. Bernard) in Michigan in the next couple of weeks, and will be bringing it to Ontario in my car… just wondering what the import duty will be.
I have all the necessary paperwork (vet certificates, etc.)
Hi I am looking at having some scrapbooking supplies shipped from the US to Alberta via US postal service (international). Total value including shipping is $176.00 USD, any ideas on what kind of duty fees there will be on this if any? Thanks for any help you can offer.
Hi, i was wondering how much duty cost would be on a new moped scooter purchased at $700 USD plus $199 shipping to cross the US border into Canada.
January 13th, 2010 at 12:11 am
If the $199 shipping… brings the scooter all the way across the border – then the shipping becomes part of the total cost. Calculate duty/taxes on $899 US -> converted to CDN. If the shipping brings the scooter ‘to’ the border… and then you go across to pick it up and bring it into Canada — then the shipping is NOT part of the total cost and is not calculated into duties or taxes. Also – if the shipping brings the scooter across the border then you can expect an additional brokerage fee from the carrier.
Hi there,
If I cross the border into the States and buy a wedding dress valued at $299, and I don’t stay overnight, what would I have to pay? Assuming the dress isn’t manufactured in North America, I would have to pay Vt state tax (~6%) at the time of purchase, and when I cross the border into Quebec I’d have to pay GST/PST (~13%) and duty tax (~18%)? Are all the taxes on the flat price before state tax? Would I be correct in estimating about $410 USD? Thanks!! I’m just trying to figure out if it’s worth driving to Vt to buy a cheaper dress!
First add up the total US$ cost of the dress. Next, convert the US$ total to CDN$ using a rate equal to the rate you think will be current when you are standing in Customs. Add it all up, and then calculate your CDN taxes. Note (1) If the store in VT is aware you are immediately taking the dress out of state.. they might be able to ‘not charge’ their state taxes. Ask them. Note (2) if the dress is from a MFN (Most Favoured Nation).. it might be excepted from duty. You need to check the rules about dresses, and also for the country of origin because I’m not sure if/or how MFN rules apply to dresses.
If you can, and want to try the MFN route.. your VT vendor has to specify/declare the country of origin on their invoice. Also, the tags on your dress should say ‘made in X’ as well.
January 14th, 2010 at 10:01 am
I called the store and asked, and they said that that particular dress was made in China. Anyway, I found a place in Ottawa that charges less than $500 CDN for the dress (over $700 in Montreal!) so I might just do that and forget about the border crossing headache! Thanks for your reply!
Im thinking about ordering a baby stroller from a US online store for $399. How would duties and taxes cost to ship to canada? Thanks.
Hi, i am looking to import ski garments, gloves, beanies, accessories, footwear,socks and bags into canada from Australia. The original origin of manufactur is China, could you please advise the approx duty rate for each catagory and if there are any special labeling requirments that i need to know about. cheers Pete
We want to ship furniture (a small one bedroom apartment)
from Brazil to Canada….we’re canadian residents, who were living in Brazil for 6 months. Any idea how much this will cost??
Any info is appreciated
i am looking at opening a clothing store in canada the supplier i have found is in Los Angeles most of the clothing is made in china and bangldesh (shirts, sweaters, jeans socks) the total order comes to like 25000.00 what kinda price will it be to get it to canada???
Hi just wondering about some duty fees for my purchase. I am looking at buying a hockey jersey online for $45 that has a shipping fee of $20 (all in USD) and want to know if there will be any duties on it when it reaches my door. I tried looking through the website for the listing and only gave myself a headache and more questions then answers. Any assistance would be great. Thanks in advance.
Hello I live in Ontario, Canada and I found a super cheap website for womens clothing in Hong Kong and I was wondering what would be the duties tariffs etc. that I would have to pay?
sorry lack of detail. Womens clothes is comming from Hong Kong total of $100US
I am purchasing used (Sigma brand) camera lenses from a mail order house in the USA, value $860.00US, and I would like to know if duty is payable, and if so, approximately how much? I live in Canada.
Thank you.
September 14th, 2010 at 1:10 pm
There is no duty on Camera lenses and a lot of photographic equipment. Here’s a website that breaks it down pretty well:
I live in Ontario Canada and want to buy a new 2008 yamaha wolverine 450 Atv, from the US. What taxes and duty should I expect?
I would like to purchase online 2 chandeliers that are manufactured in china and bring them into canada for a home renovation that I am doing. The total cost of the 2 chandeliers is 3990.oo What would be all the duties, I would need to pay? thankyou for your help
i am looking selling clothes in canada,. the supplier i have found is in Los Angeles some of the clothing are made in china and u.s (shirts, sweaters, jeans,dresses) the total order comes to like $600.00 what kind. how much duty charges will i be looking at? AND
IS there somewhere i can go to get duty tax exemption?
I am leaving in Canada I would like to purchase t shirt from china the price of the t shirt is $40 so pls tell me how much custom duty I have to pay in Canada.
I had imported food products from China and Bangladesh specially mushrooms.I think Govt.should produce it locally or reduce the duty on such products.
If I import the orange juice to Canada
How much I need to pay the tax or duty here
Please help me first coz I need to submit the report to techer tomorrow
Thanks you guys here
I have to export some samples to China, I just wanted to know if some of my items are from Taiwan, does my vendor in China will have to pay duties or China doesn’t pay duty on items made in Taiwan.
I want to purchase a pet containment system (underground fencing system) from the US – also manufactured in the US. The total for the system and additional items needed for it is $360.00. What is the percent duty I would be required to pay on this?
Hello, If go shopping on the weekend and cross back into Canada in a different province than I live in, do I pay PST for the province I enter in or the one I live in? (I live in AB but will be going out and comming in through ON)
February 17th, 2010 at 1:10 am
PST is always local. So you pay the PST of the entry point.
Just ordered a $18 T-shirt from an online site located in the US, which manufactures (silk screens) the shirt within the states. With a $9 shipping fee, the item is already up to $27, what other fees can I expect at the border on top of this price? Appreciate any indications and attempts at help whatsoever.
hi am visiting ALberta Canada from the UK and want to post stuff from American Eagle Outfitters online as store doesnt have my size does any one know what TAXES and COSTS will be
Do I have to pay taxes and duty on used goods bought on EBAY, and sent to a us location for pick-up?
February 25th, 2010 at 10:27 am
Yes, you’ll have to pay duty on used goods. The duty is based on the customs value that is entered by the seller.
i am shopping online for jewelry, i don’t know if they’re made in the US or not, but i doubt they are, the website is a legal distributor of the product. although it’s not a shop, it’s bidz.com. if i buy the jewelry online, and they ship it to me in Quebec, Canada. what would i pay for it ? is there a specific percentage of the price i have to pay at the customs? other than the GST and QST? and if there is, is it a percentage of how much i paid or how much the item is worth?
thank you,
hey bob
i am a canadian that has ordered roughly $3000 worth of new car parts (rims, headlights,coilovers) to a u.s. address to save on shippping charges..i plan on driving down for the day to pick them up and return back..what charges am i subject to?? thanks!!!
February 28th, 2010 at 9:47 am
Duty and GST (HST in some provinces).
Duty varies from parts to parts.
Hi Bob,
I live in NB Canada, and want to buy a motorcycle built in Italy, do you know what the duty will be? $7500 motorcycle
Hi Bob i’m looking to puchase a Radio controlled car from the U.S. …the price of the car from the u.s. comes to about $750usd including shipping…i’m going to get it shipped to a u.s. address then go and pick it up…i was just woundering if i would have to pay duty, and/or taxes on this item..thanks alot..help will be very much appreciated
I am planning to buy following headphones from US: Beats by Dr. Dre Solo Headphones with ControlTalk for 174.95. I live in Ontario, Canada. How much duties and taxes would I have to pay for this item? Please let me as soon as possible. I need to buy this as gift for my brother. Thank you.
Hi there,
I’m heading down to Bellingham from Vancouver (BC) for a daytrip to buy a some baby furniture, carseats, and playpen that I found for much cheaper. How much duty should I expect to pay? I’m thinking my total spending should be about $550 can. Thanks for helping 🙂
i don’t understand please help, my mother in law purchased 2 pieces for my ergo baby carrier, the total value was maybe 70$ USD … it arrived and i had to pay 37$ … this seems insane to me .. on piece is a clip in backpack and the other was literally a piece of strap with a buckle on either end !!!!
I am going to the States to shop for 4-5 hours for an afternoon and may purchase some clothes and possible luggage…..what am I allowed to bring back duty free and what would the duty cost be for a piece of luggage around $100.00? Thank you
i’m planning on buying chairs from target.com and shipping them to buffalo. the chairs are most likely made in china or somewhere else overseas. when i pick them up and cross back, will i have to pay 8% in tariffs plus gst/pst and thats it?
We bought a kitchen-aid stand mixer for $300, what would the duties be to bring it back to Canada?
My wife is coming back to Canada from a 2 week vacation in Cuba. If I read the tariff rates correctly, would she be paying an extra $11.066 CAD per litre of alcohol above and beyond the 1.14 litres she’s allowed?
Thank you!
March 24th, 2010 at 1:40 pm
No, that’s not it. Here’s run-down of duty and tax, your wife will have to pay.
* Federal excise duty, $11.066/litre
* GST on top of the excise duty (5% for all provinces)
* Provincial liquor mark-up (17% in BC)
* Provincial liquor sales tax on top of all above (10% in BC, 12% in Ontario)
More details see, http://betterdollar.com/duty-tax/excise-tax-or-duty-on-wine-beer-spirit-cigar-or-tobacco/
March 24th, 2010 at 1:43 pm
Thanks! Seems to add a fair bit on, but still cheaper than buying here.
Hi there. Hopefully someone can help me, I’ve been searching and in need of an answer fast. I ordered a BMX pedal bike for my kid from the USA but the bike is made in Taiwan. I am from BC but I’m driving down to Oroville WA to pick it up and bring it across myself. Does anyone know how much duty will be on it? And what other costs will I have to pay (GST, HST?)
Thank in advance
March 24th, 2010 at 7:37 pm
PS: the bike cost is $1300.00 US
We are hoping to purchase some lighting for our house in the U.S. and bring it back into Canada. Do you know whether it is duty free? If not, do you know what rate we would pay.
thanks so much for your assistance.
Is the GST/PST that is applied on purchases above the exemption based on the pretax value of the item, or is it on the entire purchase, including the state tax (WA, in my case)?
Hi, Just bought some cloths from the US total is $811 shipping to Canada included. I want to know how much am expected pay to get the goods.
Im looking at purchasing a Compound Bow thru ebay and having it shipped into Ontario. It is a used product and will get for $540 US. Can you give me an idea of what I will pay for the duties?
Cheers 🙂
Hello i ordered makeup over 20 dollars and was wondering if i had to pay extra money
i live in B.C,Canada and its coming from the U.S please get back to me asap!
Hello, can you tell me what the duties will be for buying SONY speakers from USA and bringing them into Canada? As well as a Audio Receiver for plugging speakers into…thanks!
Hi, I want to buy car parts from a company online in Texas. After shipping it will cost 1,025.00 US. How much duty and taxes will I be required to pay?????
Hi, I ordered 16 Sports Jerseys from China, and having them shipped to my house in Ontario. What type of taxes or duty could I be paying? The entire order totals $530.
Thanks for your help.
hey, im buying contact lenses from the states which cost me about $200, how much should i expect to pay in duties once the package reaches my house?
January 29th, 2012 at 6:06 pm
None if it is a presciption lens. You only pay if it is cosmetic.
i read all the related post about purchasing a tv in the states. but i’m a bit confused…
So far, what I understood is… 3.5% duty for HD/LCD tv if it’s not manufactured from US/Mexico + GST + PST.
But then in this duty section, it says “If you exceed your personal limit, you will have to pay duty of 18% in addition to GST & PST or HST.”
I am going for a day (less than 24 hrs). Does this mean there will be 18% duty on top of everything?
3.5% regular duty on tv + 18% duty for going “over” the limit, which would apply to all the day shoppers? + GST + PST?
Is that correct? Seems like a lot of tax/duty 😮
PS. btw, thanks for all the posts, it’s very useful!
April 17th, 2010 at 8:17 am
By all means duty calculation is a confusing thing, just like everything else from the government. Here’re two point which may help you.
1. If you’re absent from the country less 48 hours, and your purchase is over the exemption limit, you’ll pay duty + tax on all the purchase. If you’re away over 48 hours, you can deduct the exemption and then pay duty+ tax on the remaining.
2. I didn’t check the fact, if TV duty is 3.5%, that’s the duty you’ll be paying.
Bob: I live in Canada but winter in Florida. I would like to know if I can buy second hand used furniture and bring it across the border into Canada without paying duty or taxes?
April 17th, 2010 at 6:32 pm
As the saying goes, there are only two things which are certain in life: death and taxes.
Anything of a certain value will carry tariff and taxes. Bring your receipt. Otherwise, they’ll be valued by the custom.
We live in Windsor and just purchased a house that needs quite a bit of renovation. We compared the cost between Home Depot here and Home Depot in Detroit. While not everything is worth buying in the US, some things definitely are such as: drywall, bathroom vanity and mirror, faucets, toilet, prehung doors and bifolding closet doors. In total, we may spend approx $1500 US but the savings are very significant. Are these items duty free? If not, what percentage should we expect to be charged duty on top of the pst/gst? Thanks so much for your help! It’s appreciated!
I want to go buy a bed from Pottery Barn Kids as it is on sale in the US. I will likely only be gone for 2 hours. Am I correct in understanding that I will pay GST/PST on the US price and no duty? Thx in advance
Hi – I am CDN born and resident but live in the USA part of the year as well (we own a home there). Looking to purchase a PWC (personal watercraft) in the USA and drive it up to our cottage in New Brunswick this June. expecting it to be used but not certain yet. can you let me know the duty on this used or new? there will be a trailer with it. much appreciated.
June 1st, 2010 at 1:02 pm
So you’re not technically leaving it in Canada, your just bringing it up for the cottage season?
So I will be going into the states for less than 24 hours and will be purchasing about $200.00 worth of clothing from chain stores, then I will be returning to Ontario. How much duty do I have to pay at the border?
I am planning on buying a treadclimber , the total value is around $3000, if it has to come from the usa what would be the customs and duty taxes on it?
I live in Canada. I want to drive to the US to pick up used furniture that my sister in-law is giving to me for free.
What do i need to do when i get back to the border?
June 1st, 2010 at 1:00 pm
Have her write a nice birthday card, claim it as a birthday present. 🙂
Calculate out a value for the item, that’s reasonable, and customs may have you pay the PST/GST based on that amount.
I’m thinking of buying a hobby metal detector (for locating coins jewelry, etc) in Bellingham. I would go there just to buy the detector and then return within about 4 hours. I assume that I would have to pay GST and PST on the item, but would there also be duties to pay?
We are looking at purchasing a $699 LG washing machine from Washington. We live in Canada. Any idea on the taxes and duty we would have to pay?
if i bought a $100 laptop from hong kong. how much more will i have to pay to get it to Saskatchewan?
June 1st, 2010 at 12:58 pm
If it comes in via Mail, you probably won’t have to pay anything. If it’s randomly selected, you will pay PST/GST, and $5 brokerage fee.
I live in Canada and would like to purchase a geometry construction kit consisting of hubs and tubes from the UK. Cost plus shipping would run about $100. What would be the duty on this and also, would there be tax charged on top of that?
Thanks for this useful information you have here.
We are a mfg company in Texas providing concrete batch plant parts. A company in Nova Scotia is ordering parts from us that was manufactured in our plant value is $1800.00 how much is the duty and tax that our customer will have to pay.
June 1st, 2010 at 12:57 pm
What exactly are the parts? Can you provide a NAFTA?
If you can provide the nafta, it will be Duty Free.
The taxes that they will have to pay, they will get back as its a commercial importation.
Net result would be just the brokerage amount.
hi i was jusr wondering
i want to order a rc helicopter and was wondering if i would have to pay any duty on it or taxes i live in ontario and it wuld be coming from outside the country
Hi! I am ordering a Maclaren Stroller from the US and having it shipped to me in Ontario. Just wondering how much duty I should expect to pay when it arrives. I believe that all Maclaren Strollers are made in the UK.
Thanks 🙂
Hi there, I live in canada and I will be driving to WI with a home theatre projector, this item is used, will i have to pay duty or ??? The actual value of the projector was 49,000 when it was new if that means anything
oh i forgot to mention that I am not selling this I am actually giving it away if that matters
June 1st, 2010 at 12:55 pm
You are a canadian citizen, taking a projector to the states, and leaving it there? (giving it to someone?)
In this case, you will have to clear US customs. Canada won’t impose anything on you exporting the goods.
I would like to import a used pc worth 1000usd is there any duty or taxes.i am going to use UPS to bring it into Canada.
June 1st, 2010 at 12:56 pm
UPS Fee $1,000.01 to $1,250.00 – $67.95
+ GST, and bond amount.
Duty Free.
Will have PST/GST.
I’m looking to buy a longboard (a long 42” skateboard) from a website retailer based in the states. After conversion to Canadian funds and including UPS shipping costs, the total comes to 205.78. Will there be customs? How much will they be? I live in Ontario
Hi there, I live in Canada, BC, and I’m looking to import about 45000 decks of playing cards. Total value of about 10,000.
How much do you think it’ll cost to get it in, all said and done?
May 17th, 2010 at 3:50 am
It’s coming from China, btw.
hi bob,
I found an online merchant in the US to buy a bass guitar from The bass is not manufactured in the US but rather Czech republic for an American Company.
The same bass is Canada retails for about $2300 CDN and the US merchant will sell for $1400 USD (currently about $1550 CAN) what should I anticipate for Brokerage fees, duty and PST rates?
Would i pay PST GST on the cost of the whole bass $1400 USD because I ahve not left the country? What would duty be, and would shipping USPS be away to avoid insanely costly brokerage rates…I have never ordered stuff from the US and NOT paid brokerage fees with UPS, and FED EX. It bothers me alot.
I look forward to your reply as it may determine what I can afford to do or not.
June 1st, 2010 at 12:51 pm
If you ship it UPS, they will charge you 72.25 + GST to act as your broker. (Assuming 1550 CDN)
Bass Guitar – 6% – 9207.90.90.10
Plus PST, and GST.
So.. 1550 CDN
93.00 Duty
1856.59 Your cost on the item, and then whoever you use as your broker. Save the brokerage fee, and clear it yourself.
June 1st, 2010 at 12:53 pm
Forgot to add. if you will use UPS for the clearance, sign up for their EFT program, otherwise you will be charged a bond fee.
Bond Fees
Customers are responsible for payment of duties and taxes. When funds are not provided in advance by the customer, and UPS must post a bond to allow UPS shipments to be released in advance of payment to the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), a fee of 2.7 percent (minimum $5.85) of the amount advanced by UPS will be charged. To avoid bond fees, call 1-800-PICK-UPS and ask about our Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) plans.
We are visiting canada from the U.S. for 7 or 8 days. There are 2 of us. How much liquor can we bring over the border. Is there a difference between 7 or 8 days? Would we be well served to buy liquor at the duty free shop?
June 1st, 2010 at 12:43 pm
You will be well served to buy liquor at the duty free.
U.S. citizens crossing the border into Canada to visit are allowed to bring the following into Canada:
* 1.5 litres of wine, or 1.14 litres (40 ounces) of liquor, or 24 x 355 millilitres (12 ounces) cans or bottles (8.5 litres) of beer or ale.
* 1 carton (200 cigarettes) & 50 cigars
* Americans may bring up to $60 in gifts per recipient. (excluding alcohol and tobacco)
hi, i wanna buy a motorbike from india and wanna bring it to toronto, canada. motorbike’s cost is approx. $1000 Canadian dollars. what will be the duty/customs on it and what’s the procedure??
June 1st, 2010 at 11:58 am
Be careful when importing motor vehicles into Canada. Alot of them made overseas will not be allowed into Canada due to safety/emissions considerations.
Check out the RIV website – http://www.riv.ca/
Hi Bob. I am looking into buying a cell phone from Asia. What fees will I be charged? Thank you
Hi bob.Im ordering 4 dune buggys from china itas costing me $25796 shipping included im just wondering what kind of duty/taxs etc i have to pay when they arrive im having them shipped to halifax nova scotia thanks
Hi, I live in Ontario. I m desperately need lots of things for my baby in just 1 month. In UK I used to buy almost everything online. But I just found out that we’ll be taxed on oline shopping here in Canada. My question is; will I’ll be taxed on the goods (stroller, carseat, baby bedding, etc) that I buy online (amazon.com, ebay, dan other website from US)?
May 24th, 2010 at 3:40 pm
Unfortunately our government loves taxing. It’s a sure thing that online orders will be taxed with duty and GST. But, there are some exceptions. Please use at your discretion.
any order valued under CA$20
any gift valued under CA$60
You are an angel, thank you so much for all the answers!
Thanks in particular to the most recent one (May 24th 2010).
Hi Bob, I am wanting to order wedding favours to Canada from the U.S., the total comes to $37, and the shipping/handling is a charge of $25… So it will be $62, but the items only $37 how much would I have to pay in duty/taxes for the items to be sent to me? Thankyou.
Hi – I just ordered two bridesmaids dresses from China to be shipped to Calgary, canada (I believe they are being shipped either UPS or Fedex) – they cost $100 each (Total $200). How much do you think I will be charged for tax? Appreciate your feedback – Thanks
Does anyone know the duty cost of buying cosmetics from the US and shipping to Canada.
Hey, I’m looking to buy a longboard from the states made out of baltic birch. It will be about $160 with shipping…$140 before. I was wondering what kind of taxes and duties I could expect on it?
My wife and I are going to the US July 1 to 4th inclusively. I would like to purchase a Plasma Screen for $1250 USD. The same TV is $1750 CAD. Is this worth it? If the 3 kids are with us, can we combine exemptions and pay no tax?
Also, previously in Qc we only paid GST when w ordered from the USA, do you know if things have changed since June 01?
Thank you.
If I won an item worth $400 on Quibid and only paid $65 and had it delivered to a US post. How much duty/tax would I have to pay when brining it back to Canada?
Sir i want to know about the custom duty and other charges to pay for a 3-D scanner purchased from California (America) at cost of $2995.
Hi there,
I have found a very cheap supplier to buy all the appliances and electronics for our new home. Do I need any kind of special liscence to but these goods or just pay tarriffs and taxes? Thanks
the supplier is in China
Harry Shine
July 10th, 2010 at 8:54 pm
You should be very carefol with China suppliers since many are pure frauds, especially on Alibaba etc. Some other suppliers just go out on the street and buy some jusk and stuff the container with.
If you have no experience go thru a western “MIDDLE-MAN” if you have any brain at all. Yes you pay alot more, but you get what you expect to get.
When i import from China i pay about 1/4 of the price in the us. If you pay less, stay away!
I use an agent in Hong Kong hes email is niklas@activehouse.com but he might be to busy, but he might also give you a name to other reliable trader of western standards.
Quick question as I’m having a hard time finding a particular product on the database. I am looking at ordering a baby stroller online from the US and having it shipped to a service in Port Roberts (free shipping) where I will pick it up and bring it home. How much duty is charged on baby strollers (manufactured in Holland) and will I have to pay GST/PST or soon HST?
Hello^^ Thank you for being such a help to everyone!
I want to purchase $130.00 CA worth of clothes online from a British company. What sort of importing fees etc am I going to be charged to ship it from England to Alberta, Canada?
I’m shipping wood furniture, tv, computer from Saudi Arabia to Canada , are there any duty for these items?
I am looking to purchase a laptop in the US. I understand that there is no duty and I would only have to pay the HST/GST. However, if I wanted or needed to return the item to the store, would I get the HST back from customs?
Sorry for the duplicate. I forgot to check the “email comments” box
I am looking to purchase a laptop in the US. I understand that there is no duty and I would only have to pay the HST/GST. However, if I wanted or needed to return the item to the store, would I get the HST back from customs?
July 20th, 2010 at 2:05 pm
In theory this can be done, just refund including HST/GST with any other returned purchase from a Canadian store. But I’ve heard of actual case and do not know the procedure
I want to bring a used backhoe purchased in Pennsylvania, into Canada. I will be accompanying the purchase but will not be out of Canada more than 48 hours. What Canadain Taxes / Duties will I be rquired to pay and will I need to pay Pennsylvania sales tax?
any duties if i buy a cell phone battery from online US company shipped from hong kong to USA, i’ll pick it up in usa n bring back to canada. day trip. value $8.50 cdn.
any duties if i buy a cell phone battery from online US company shipped from hong kong to USA, i’ll pick it up in usa n bring back to canada. day trip. value $8.50 cdn.
July 24th, 2010 at 8:07 pm
There’s normally no duty for electronics. Also if you buy from DealExtreme.com, they mark down the value of goods, which is always under $20, and there’s no duty, brokerage fee, etc.
July 25th, 2010 at 6:14 pm
that’s great Bob, thank you for your reply.
hi there, Will be bringing some car parts to Canada for my jeep. most of them are made in the USA and Canada, but i have bought them here from Dubai, since this is where my parents live. I am an international student in Canada so I dont know what would i be paying. Or could I ask my mum to take it with her instead since she has a multiple visa? any advice would be much appreciated.
My husband is an owner-operator (trucking). He had a load to deliver in the States and bought a new set of steer tires for the truck (installed there also). They came to $910 US dollars.
How much duty will he have to pay?
I am living in the US and going to a wedding in Canada in September 2010. Will be bringing porcelain dinnerware (plates, cups, bowls, etc) as a gift. We will be three people in the car crossing the border. The gift is valued at $1000 (we have receipts with the exact amount). What will we have to pay at the border in Duties, taxes, etc?
July 29th, 2010 at 7:10 pm
Oh, and although purchased in the US from an American company (Macy’s), the dinnerware is marked “Made in China”.
Hi Bob. Thanks for answering everyone’s questions!
I want to buy a camera from Ebay that is around $800US. It’ll be shipped from New York and I live in Sarnia, Ontario Canada. The company said I’m responsible for all of the customs, duties taxes and brokerage fees . Could you help me out? How much would it approximately come to?
Nice post bob. Can’t believe how many comments you get! If you ever have a question you can’t answer feel free to contact me on my blog or email me. I work for customs. Cheers.
Sorry my blog is at http://www.canadacustomsinfo.com or on Twitter @customsinfo I’d like to help if I can. Again, nice post.
I am looking at buying some toy model kits for my boys from a Hong Kong online company. There will be 9 to 10 boxes of model kits cost about US$135 or US$200 including shipping.
How much duty/tax will i have to pay?
By the way, i live in Edmonton, Alberta.
Customs info
August 15th, 2010 at 10:01 am
How are the models being sent? What kind of models are they specifically? Airplanes? Etc. Where are they manufactured? How much do they cost without shipping? Feel free to email me too customsinfo@canadacustomsinfo.com
August 15th, 2010 at 6:23 pm
Thanks for your response. The models will be sent by air mail.
They are action figure (Robots) from a Japanese TV show called Gundam. They are made in Japan, manufactured by Bandai co., Ltd. There will be 9 to 10 boxes cost about US$ 140.
Thanks again,
Customs info
August 15th, 2010 at 10:17 pm
Sorry see below
I live in New Brunswick, Canada. I am thinking of buying wholesale tv seasons from China. Would there be large or any customs costs to be worried about? Or is there anything else I should be aware of? Thanks a lot!
Customs info
August 15th, 2010 at 10:07 pm
What do you mean by wholesale tv seasons?
August 15th, 2010 at 10:22 pm
Like buying a large order of the same show from a company selling at wholesale prices.
Customs info
August 16th, 2010 at 5:43 am
Good question! I think I will have to write a post on my site on a topic that covers this! In the meantime, what format would you buying the shows? I.e. Some kind of reel, tapes, dvd…. I remember back in the day tv shows were in beta and we all had VHS. Please describe in detail how these shows would get to you….or is just a feed or over the net?
August 16th, 2010 at 7:14 am
They would just be NTSC tv show box sets that you could buy in north america at a walmart or other retailer. I would just be buying a large sum of the same box set.
August 16th, 2010 at 10:19 am
Assuming these are prerecorded DVDs from China, they would be classified under HS code 8523409000 and carry a 6% duty rate if you don’t have a certificate of orgin or statement from the exporter in the prescribed format. The other lesser known way to get duty relief is by applying tariff item 9948 to your commercial declaration which will provide relief from the 6% duty. Tariff item 9948 as per Customs D-memorandum d10-14-51 (which you can quote in case you are questioned) provides relief on duties that pertain to “Automatic data processing machines and units thereof,
magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing
data onto data media in coded form and machines for
processing such data..” DVD would qualify as “parts thereof”. Then if you are importing commercially the only thing you would have to pay is GST of %5. Hope this helps. feel free to post on my blog if you have any further questions.
August 16th, 2010 at 1:43 pm
They are US versions made in US but shipped from a warehouse in China. Would these charges apply still?
August 16th, 2010 at 2:16 pm
GST always applies unless you have you have GST exemption code and none applies to your commodity. Duty free is as good as it gets. Besides you get the GST back when you sell them. So you’re basically only paying shipping and possibly warehouse charges (depending on how you ship them) if you self clear that is…which I recommend as its really simple for what you’re importing. Oh and if they made in the US then you don’t have to bother with tariff 9948 or cert of origin but you will need a NAFTA certificate completed. end result is the same.
I know exactly what it is lol. No duty on the toy models and you live on Alberta so no sales tax…just GST of 5% so 140 usd converted to CAD…say today is 1.0402 so 140 would be 145.63 CAD plus GST of 7.28 for a total of 152.91. plus $5 canada post handling fee if they are coming regular air mail. $8 if priority.
I’m am looking at ordering a pair of sunglasses (Maui Jim’s) from amazon.com.
The frames are made in Italy and the lenses in the US.
Amazon is charging 33.76 for ‘import fees’. Does this sound right? The glasses are valued at $191.84
I thought if was manufactured in the US it was duty free?
Customs Info
August 16th, 2010 at 9:41 pm
off the top of my head…lense are possibly duty free but frames made in italy would have duty then there is gst/hst/sales tax depending on province of residence. email me tomorrow at customsinfo@canadacustomsinfo.com to remind me and I will look it up for you.
Customs Info
August 17th, 2010 at 10:02 am
5% duty on sunglasses made in italy. so thats 9.59 in duty for a total of 201.43, plus HST of 26.18 for a total of 227.61. So yes its sounds about right.
I am wondering if you have any idea of what duty/taxes I’ll pay having semi-precious gemstone beads, swarovski crystals and other jewellery making supplies shipped to Ontario? Thank you for your assistance!
Customs Info
August 21st, 2010 at 4:59 pm
no duty on unstrung, unset, not mounted, semi precious stones.Should be no duty on crystals either. But if this Commercial than GST would apply, if personal than HST. As for craft making supplies I would need to know specifically what they are. hope this helps
Hi Bob, I am living in Ontario and planning to make a trip to US for buying some baby items (including furniture (bed), bedding accessories, some electronics like bottle sterizlier, baby monitors, baby clothing, etc). The baby furniture (bed) is made in US but other items are made in different countries.
I notice you mention if the items is made in US or Mexico, then there will be no duty on it. Is that mean i don’t even need to pay that 13% HST on those items as well?
Customs Info
August 21st, 2010 at 4:49 pm
No if they are made in the USA or mexico then they are duty free…not tax free. HST still applies unless the item is exempt under the excise tax act…i.e. orthapedic appliances…
I was thinking of ordering rhinestone tiaras /crowns from hong kong-does anyone know the duty I would have to pay- I have an aunt in the US – would it be better to have them shipped to her?
Customs Info
August 23rd, 2010 at 5:42 pm
Tiaras will depending on material be 7% duty plus HST/GST
and no it would not make a difference..except you might have to pay duty in the US and then Canada again.
I just ordered a highbanker from a private US company on eBay. He makes them himself… I live in BC… it cost me $50.00 to ship via USPS… do you think I will have to pay duty on this?
Customs Info
August 23rd, 2010 at 5:43 pm
what is a highbanker? material? where is it manufactured?
I was going to order some bedding from JCPenny, namely a comforter and some pillows. How will that work? Will I be charged more cost other than shipping and handling?
Customs Info
August 26th, 2010 at 8:28 am
Hi Margaret, it depends on where it was made. if it was made in the USA or any country we have a free trade agreement with then no duty just GST/HST and sales tax depending on province of residence. Otherwise bedding is 14% duty plus GST/HST. Hope this helps
Here’s a curly question for you.
I have a friend in Vancouver who is about to undergo major surgery and will be bed ridden for some time during her recovery period. I am sending her a sheepskin as a gift which she can use on her bed after surgery to help ease her discomfort. Although I purchased the sheepskin (valued at $100 USD) in the US, the country of manufacture was New Zealand. I know that items made outside the US are not covered by the NAFTA, but is there any trade agreements with NZ?
Also, knowing that gifts over $60 CDN are subject to duty and provincial HST, I tried to figure out how much her duties, etc will be without success. Can anyone tell me how much her duty & HST might be so I can let her know?
Sarah Jane
Customs Info
August 30th, 2010 at 1:51 pm
If you declare it as a gift and include a card etc…then $60 will be taken off the value for duty. So 10% duty will apply on $40 plus HST on the $44 (40+4). No trade agreement with NZ.
I live in Seattle but I’m in vacation in Vancouver right now. I just buy an iphone by purchase online. If I’m using it now and bring it back to U.S, how much I will be charged for tax?
Wondering when buying used children’s clothes from US and mailed to Canada does duty apply?
August 29th, 2010 at 4:01 pm
The short answer is yes. Please see more details here http://betterdollar.com/forum/whats-the-duty-for/yard-sale-items/
I am Canadian (Saskatchewan) going to visit a friend in the states for 48 hours
While there I would like to purchase a set of wheels and tires for my car from a company in the U.S. The wheels are worth $556.00CA and the tires are worth $612.CA (about $1200 total)
The tires WILL be mounted on the wheels, but they will NOT be mounted on my car. However, the wheels ARE made in America, but the tires are made in Japan
How much duty/tax will I be paying coming back to Saskatchewan after being gone for 48 hours.
If I were to JUST get the American made wheels ($556.00CA) what would I be paying?
Customs Info
September 2nd, 2010 at 10:00 am
So you will get a $400 exemption being away 48 hours…so no duty on the wheels but 7% duty on the tires. So they should apply your $400 exemption against the tires…which means you will owe 7% or $14.84 cad plus GST 11.49 and PST 11.49. the wheels are duty free but will cost you 27.80 cad in GST and 27.80 in PST.
So in total you will owe 93.42 cad
Some new rubber boots will be delivered from the US to my Canadian home. They are originally imported from the UK. How much duty and tax will I have to pay?
Customs Info
September 3rd, 2010 at 10:10 am
20% duty plus GST/HST or PST on the value + duty. Sorry
I am a Canadian wanting to buy an underground pet fence off of Ebay, united states seller. Innotek Contain N Train, with extra underground wire as well. The total of all this is about $465. How much duty & fees would i need to pay for this?
Customs Info
October 10th, 2010 at 2:19 pm
Hi, I need more detail, like what is it made from? wood? metal? what kind of metal? is it electronic only? like the kind that gives a shock? If its made in the states then you will just pay HST/ GST or PST…unless you live in Alberta, then just GST
I’m thinking of buying a child’s communion dress that is shipped from China. I live in Toronto. Can you give me an idea of what the duty, taxes etc are that I would have to pay?
Many thanks
Customs Info
October 10th, 2010 at 2:21 pm
It depends on the material…but around 17% duty plus HST/GST/PST
I visited Eureka and bought $60 in secondhand clothes-and I was charged duty on them at the border. Is this legal?
Customs Info
October 10th, 2010 at 2:22 pm
Yes, there is duty on used clothing
I have purchased 12 x 200 ml bottles of wine twice now online out of New York, I am in Canada. I received the goods without a problem. The last time I ordered 15 x 200 ml bottles. The order is now stalled in customs. I have received documents in a customs envolope, which normally come with the wine in the box. There was no explanation. What are the rules on online liquor purchases across borders?
Customs Info
October 10th, 2010 at 2:24 pm
depends on your province. for example in Ontario you need to get a permit from the LCBO and pay the provincial mark up then go to Customs and pay all the federal taxes like duty, and excise, and GST.
I am planning to buy some tennis shoes/apparels from the US amounting to USD 260.. will i have to pay an import tariff on these goods..
Customs Info
October 10th, 2010 at 2:25 pm
Yes you would normally. duty and taxes would apply if made outside of a NAFTA Country.
I ordered several car parts that are being shipped to me from the US, how much duty will I be required to pay on them?
Also, what proof do I need to provide for items that fall under NAFTA.
Customs Info
October 10th, 2010 at 2:27 pm
Around 6% duty plus taxes if manufactured in a non nafta country. Otherwise just GST/PST or HST. You need a NAFTA certificate to prove if goods are high value – over 1600 or if under then just a sworn statement if under.
I live in Ontario and am going to Buffalo to buy some things. I’m going to be buying around $500 dollars worth of baby stuff. To be specific: a crib, car seat, and crib sheets.
I know I’ll have to pay gst/hst, but will I also have to pay duty?
Thank you so much for your help!!
Customs Info
October 10th, 2010 at 2:40 pm
9.5% duty on the crib if made outside of US, Mexico or Canada. Not sure on the car seat – maybe 8%. 18% duty on the sheets
Additionally, most of the products say:
Assembled in Country of Origin:
USA and/or Imported
Origin of Components:
USA and/or Imported
One says:
Assembled in Country of Origin: Imported
Origin of Components: Imported
Thank you!!
Customs Info
October 10th, 2010 at 2:41 pm
ok well it depends on what percentage was manufactured where…if its your lucky day you will pay no duty.
Hi. I am a current international student from the US attending the University of Manitoba. I bought a TV thats being shipped to a US address in MIN and its worth about $219. Im gonna be spending just a few hours in MIN to pick it up. Since i am a US citizen and i have a study permit in canada. Do i pay duty and or taxes on the TV and am i allowed to buy alcohol or other goods like food (cheeze its)? Ill probably be in MIN for a few hours only and ill be taking the TV back into the US once i graduate next year.
Customs Info
October 10th, 2010 at 2:46 pm
technically you are now considered a resident of Canada while attending school so you have the same exemption allowances as any Canadian. If you’re only gone a few hours you should be paying duty and or taxes on any applicable items. If you get someone nice they could allow you to import everything under tariff 9803 as a temporary importation tax free. But since there is no way to ensure you rexport all the stuff when you leave it is really the officers discretion. They could also issue you an e29b temporary importation permit and charge you the taxes then refund the $ when you leave. TV should be duty free. Alcohol is fully taxable
hi I live in british columbia and want to order a $350.00 clock from the US that was made in Japan could anybody tell me what the tax and duty would be thanks.
Customs Info
October 10th, 2010 at 2:48 pm
11%-14% depending on what kind of clock plus HST
I would like to purchase 2 handbags online and was wondering how much i will have to pay when it arrives. It will be coming from the United States and to me in Canada. One bag is $398 and the other is $198. so about $600.
Also, would it be worth it to buy it separately?
thanks sooo much!
Customs Info
October 10th, 2010 at 2:50 pm
10-11% duty if made outside the US or Mexico plus GST/PST or HST
I was wondering what percent of tax do you pay on goods that you purchase on an international website on top of the 12% HST tax we pay in BC
Customs Info
October 10th, 2010 at 2:51 pm
duty varies by commodity
It is a luck to me to find this site.
As a Canadian resident, I am going to buy a special scanning epuipments to be attached to a 4×5 camera. it is valued around usd $ 20,000 from California. The equipments will be use for my company business.
I registered an importer account on CRA.
The selling company says they will send the things via Fedex Economy. (shipping charge around usd 400)
I wonder approxmately how much tax and brokerage are?
Customs Info
October 10th, 2010 at 2:53 pm
Check out my site http://www.canadacustomsinfo.com I have post on brokerage fees charged by couriers
Hi Guys,
Order a computer server from California to my home Oshawa, Ontario. Paid the premium Day Saver service for UPS. This item got here early this morning and has been setting with CBSA.
UPS was lazy to call me and when I called them they told me they need a Business Number. So, I give them my HST number or the Business Number and 4 hours later when I called they told me that CBSA said that the business number doesn’t match.
I was told to process the unit as personal item as my wife’s name is on the package (even though my business name is there as well) but they said it will get charge 13% instead of the current 5%. Is that true?
Also, if I decide to bypass the idiots at UPS brokerage and the dummies at CBSA and go directly to Pearson Port what sort of documentation do I need to bring?
What is the process to that?
How long am I looking to spend there to get an item cleared.
Thanks a alot
Customs Info
October 10th, 2010 at 3:07 pm
register an importer number with CRA. they will add RM0001 to your HST number instead of RT0001. lol why are we dummies? Yes you can self clear at Pearson Commercial if your goods are stored at the UPS warehouse under its jurisdiction. If not you can declare there and fax paperwork (b15) to the other port to prove you have accounted for your goods.
The process shouldnt take too long if you have all the paperwork…invoices, cargo release doc from UPS and ID.
Hi. I am interested in importing small quantities of ladies fashion accessories (purse hooks, scarves, watches, etc.) from China to Canada, for resale purposes. Am I able to import smaller quantities without paying import duties, and if so, how many units at a time before import fees cut in? Thank you in advance for any advice you can provide. 🙂
Customs Info
October 10th, 2010 at 3:09 pm
No quantity does not matter. duty is applicable
I am in ottawa and have ordered 1000.00 worth of silver jewelry from Thailand.
What duty and taxes will I have to pay, and do I need to fill in import paperwork of any sorts?
I am buying small items like cups, and they are only $3.00. Will the tax be a lot from China?
Customs Info
October 10th, 2010 at 3:13 pm
what kind of cups? made of?
hi there,
looking for some insight for bringing clothing from a fair trade & charitable organization in India – for selling in my brick & mortar store….
what kind of exemption or taxes/duties am i looking at?
thanks !
Customs Info
October 10th, 2010 at 3:14 pm
17-18% duty plus GST – no exemption
thanks. but i was under the impression that items for resale would not be taxed (hst/gst)???
when i sell these in my store i would be charging HST to customers….
thkns for the input
John R
November 20th, 2010 at 6:53 pm
This is a commercial importation then, please contact a broker.
(Besides, being HST you still get it all back anyway, claim it back as an ITC)
i live in Canada, and i was wondering if i would get extra charges from buying a 50 dollar yo-yo from the US shipped by first class mail
What type of tax would I be looking at for purchasing home appliances? (Microwave, Ranges, etc)
I have checked with the manufacturer and it is made in USA, and have been told that I will only be charged HST. Could I get a verification on this?
Thank you,
October 12th, 2010 at 8:31 pm
Yes, affirmative.
I was wanting to buy a camera lens and flash for my camera from the US. The total value is $530. What kind of duty would I need to pay.
I live in Toronto and was planning on having new winter tires and rims delivered to my mother in laws house in Grand Island, New York. I would then pick them up and bring them back home myself. This saves me a lot of money in shipping. What other costs beside duty can I expect to pay when bringing these tires and rims back across the border into Canada. Thanks.
October 26th, 2010 at 8:15 pm
Greg you would pay duty at around 9% and HST on top of that. If you can turn the trip into a 2 day event you get the $400.00 exemption.
We’re renovating our kitchen here in CDA. I have priced out appliances, and can get them in the US for approx 1/3 of what we would pay here – nice! Am I correct in reading that there is no duty, only HST on these items as long as they are manufactured in the USA? And the HST is calculated on the amount I will have paid in US Dollars?
October 26th, 2010 at 8:18 pm
Kim, you are correct about manufactured in USA but also Mexico and Canada. I would make sure before you purchase as to the origin of the appliances.
John R
November 20th, 2010 at 7:07 pm
Re: HST on paid in US dollars – no, it will be based on the canadian value of the US dollars. With the dollar at par, though, its basically the same.
Hi BOB i live in toronto canada and i was going to buy 2 pairs of glasses from hong kong china for 113.38$ i just wanted to know how much would the duty be or if there is no duty on it.
Hi there,
I am thinking about doing a fundraiser for a non-profit organization. I would like to order aerial (antenna) toppers from China for cars . I am unsure how much duty will have to be paid once the shipment arrives and this info is required to figure out unit cost and the viability of the fundraiser. I am aware it is based on the value of the shipment but as of yet I am unsure of the quantity I will order. I do realize GST and PST has to be included after the duty is added. Thanks.
John R
November 20th, 2010 at 7:08 pm
Need some more information regarding the material on the antenna toppers. GST and PST (now HST) will be paid, but if you are a registered charity, you can get it back.
I planning two day trip to the US. What duty payment is required on tires including labour. Our vehicle is on joint registration with my wife who is travelling with me. Total cost is $502.00 US’
October 26th, 2010 at 8:10 pm
A two day trip would be 48hrs. You are allowed $400.00 each for a total of $800.00. You are covered unless you decide to go over the limit. No duty or HST.
My husband (who is Canadian) is moving his parents (who are also both Canadian) back to Canada from the US. They’ve lived there for 12 years. What kind of possible duties could they be facing on just about everything in a household (food excluded, of course).
John R
November 20th, 2010 at 7:09 pm
Please see – http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/pub/bsf5087-eng.html
I bought an HP computer (Manufacturer refurbished) in eBay from US, I am in Toronto, Canada,
How much is custom fee for this 2000$ product?
thank you
John R
November 20th, 2010 at 7:11 pm
Customs fee – if you mean brokerage – it depends on how it coming up. UPS, Fedex, DHL all have different rates. As far as duty/tax, 13% HST.
UPS Charges – http://www.ups.com/content/ca/en/shipping/cost/zones/customs_clearance.html
(I am not a broker for UPS)
I would like to ask whether the Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin (MCO) has the same weight as the NAFTA Certificate of Origin, since we are looking for a duty refund for our Mercedes benz sprinter van conversion–where the coach is manufactured in the USA, but the chassis/cab/engine is German-made!
If we present the MCO, will that satisfy the CBSA or do we need to ask the American RV company to fill up the official NAFTA certificate of origin?
John R
November 20th, 2010 at 7:13 pm
While I don’t know, I would get a nafta just to play it safe.
hi im a dual citizen amirican/canadian residing in canada i was thinking of purchasing an atv(quad) down in the states to be used in canada mostly but also in the states is it best for me too insure it in the states or canada and when i bring it to canada to use will there be any duties or taxes needing to be paid?
John R
November 20th, 2010 at 7:16 pm
Please see – http://vehicleimportation.ca/
Shows a person who did just that.
Be sure to get a card from US customs, that proves the vehicle was in the US originally. That will save you grief when you take it across the border.
too add to that i reside in alberta and what might the fees be if the atv(quad) is approximatly 14000.00 us dollars
looking to buy new hydraulic control valves from ebay for $240. is there duty on hydraulics coming from the US? it will b coming from michigan. would b shipped by USPS. thanks
I have purchased items from an on line site (skyauctions.com) such as a designer watch with a suggested retail value of $100 for $12.00. I have it shipped to a US mail box and I drive across the border to pick it up. As I may only be in the US for 20 minutes am I obligated to pay taxes and duty on $12.00 or $100.00?
John R
November 20th, 2010 at 7:21 pm
If you have the receipt, on $12.00. Customs can however use their discretion to charge it on the $100.00, if they don’t believe the value.
If I’m going over to the US for 5 days and purchase a laptop of about $1200. Do i pay HST on $1200 or $800 (1200-400)?
Looking at importing wedding dresses from china, to sell at my store, what duty would I be paying?
Hi, I am purchasing stroller signs (a little sign that hangs on your stroller) that was made in china but being sold from the US and I live in Canada. Can you tell me if I need to pay duty? Thanks so much.
November 3rd, 2010 at 5:16 pm
I forgot to mention that I will be reselling them in Canada.
John R
November 11th, 2010 at 11:23 am
What are the signs made of. Are you importing them commercially, or personally?
Hi there I am a Canadian who has been in Panama for a few months and will be returning to Edmonton, Alberta soon. I would like to exceed the duty free limit for liquor (for personal use). If I was to bring excess liquor back what is the duty tax? Is it 18-19%? Would I be paying this tax on the price I paid for the bottles here (ie: $4.50)??? Am I right that there is a GST on top of that? (again on the $4.50) – Cheers.
I live in Canada and wanted to order contact lenses from the U.S. What kind of additional fees may I have to pay?
Hey Bob,
My husband and I are wanting to do some Christmas Shopping and buy snowmobiling gear. But we will be there for less then 48 hours. What is the duty we will pay on the goods?
John R
November 20th, 2010 at 7:28 pm
Where’s it made, and How much, minimum will be PST/GST or HST – whatever your province charges.
Hey Bob,
My husband and I are wanting to do some Christmas Shopping and buy snowmobiling gear. But we will be there for less then 48 hours. What is the duty we will pay on the goods?
John R
November 10th, 2010 at 8:15 pm
It will depend on the goods, and where they are made. Regardless of that, you will still be on the hook for PST / GST (or HST if your province has it)
hey bob, i want to buy ski goggles off of ebay. the price is 65$ and shipping is 23$. I live New Brunswick so i was woundering what i could be expecting for dutys
John R
November 16th, 2010 at 12:09 am
Provincial HST would apply against $65, converted to Canadian..
I live in BC and would like to purchase a $250.00 Canadian made G3 Onyx ski binding in the USA. Would I pay duty on this and if so how much. Would I have to pay HST?
John R
November 11th, 2010 at 10:44 am
You would claim it as ‘canadian goods returned’. It will be exempt from duty and tax.
I live in Ontario, and I would like to buy a digital camera package (camera, lenses, case, etc) online and have it shipped here. The value of the package is $2500, but I would only be paying $1250. What would the duties be for it?
John R
November 16th, 2010 at 12:11 am
13% HST against the 1250. But if its a canon/nikon, you won’t get a warranty. Any problems and you’d have to ship it to the US.
Hi I am thinking of importing Remote Control Helicopters from China the Price per unit is about $280 but the value to buy in Canada is about $800 to $900 depending on the Level you want… Would you know the Price in Duties & if I pay the Brokerage fees is there any break on the Duty or is there any easier way to import.??
John R
November 16th, 2010 at 12:12 am
I would call a broker to find out about brokerage fees. Do a google search for ‘canada custom broker’ and see what pops up.
There is no way to get ‘cheaper’ duty.. duty is duty. It applies if your commercial or personal.
Hey, I’m looking to buy a 2002 bmw 745i for 11,000 in Seattle Washington. I live in British Columbia, Canada and I was wondering after all the fees how much it would cost me to bring it back home. Thanks a ton!!
John R
November 19th, 2010 at 9:50 am
Please see
Hi, I would like to buy a unlocked blackberry phone from EBAY. The phone is US$500. How much duty and tax will be charged if I would like to ship this item from the US to Ontario?
Thank you.
John R
November 20th, 2010 at 6:52 pm
13% HST. But check around, unless its the torch you can pick them up for that price here.
November 21st, 2010 at 1:59 am
Thanks for the reply.
I would like to buy my boyfriend a drum throne for Christmas. They do not sell it in Canada. What is the duty on musical hardware from the United States ?
John R
November 21st, 2010 at 9:36 am
What is a drum throne? Most parts / accessories are duty free (but you’d pay the same provincial taxes as you would here)
oops i forgot to say the throne cost $160.00 plus $50.00 shipping. thanks for your help.
hello! im planning to purchase a wallet from urbanoutfitters.com. its $38 plus $15 for shipping via usps from us to ontario. i know that i’ll have to pay the 13% hst but how much will i be charged for the duties?and for the hst, will they base it on $53, the whole amount including the shipping or just on the price of the wallet ($38)?
thanks so much!
John R
November 22nd, 2010 at 9:41 am
13% HST based on the $38.00 converted to canadian
November 22nd, 2010 at 6:58 pm
oooh okaaay! THANK YOU SO MUCH! =)
I live in Ontario and am going to the US. I want to purchase the Kindle ebook. Will be staying less than 48 hours but more than 24 hours. Can you tell me what I will be paying on duty and taxes?? Am I better off ordering it through Amazon.
John R
November 22nd, 2010 at 9:40 am
13% HST
im having a little trouble figuring out how much duties and taxes ill have to pay on the items i am ordering online.. maybe you can help? =)
im ordering snowboard equip. which includes bindings, boots, board, jacket, pants, goggles and a couple bags (ie. backpack and board bag.)
i live right on the BC – WA border and am getting them shipped to the states to go pick them up myself.
the total will be around 1340 USD.
John R
November 25th, 2010 at 9:29 am
Do you know the origin? Provincial HST will apply at minimum.
Live in BC, Canada. I want to purchase $500 worth of rhinestones from the US. Having them deliver through 1st class mail to me.
What should I expect to pay to my mailcarrier? TYVM
John R
November 25th, 2010 at 9:24 am
IIRC, 10% duty, plus your provincial HST + $5.00
l am thinking of buying some computer parts from the Us and have them shipped to a friends address, l would like to know if and how much duty l would be paying when l go to pick them up at their home
John R
November 25th, 2010 at 4:04 pm
Duty free, GST/PST or HST applies. And take them something nice from the duty free shop on your way down.
I am thinking of buying a Kindle e-reader ($139us) from Amazon.com and having it shipped to me in Canada. Is there any duty on this item and if so how much?
John R
November 27th, 2010 at 11:53 am
There is no duty on it (its a computer basically), and you will have to pay PST / GST (or hst).
Make sure that you get one of the new generation, that accepts WiFi, as the older ones they are blowing away (3g only) won’t work in canada. There is also a hard cover case for $15 on sale now.
(I just ordered 2 new readers myself – shh don’t tell my wife and mother in law)
November 29th, 2010 at 5:52 pm
Hi John
I ended up buying the newest Kobo e-reader ($149) from Chapters. Only $10 more than the kindle and seems close in comparison, plus Amazon was out of stock till after Christmas! Thanks so much for your help. (great gift for Wife & MIL, they will love it, I have one already)
I am doing some online shopping for Christmas and am thinking about buying some Henckel knives. I know that the ones I hope to buy are made in Germany but are sold via a US website. I am wondering what would be the duty and tax that I would have to paly on these items. They are valued at $700.00 but on sale for $200.00. Thanks for your help
John R
November 30th, 2010 at 12:07 am
Ill have to check, but Im pretty sure just HST on the $200
I live in Canada and want to order clothing from a US site, how does the duty work?
I am wondering what the duty would be on $250 worth of Lego coming from the US to Ontario.
John R
December 4th, 2010 at 12:01 am
Just HST (13%)
I just bought a toy from the US and I was charged $5.34 for HST and $5.00 for handling. The actual value of the item is $25.00 and I sent a request for refund with proof to the refund centre, and I was refunded $2.00. I called the CBSA number and the person on line told me that the exemption limit is only $20.00. I remember that the limit was $40.00 in the 80s, and then changed to $30.00 in the 90s. Is it really $20.00 now because many times I had toys ordered with value at about $25.00 and they all came to my door. By the way, the MFN tariff for this item is FREE on the website. Have I been wrongly charged this time? Or the new HST really gives the Feds another way to make more money out of our pockets??
John R
December 6th, 2010 at 11:24 am
25 toy should have gotten you 3.25 ish in HST (which you paid, 5.34 – 2.00)
The $20 exemption came in 1985, and has been like that since. (OIC 85-2955)
MFN tariff is free, and you didn’t pay duty, just sales tax. So, the amount they charged you is correct.
Prior to HST, you would have paid PST and GST – so really, you’re in the same boat.
You may have got things ‘free’ before, its just luck of the draw, mail doesn’t all get inspected, or tagged. It’s hit or miss.
I’m having a winter jacket shipped to a US address, that I will go pick up and bring across to Canada. The jacket is worth about $130USD but it’s made in China. Will I have to pay duties and taxes or just the taxes?
I do professional recording out of my studio in Toronto.. I’m looking at purchasing a drum software package for my studio.. it sells for $240 Canadian here at the music stores… I found it on a U.S. web retailer on sale for $99 U.S. plus $30 shipping… what would be the duty on this if i just order it online from a U.S. based internet music store to ship to Toronto? and would it be subject to any other taxes?
John R
December 6th, 2010 at 11:28 am
HST on the $99
John R
December 6th, 2010 at 11:32 am
(Which you claim back as an ITC)
i was wondering what the duty/tax would be on a airsoft shipment from china worth 82$
John R
December 6th, 2010 at 11:26 am
Be careful – unles sits clearly visible that its not a real gun, customs can seize it. (we had a case where an importer bought some ‘authentic looking’ glocks, and customs seized them all. You can’t import imitation guns. As long as they look like a toy – you’re ok.
I’m from Vancouver and looking to buy used dj equipment off a craigslist user in Seattle. Would I be charged taxes or duty even though it’s a private sale? Say I got a good deal and pay $1000 and the product is actually worth $2000. How would they calculate the value?
John R
December 6th, 2010 at 11:07 am
value is calculated on what you paid for the item. get a receipt from the seller, showing the value, that its used, etc.
You will have to pay HST when you hit the border.
I just bought some polyester chair covers from a place in the Us to be shipped to Canada. It appears thay were actually made in Shanghai 🙁 My total cost was $258. Do you have any idea what xtras thay will get me with when the UPS guy shows up next week?
I want to buy a home theather projector and holder for 700 dollars US to be shipped via Ground USPS and most probably fall to Canada post in Ottawa. Would I be paying extra taxes or charges when I claim it on the post. Thank you very much.
John R
December 13th, 2010 at 11:46 am
$5 processing fee + 13% hst
My daughter wants to purchase a wedding dress in the USA and bring it back to BC. Will she have to pay a duty as well as the HST on the dress? Does it matter if the dress is made in the US?
John R
December 10th, 2010 at 3:55 pm
made in the US – just provincial HST.
December 10th, 2010 at 4:03 pm
Thank you for your quick reply. What if the dress has been imported to the US from China, Thailand or Vietnam etc?
John R
December 10th, 2010 at 4:08 pm
Need to know what its made of then.
Most likely it would be made of satin or taffeta or a combination of modern fabrics.
John R
December 13th, 2010 at 12:01 pm
If made of synthetic fibres 6204.43.00.xx
If made from silk 6204.49.00.00
Thats duty.
Add onto that, hst
Hi Bob,
I’m looking to purchase a computer program called Tell Me More retailed at $529.00USD and having it shipped to Canada. Do you per chance know how much the duty will be?
Thanks kindly in advance!
Regards, Nathan
John R
December 13th, 2010 at 11:43 am
PST/GST or HST only.
I live in Ontarion and I want to purchase a sports jersey dispaly cabinet from eBay (seller is in the Michigan area). Will I have to pay any duty/tariffs?
John R
December 30th, 2010 at 1:57 pm
PST GST or HST only
i’m planning to buy an Asus laptop from GenTech PC (from California, US).
Option 1: Ship to my Vancouver address, do i have to pay duty and HST?
Option 2: Ship to Washington address, cross the border to pick up within same day, do i have to pay duty and HST?
if i have to pay duty+HST either way, i would go with Option 2 to save on the laptop with free shipping!
John R
December 20th, 2010 at 12:37 am
Pick option2. No duty either way, but you’ll save a boatload on the shipping. And you have the advantage of the officer just waving you through, and not paying any HST.
I’m a canadian and just bought a louis vuitton online for around $240 and it was made in france. Will have any duties or taxes to pay?
Planning to import a digital slide scanner from Washington State to B.C. after 48 hours absence. Retail approx $850.Please can youadvise me what toexpect.
John R
January 5th, 2011 at 10:06 am
HST only.
In the process of purchasing USED dell PowerEdge 1950 Servers (2 servers) valued at $1200 each. These servers are for home use for study purpose towards vmware certification.
What will be the duty + Ontario Tax, I will have to pay?
January 7th, 2011 at 3:29 pm
Duty for computer is 0%. HST applies.
You’re paying too much. There’s a couple on Kijiji (London).
Are you going for VCP? I’m writing mine next month. I picked up a R715 and a DSN5410 for going through the HA/FT labs.
13% HST is all you will pay.
Looked at Kijiji – Nothing available. Still trying to close the deal on PE 1950 QC L5420 which supports HA/FT/EVC. Based on your reply, I will have to pay around $150 towards tax which is too much for USED item. Going to attend ICM 4.1 training in Feb and take VCP exam in Feb as well.
John R
January 13th, 2011 at 9:55 am
Make sure that where you take it is accredited. We sent some staff to a training course in toronto, that we found out later wasn’t, and you can’t write the exam unless you take it at a place that is accredited.
C-TechOnline.com is also a good place for picking up systems.
You can also make a unit inhouse – check out nexenta for the san software, and then some off the shelf (ala tiger direct barebone AMD systems) for the servers.
I just ordered 1100.00 worth of dance costumes from California. I am not sure of where the outfits are made. But wondering if I will have to pay duty and am I better off to split the order into smaller amounts?
John R
January 13th, 2011 at 9:52 am
Unless you brought it under $20 each shipment, it won’t matter.
Duty could be anywhere from 0 to 18% depending on material, and where its made.
How were they coming in?
January 13th, 2011 at 10:18 am
Hi John,
They will be shipped Fed Ex. I am not sure of where they are made. I guess it is unavoidable. Thanks for the information.
Hi there,
I’m looking to bring a used pinball machine from the USA to Canada. What should I expect regarding duty?
John R
January 16th, 2011 at 1:00 pm
Check out http://www.cgcc.ca/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7594
for an exhaustive q&A about pinballs and customs.
Readers Digest version – Free + HST
Curious – which one?
Hi Bob,
If I was purchasing a snowboard with boots and bindings from the US for $249 + a $15 shipping charge, how much would duty be, if any at all?
John R
January 26th, 2011 at 3:11 pm
7.5% duty
Hi Bob,
I’m looking to order 4-5 bridesmaid dresses online, they will be coming from the US but I’m they are made elsewhere in the word, most likely china. What would the duty be for ordering these from the US to SK, Canada?
John R
January 18th, 2011 at 1:51 pm
Worse case, without knowing Country of Origin, and what material, 18% + HST (or GST/PST)
Hi Bob, I’m looking to purchase some wedding items from an online US craft store ( guest book/ basket/ ring pillow/ fabrics such as tulle,organza and polyester chair covers) Was wondering what the duties would be and any other charges?
Hey I want to start selling posters online – will customers in America have to pay any duty on these posters? They’ll probably be 100-150$ each.
John R
January 23rd, 2011 at 4:41 pm
John R
January 23rd, 2011 at 4:47 pm
Sorry – hit save to quick. US has an exemption for goods under $200. Over that and the end users could pay. There are not only duties, taxes, but an MPT fee of $25.00 for non nafta goods.
January 26th, 2011 at 1:55 pm
Thanks for such a quick reply.
To be clear, I’m making original fine art prints.
Are you saying the 25$ applies regardless of being over or under 200, or that it applies ONLY if the total transaction is over $200?
I’ve been trying and trying to find out information on either USA or Canada gov’t sites about what is or isn’t duty free, and they ain’t easy to navigate. The info is not easy to find.
John R
January 26th, 2011 at 2:10 pm
Honestly – I’m not a US Broker, so take my advice with a grain of salt, if the total transaction is under $200, its free (like our under $20), if you sent a nafta, you’d save them the $25 MPF fee, and they wouldn’t have to pay anything on it. So, as long as when you ship out the paintings, you include a nafta, you should be ok.
I am considering purchasing a 32 in. LED television from China. The price of $200, with shipping and insurance = approx $250. What I need to know is what is the tariff/duty I would owe at time of my receiving it. Can anyone help me with this issue? This is my first purchase thru a China distributor, if it works and prices are reasonable, I will be ordering a second one. I have looked and looked for info to determine this without success.
If I receive gold powder or Nuggets from Bolivia, it is a non finish product, do you know if I need to pay duties on it please.
Thank you,
Hey im looking to buy a samsung tv aprox 1500$ US in blaine and bring back to bc , how much would i pay at the border ?
February 1st, 2011 at 2:18 pm
mike – quote from china on samsung un55b8500 just this morning $330.00 — thats a 3d model – i havent found duty amount yet
I am hoping to purchase some closets from Ikea. What would I expect to pay in duties for approx. $1000 worth of product? I need to weigh out whether I order from Canada and pay huge shipping fees to where I live, or just drive 20 minutes over the border and get it myself. Thanks! Martha
Hi. I live in Vancouver BC.
If I purchase a $19k diamond from bluenile which ships from seatle, whAt fee would customs charge.?
Hi there I have purchased a cell phone pouch (just the pouch no phone) on ebay for 3.50 Canadian! I was just wondering if there will be any surprise taxes or duty fees when it shows up at my door!! thank you.
January 28th, 2011 at 3:18 pm
it is being shipped from hong kong…duh should have wrote that!!
February 1st, 2011 at 3:00 pm
No there shouldn’t be. Any item under $20, is free to Canadian. However the treat to US citizen is $200.
Hi, I want to order a samsung st600 camera from ebay, the seller is from USA and I’m wondering how much custom taxes would I need to pay? The price of the camera is $191 plus shipping, to canada
Hi, I would like to buy 3D tv from bestbuy $1500 and I live in Vancouver. How much duty I need to pay ? Thanks in Advance.
I’m looking at going to the states to purchase a crib and stroller. Will I have to pay duty on this? I only want to go over for the day?
John R
February 9th, 2011 at 9:27 am
You’ll have to be careful that the crib that you get is CSA approved (some are only UL approved) and customs may not let them into the country.
If made in the US, its duty free. I’ll look up the rate if its not, and post in a bit.
I have purchased a 7″ tablet computer from the developer in Australia. The item is manufactured in Hong Kong. The approx value of the device is 225. CDN
What will the duty / tax be on this purchase?
John R
February 12th, 2011 at 11:50 am
Duty free, HST applies.
I buy in on-line store in US craft supplies, sent by USPS, will they be duty and HST tax charged if amount declared is more than $20?
John R
February 13th, 2011 at 11:33 pm
Maybe. Under $20 is exempt. Over you normally have to pay. It depends if your package is selected by CBSA.
February 14th, 2011 at 4:00 am
Thank you!
I live in Canada near the US border. It would be much closer for me to cross the border to the US and purchase some Ikea closets, than order from my nearest Canadian Ikea which is several hundred kms away. About how much duty am I looking at paying for about $1000 worth of Ikea closets/products? Thanks.
if i go down to the states from canada for 1 day. buy 5 tins of chewing tobacco that will come to under $20. and will have 160 grams of tobacco. how much will it cost me for duty
John R
February 14th, 2011 at 2:50 pm
Tobacco is exempt from exemptions – so the under $20 doesn’t apply. what province are you importing it into?
I want to buy a “Android Touch 7”3G WIFI ebook Reader Tablet PC” from E-Bay. The location of the merchandise is in China. Price: 113.18 $CAD. Would I exempted as it is an electronic item or have to pay Duty/HST/GST/ Sales tax , etc ?
John R
February 14th, 2011 at 9:39 pm
The only exemptions are when you leave the country for a period of time, or the amount you import is < $20 CAD.
The ebook reader is 0% duty, plus HST.
I am having some used vintage car parts send to Canada from England. Do I have to pay duty on “used parts?”
Yes, probably 6% + HST
I just bought goalie pads worth u$560 but I picked USPS TO CANADA as my shipping method do I have to pay DUTY OR TAXES?????
I just bought goalie pads worth u$560 but I picked USPS TO CANADA as my shipping method do I have to pay DUTY OR TAXES??
John R
February 22nd, 2011 at 2:14 pm
“Maybe”. Customs will sometimes tag a USPS package, and if they do, then yes you will. If sent by carrier, and the value is over $20, then always yes.
I live in BC Canada. I’d like to purchase a pearl jewelry set (American-made) from an American website and have it shipped to me. It would cost roughly $700USD — any idea how much it would cost me in fees/taxes?
John R
March 1st, 2011 at 12:21 pm
10% + 12 HST
Are there any duties if I buy $22- in clothes from a company in the UK and they ship it to Ontario? Is it true that anything under $25- is duty free from USA or UK?
John R
February 25th, 2011 at 7:43 am
its under $20 CDN that its free.
Clothing ranges from free to 16% duties, depending on what the article is, material, and Country its made in.
I want to purchase dog clipper from EBay. They are 127.33 plus shipping. What will I have to pay in taxes/duty? I’ve never purchased items from ebay us. Thanks
John R
March 1st, 2011 at 11:51 am
Depends on where its made. Its 13% at least for HST (if you are in Ontario).
We have a retirement cottage in Nova Scotia that we bought furnished several years ago. We come to Canada about twice a year, and each time would like to bring in a few of our used household furnishings and/or appliances. How do we get pre-approval from Canadian Customs?
John R
March 1st, 2011 at 11:55 am
This gets into some grey territory, as each port could do things a bit differently. You’re best to call the port where you clear at, and explain the situation. If you can tell me the port, I can give you the phone number.
March 2nd, 2011 at 9:42 am
We cross at Calais, on our way to St. John/Digby and always seem to get the same grumpy border guard, ending up in customs almost every time. CC
Does anyone know approximately how much duty I can expect to pay for $1000 worth of Ikea furniture to bring from the USA to Canada? Thanks!
I bought a wedding dress in the US for $450 and it I will be picking it up at the border. How much approximate duty and taxes will I have to pay?
I want to import some respiratory fit testing equipment (to test the fit of face masks used in manufacturing processes) from the US. The equipment is worth approximately $10K USD and I live in Ontario Canada. Any idea of my costs (GST< PST, Duties) would be appreciated.
John R
March 3rd, 2011 at 9:51 am
I would suggest you contact a broker (as this is more commercial then personal goods, and there could be some gotcha’s in there). Most brokers will provide this information (landed cost calculation) free.
As it appears commercial, you’ll pay duties (if any) and GST. Not HST. You will claim back the GST as an ITC.
Hello….I have few clothes which have to be shipped to my friend in Canada. So do i have to pay any tax for sending them???
John R
March 3rd, 2011 at 11:22 pm
as the shipper – no, but your friend may. If this is a gift, and its under $60, then *clearly* mark the package as a gift, with a value of less then $60 CAD. They should receive it without paying duty/tax.
March 3rd, 2011 at 11:25 pm
ok…thanx for the information…hope this should go good….
Hello… my family and I are emigrating from UK to Canada in July this this. We have a ‘goods to follow’ document stamped by customs however there are quite a few differences, a few new purchases and some things we’ve decided to leave behind – how is it best to list these items on the shipping?
Also, I am starting a restaurant (a gastropub) in Toronto and I have some 1950’s tables and chairs which I am planning to bring with me too. Approx 12 tables and 60 chairs. They’re not expensive, around CAN$80-100 for a table, $16 for a chair. I also hope to bring some equipment to help dispense cask conditioned beers, i.e a beer engine (the device to hand pull the beer from pumps).
Can anyone advise me on the rate of duty and other fees I would incur on importing such items?
I’m looking to order some hardcover books from amazon.co.uk I’ve tried looking at the site but i can;t figure out what duty if any would be chargred
Im going to be ordering some pricey headphones from sweden(60 dollers) and having them shipped to canada, ottawa will i be charged duty??
Hi, I’m from BC but I’m planning on driving to Seattle to buy a used set of winter tires mounted on rims from a private seller I found in craigslist. Because they’re used and they sale is private do I still have to pay import tax and HST comming back across the border into canada? Thank you.
John R
April 12th, 2011 at 9:09 am
Hi, Im buying a 400 dollar snowboard from washington and shipping it to B.C. how much would duty cost?
hi i have some dining table from china about $9000 i live in canada albrta how much i will bay for custom thanks
hi i have porches some dining table from china new about$8000 how much i will bay for custom i kive canada alberta
I’d like to know the duty on a set of hardcover books total cost about 180 canadian
John R
April 12th, 2011 at 9:10 am
0% if made in the US
buying a set of hardcover books from amazon england total cost 180 Canadian, what would the duty be? I can’t figure it out from the website sorry.
John R
April 12th, 2011 at 9:13 am
0% from the UK too
I’m in Canada and ordering 29 USB flashdrives valued at about $280. How much approximately would duties and fees be on those.
John R
April 12th, 2011 at 9:51 am
Duty – 0, HST applies, fees depends on who the carrier and broker are.
I am looking to order yearbooks (photobooks) for my child’s elementary school from U.S. to Canada. Total would be about $600 – $700 for the order. Would there be duty, taxes, brokerage fees etc. charged on these?
John R
April 12th, 2011 at 9:16 am
Depending on how photobooks get defined -0%.
HST applies
Brokerage fees depend on your broker.. how they are shipping, if by UPS – http://www.ups.com/content/ca/en/shipping/cost/zones/customs_clearance.html
If I were to come back to Canada with $1000 worth of stuff would I have to pay GST/HST on that stuff AND THEN duty? So i would then be paying and extra $360? (18%duty + 18%GST/HST)
What is the “STUFF”?
Where is the “STUFF” made?
what is the duty rate on the “STUFF”?
Where is HST 18%?
The formula is
* Exchange rate to give you Value for Duty.
Value for Duty * Duty Rate = Amount of Duty.
Value for Duty + Amount of Duty = Duty Paid Value.
Duty Paid Value * HST Rate = Your HST Amount
You end up paying the Amount of Duty + HST Amount.
So, If you buy “STUFF” that has 5% Duty, and you bought something that was $100.
$100USD = 101 CAD
101 * 5% = 5.05 DUTY
(101 + 5.05) * HST (13%) = 13.79
Total Duty = 5.05
Total HST = 13.79
Your total is 18.84
April 12th, 2011 at 10:30 am
Sorry, I’m in ontario, so i guess that would be 13%HST.
The “STUFF” I’ll be getting soon is a bunch of car audio equipment (Subs, components, amps, wiring, etc).
Although by the looks of it you answered my question very well without that information.
John R
April 12th, 2011 at 10:34 am
Car Audio – depends on where its made, and how powerful, etc, but if you budget for 12% duty (worse case) , you should be ok.
April 12th, 2011 at 2:45 pm
wicked. thanks
I wish to order a massage table from a US supplier on ebay. Product is made in China, Purchase price is $98.00 C; Stndrd internationl shipping to ON Canada. How much duty might I have to pay in addition to the HST?
I’m considering ordering a bandsaw from an American retailer (the saw is manufactured in Taiwan). I am trying to determine if it is worth the extra cost of importation. The saw would be shipped to me in Ontario by UPS motorfreight. The saw retails for US$995.00 + US$178.00 for shipping. I figure I’ll have to pay HST on the saw and the shipping (?). How much duty am I looking at?
If I order prescription glasses from USA I do not know if frames are made in USA but lenses are, shippping to canada
will I have to pay DUTY? (I realize plus taxes for Ontario)
Hi.. I want to order a Henckel knife set (made by Germany & Spain) from a US based company, value about $220.00 plus shipping. How much duty do I need to pay to have it shipped to Vancouver, Canada? Thanks 🙂
hI Bob!
I live in Ontario and i’m looking to import some clothing form china, about, $200, will be paying tax and duties for it, about 10kg.
thanks a LOT
Hi Bob,
How much i would be paing for importing some clothes from china?, i live in ontario, total spended $200, less than 20lbs in weight.
Hello, i will be going to fashion outlet mall which is about 5 minutes after crossing the border at nigara falls, if i spend $400 dollars only on clothing, shoes, and purses, how much taxs would i have to pay for that when i reach the border to come back i will be going only for the day so less the @$ hours?
John R
April 28th, 2011 at 10:44 am
plan on 6%-18% plus HST
April 28th, 2011 at 12:40 pm
Thank you, so how would i calculate that excatly just so i can have an idea if its worth travelling that far or not. We will just asume that i would be paying 18% and the HST on top of what i spend which will be roughly 400$, how do i input this into a calculator…
John R
April 28th, 2011 at 12:47 pm
Depending on what you buy, lets say customs does pull you over, and you pay 6%
Cost of goods $400
Convert to Canadian $400
Add duty (X 1.06)
Add HST (X 1.13)
New Total = 479.12
You paid the store $400, and customs $79.12
Your out of pocket was $479.12 (Plus the gas you used to drive over there, and bridge tolls)
i want to buy a stean engine form india for 2400.00 u.s. is this exempt from duty??.i expect to pay the taxes but is there duty as well?? how much duty on something like this?.its being shipped via cargo ship i believe to toronto…
I am having a dog shipped to me from a breeder in the united states. I know I have to pay an inspection fee but is there duty on the dog when i pick it up from the airport ?
John R
April 28th, 2011 at 10:43 am
no, oddly, its made in the states…
You may have to pay HST though.
If I buy an item online and return it, is there a way to get back the duties I had paid on it? Thanks for your help!
John R
April 28th, 2011 at 10:19 am
Please see
i had a query earlier.
that is what are the duties and taxes i have to pay on an emerald and ruby uncut bead necklace without gold or silver purchased by me through ebay from india to canada, vancouver
I’m looking to purchase a $300 wooden swing set in the U.S and bring it home to ontario. Any idea what I would have to pay??
John R
April 28th, 2011 at 10:17 am
Just HST
I currently live in France and my girlfriend living in Vancouver, BC has fallen in love with an antique dining table that she’d like to bring home. (it’s around 3000 Euros).
I could buy it. She could buy it. We’re just not sure what’s the most cost efficient way to limit duties and taxes – and what they would be.
Could someone help or point me to regulations dealing with antiques (200+ year old) furniture?
Thank you!
John R
April 28th, 2011 at 10:16 am
You’d have to get proof of its age, and then you could use an Annex – which would omit any duty, but you’re still on the hook for HST (12% I think, but she would know)
Depending on how long she’s been over, she can use her exemption to get that 3000 EUR down lower.
Buy it for her, she’ll love you more.
April 28th, 2011 at 2:38 pm
Thank you John,
When you say “an Annex” what does that mean? You’re advice is very helpful.
P.S. If i buy it for her and ship it to her, wouldn’t she have to pay duty and tax regardless?
John R
April 28th, 2011 at 2:46 pm
Annex is a provision for specific things that affect duty and/or tax.
Is she in BC now, or is she still in france?
Hi John,
She’s back in BC now; but could purchase it remotely if needed.
If I purchased it, I’d pay French VAT (19%); if she purchased it she wouldn’t (or would get it refunded).
We’re not trying to avoid paying taxes of course; just trying to minimize that and duty. Worst case would be somehow we managed to get taxed TWICE :).
John R
April 28th, 2011 at 11:17 pm
She’s better off to order it and have it shipped direct from the seller to her, she won’t ahve to pay the vat, but she will end up paying the HST here. |Best of luck!
I want to buy a golf simulation program and sensor mat, valued at $3,700 CAD from the Netherlands. Could you please tell me the approximate duty and taxes to bring it into Canada.
Hi! I live in Toronto,Ontario and want to get in plain journals and notebooks from India worth $800. What kind of duty and tax I should look forward to… it will be sent via Fedex or Indian Post. Thanks!
I’m looking to buy an ATV for my kids the total cost is 1183.46 with Tax and shipping. what more will I be charged after it is sent to me?
John R
May 5th, 2011 at 8:34 am
May 5th, 2011 at 2:42 pm
Thanks so Much this was a great Help 🙂
I am looking to buy a LCD HDTV for $439 from walmart in michigan. I am going to bring it back into ontario the same day. I’m confused by whether there will be tax or duty. What will I be likely to pay? If this is brought back as a gift does it change anything?
John R
May 5th, 2011 at 8:33 am
Same day trip – no exemptions, expect to pay HST.
if the officer is in a good mood, they could wave you through.
I would like to purchases some keurig coffee pucks for my coffee machine and was wondering home much the duty would be coming in to canada. There are about 12.77 per box of 34. thanks
John R
May 5th, 2011 at 8:31 am
Under $20 is free.
Who could tell me the tariff rate of Xanthan Gum for food?
John R
May 5th, 2011 at 8:32 am
Id call a broker, as there are extra charges (CFIA – Canada Food Inspection Agency).
May 5th, 2011 at 10:51 am
how much the extra charges of CFIA)? ….%?
John R
May 5th, 2011 at 10:57 am
You’d have to call a broker to see what the charges are for CFIA.
I’m looking to import Crestron Prodigy Audio automation system from USA to Canada. It’s roughly around $6500, just wondering how much would be the duty and taxes. I will really appreciate any info on this.
John R
May 5th, 2011 at 8:29 am
Umm. what is it?
I live in Canada and would like to purchase either wooden yard fencing or vinyl fencing….do I have to pay duty on this and what other charges would I expext to pay
John R
May 6th, 2011 at 8:53 am
Depends on which you buy, and where it is made.
Other charges depend on carrier. We can only tell you customs fees.
The wooden fencing may also need CFIA clearance depending on if its completed, or if its a kit.
just wondering if you live in the usa for 6 months of the year and you bought rims and tires there do you have to pay extra on them coming back to canada??? thanks
John R
May 6th, 2011 at 8:40 am
Put them on the car before you cross over 🙂
There is a timeline – customs doesn’t want you to stock up before you come back. You’ll have to call CBSA at the port your crossing to ask though.
I’ve order a clothing item online from the US and will be picking it up in the states and crossing the border. Mostly likely I will pay the HST; however, I may end up returning it depending of the fit. Is there a way I can go about having the CA tax refunded if I return the item?
John R
May 12th, 2011 at 12:45 pm
Much in the same way there is a way to pull a bowling ball out of your nose, yes, there is a procedure for claiming back the HST paid.
Return the cltohes, keep the receipt from the retailer, when coming back stop in at canada customs, and they will help you with a b2 form. Then send it away (local customs won’t refund, it goes to a processing center – like income tax).
I live in Manitoba, I am wanting to order cloth diapers and am wondering what the duty would be on them is it percentage of cost or by weight? total order will be approx $300
May 9th, 2011 at 4:00 pm
forgot to mention the goods are coming from china
John R
May 15th, 2011 at 11:15 pm
Based on dollar amount.
What will be the Import Duty for Men’s 100% cotton T-Shirt which to be Imported from Bangladesh.
I want to buy a sennheiser Microphone it is made in America. Will I be charged duty?
May 15th, 2011 at 11:24 pm
There should be no duty if it’s made in US. Besides, most electronics doesn’t have any duty.
John R
May 15th, 2011 at 11:44 pm
I wanted to purchase 60 dollars worth of makeup from an online store based in Florida. I live in Ontario.
How much would I expect to pay in duties if I were to follow through with this purchase? Thanks
Hi ,
I wanted to start a Dollar store in ontario .. but the good buying from USA ..
worth of the goods might be min.. 25-30 k
include toys,electric,misc..items
can you able to tell me how much taxes i have to pay ..
most of them Made in China and made in USA..
can you please let me know …
at amit75s@yahoo.com
or reply on..
THank you,
Amit shah..
John R
May 17th, 2011 at 11:11 pm
Your request is too generic. As this is commercial, you would be better to talk to a broker.
I wish to purchase some gymnastics equipment from the US, what duties and taxes would I have to pay?
John R
May 17th, 2011 at 11:10 pm
What kind of equipment, how much, and where is it made?
hello, does anyone no the taxes and duty on bringing a machine up from the states ? $38,000.00
John R
May 17th, 2011 at 11:09 pm
What kind of machine, and what is the country of origin, what does the machine do, what will it be used in?
I’m looking to purchase an Airsoft Pistol from Hong Kong, China. 81.65$ CAD, Shipping 34.00$ CAD. Total of 115.65$ CAD I’m wondering what additional charges would applied at the border
Cody W
May 17th, 2011 at 6:33 pm
To New Brunswick, Canada. Forgot to mention
John R
May 17th, 2011 at 11:08 pm
depending on the carrier..
$5 processing, 6% duty, HST based on 81.65
I wanted to buy tanning lotion worth of $80 (two of them) from ebay and the retailer is sending the product from the US.
I live in Quebec.
How much would i expect to pay in duties?
Last time when I bought a pair of boots online that was worth $200US I paid $80 duties which was such a rip off..
please let me know!
John R
May 17th, 2011 at 11:07 pm
You probably paid $80 in brokerage fees, and QST/GST.
If you can show us the breakdown in your bill we can explain it.
Depending on what the lotion is made of, anywhere from 0 – 12% duty + QST + GST
Hi there! I am from Manitoba. I was hoping to drive to Grand Forks, ND to purchase 2 chairs from Pier 1 Imports. Each chair costs $199 and are made in China. Besides local ND Tax… what other charges should I expect when crossing the border? (I will be in the USA for less than 24 hours).
Hi, I am thinking of getting a box of wine 24 bottles. each at $9.99, how much aprox, and if there any special tax. thank you for your help !!!
Hello John,
for Baby crib +changer+ matress, need pay duty? and 13% tax?
how about the tax I paid at US, can get tax refund?
many thanks
John R
May 24th, 2011 at 8:15 am
Where are they made, and what are they made of?
13% if in Ontario – yes.
You can’t get a refund on US Tax.
HI, I live in Michigan and will be shipping 4 bridesmaid dresses that I made to Canada. Will the person living in Canada and recieving these dresses have to pay duty?
John R
May 24th, 2011 at 2:37 pm
Make sure to attach a letter that states “These dresses were hand made in the USA”
They will be duty free
they will have to pay provincial and federal taxes on whatever value you also put on that note.
EG – The four bridesmaid dresses are valued at $XXX.XX and were made in the United States.
i bought acrylic nail supplies on ebay, for less the $30 from hong kong. do i pay anything when it gets delivered???
John R
May 25th, 2011 at 10:27 am
the definite answer is Maybe.
Who’s the carrier?
May 25th, 2011 at 11:06 am
its doesnt say who. i’m not sure how big the package will be, i’m assuming canada post though.i paid shipping when i bought it
John R
May 25th, 2011 at 12:44 pm
Best case – nothing.
Worse case, 18% + HST based on $30.
Hi, I live in BC and thinking of ordering a range hood from Washington State. I plan to pickup it up from the store in US and bring it back to Canada. The range hood is about $1200 and I believe is made in China/Japan. What kind of duty would I expect to pay?
My parents are coming from the states to visit me (a student in BC). They’re driving across the border and want to bring me a used couch and a used table. Both items are made in the US and they are gifts.
will there be duty and/or tax?
John R
May 26th, 2011 at 9:33 pm
The issue is that your parents aren’t canadian citizens, and gifts are usually up to $60.00, over that, they should pay duty / tax on it. I would be shocked if they were made to pay for it.
I ordered an item on ebay from California, shipping over to Montreal Canada. The order came to $61.45 USD. He said it would be sent as a gift.
Will I pay duties on that?
June 3rd, 2011 at 7:58 am
The item itself cost 43$, but after shipping it came to said number. It is being shipped by Fedex.
hello customs, i have some dvds coming from america a total value of 500.00 they are made in america, and i was wondering if i will have to pay duty on this, it is coming through ups.
I wish to purchase a sewing machine by Juki through eBay.The selling price is 899.00 US.What would the duty I would have to pay on this item? I’m assuming it was made in Japan and it is made of die cast aluminium. Thanks
Hi Bob,
I’ve been looking into buying some soccer cleats, from either the united states or china. I found a pair for $50 including shipping from china and I was wondering what the final cost would be including duty and taxes? I’ve also found one for $90 from the united states including shipping and was wondering the same thing. If you could let me know that’s be great.
Also, I live in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
I have a potential Canadian customer that is inquring about the duties/taxes/fees for purchasing limited edition art prints in the US (made in the US). Can you assist with the percentages?
I sent to my a friend in Canda a box of children clothes from the United States and the value was 300US. Does she or I have to pay taxes?
I’m looking to purchase some ties and cufflinks sets from a Wholesaler in China. Total value of about $37 CAD (plus another couple of hundred for shipping). Will I have to pay any taxes or duty on this? Will the shipping be taxed? (Through DHL) I assume I would only have to pay taxes or duty on the value of the goods shippied. Thanks.
i am purchasing an Intex above ground pool in the U.S. and having it shipped to a border post office..value $250.00 plus $75.00 shipping…how much duty and hst would i have to pay to bring it into Canada?
Hi there,
i’ve purchased a cream/lotion from target (20 of them) and had it shipped to a friend’s address in the us (Seattle). She is coming here for the weekend, I was wondering how the border will be like? Will there be any charges or fees? Why 20? It’s because the largest bottles are 4oz, and my niece has very sensitive skin , it’s like she has eczema. My sister has been through different types of creams/lotions and the ones from target seem to work for now. Anyways, back to my original question, will it be taxed? Or how will the Canadian border look at it?
John R
July 5th, 2011 at 10:18 am
At the officers discretion, they could either wave her through, or make her pay the import duties and taxes. Its a crap shoot, but probably waved through.
Hi, this is probably a funny question. I want to purchase a used stereo receiver in Michigan USA privately from someone. The stereo is made here in Canada. What would the duties or added cost be asides from shipping. Value of the piece of stereo equipment is $5000. USD. Thanks
Sorry, I live in Toronto, Ontario.
John R
July 5th, 2011 at 10:16 am
I’m sorry that you live in Toronto too.
Duty free, but subject to HST, based on the receipt given to you by the seller.
H there Im looking to go shopping n buffalo for just a couple hrs ( a day trip!) Im wondering how much or if they charge duty for groceries from walmart about $100 and also how much duty i would have to pay on a $300 lap top
thank you
John R
July 5th, 2011 at 10:15 am
Probably nothing on the groceries, but HST on the laptop.
Hi there, I wanna buy some clothes ( T-shirts, shoes, and some accessories) form US e-store for a value of 450$ USD . How much duty I would have to pay. I live in Toronto, Ontario.
John R
July 5th, 2011 at 10:13 am
Hi. I live in Toronto, Canada and am looking to make a purchase of several plastic and metal building supplies (piping, nuts, bolts, derlin rod, etc.) valued at about $500.00. These parts are coming from Ohio. I am worried about ordering the parts online, because of what fees I might have to pay. What would these fees be? Also, is there another (cheaper) alternative to obtain these supplies in the States.
John R
July 5th, 2011 at 10:14 am
Id need a complete detailed breakdown, and country of origin for the goods.
Nuts maybe subject to SIMA (an extra Tax).
My daughter lives in Canada (Ont) and I live in the states, we are cleaning house and I want to give my daughter a dining room table and chair set (used) and an old 50 in TV (2004). What do I need to do so they wont have to pay any duty or get a hassle at the border when they return to Canada
John R
July 5th, 2011 at 10:12 am
There is no fool proof way to do this, as technically you could give your daughter a brand new car, and try to pass it as a gift. It will really be at the customs officer discretion, but I would send a letter stating that the goods are used, and are gifted to your daughter.
hi bob,
I live in Pakistan.I wanted to know if i ship a $22,000 car from Canada to Pakistan.How much more will i have to pay?
John R
July 5th, 2011 at 10:10 am
No idea. You would have to contact a Pakistan Customs broker.
We are going into the states in Washington, from BC and are taking along some bottles of homemade wine as gifts. How many cane we take in without paying taxes? Also, how much is the tax? Thank you.
John R
July 6th, 2011 at 10:27 pm
http://www.cbp.gov for all US info.
Typically $200 is the max amount you can bring into the US without having to pay – but that may not include wine.
I can’t tell you what the tax is, you could call the office at the port, and ask for an officer who can fill you in on the proper details.
If you’re still stuck after that, I can give you my address, and I will gladly take homemade wine 🙂
I am purchasing education systems cartridges from ebay worth USD80. I have told the seller to label it as a gift worth USD40 which the seller is willing to comply.
My question is, will I be charged any sort of duty or tax on these items?
If yes, when will I have to pay it and where?
My address is in Surrey, BC and it will be posted to me through mail.
If I buy a $1500 guitar (made in Japan) in Buffalo and then return to Canada the same day, what would the duty be?
Thanks for your help.
John R
July 11th, 2011 at 7:58 am
HST only
July 18th, 2011 at 3:28 pm
Does it make a difference if the guitar is new or used?
John R
July 18th, 2011 at 3:48 pm
Sorry, I goofed – you’re looking at 6% – its not made in the USA.
no matter if new or used.
Bought a “Pedal – Paddle” boat from Walmart.com and will pick up @ closest US Store. Down and back the same day. What Duty would I expect to pay. I can’t find a category for these 100 lb boats. I know I may be required to pay HST
I want to order a $267 kitchenaid stand mixer over Ebay. But they only ship to the US. However i want to bring it into Canada, if I get it shipped to somewhere in the states drive and pick it up and carry and declare it over the border, how much duty can i expect to pay?
If anyone can answer this question that would be awesome.
Thanks 🙂
John R
July 11th, 2011 at 7:57 am
Just HST.
I have ordered 8 educational cartridges from ebay US. Itema are coming to USD 80, but the seller has agreed to label it as a gift amounting to USD32 only.
My question is, will I be charged for any sort of duty/tax when it reaches to BC, Canada?
If yes, how much and when do I have to pay for it?
John R
July 11th, 2011 at 7:56 am
You could be charged duty, you could be charged with fraud. Not that cbsa is trolling the forums looking for people admitting they are trying to defraud the rest of us Canadians, but to answer your question, on 80 US, you would have paid just HST. And even then it was a crapshoot as it was coming in mail, of which a low percentage gets flagged anyway.
Dear John,
Honestly, I do not understand what you meant by “And even then it was a crapshoot as it was coming in mail, of which a low percentage gets flagged anyway.”
Would you be so kind to explain it.
John R
July 18th, 2011 at 3:22 pm
Canada Post gets in millions of pieces from the US per day, and they can only look at a small percentage of them to assign duty and taxes on .
So, if you ship via USPS (or other mail carrier) into canada, there is a chance your package will get tagged, and you will have to pay. Its not all shipments that do.
The same way – if you cross the border, sometimes you get pulled in, sometimes you don’t.
Hello, I am looking at purchasing a Craftsmen Lawn Tractor at sears in the US for a price of $1299 (plus local tax I presume). Is their anyway to predict what my costs will be when I bring it back over to Canada. I am trying to figure out if it is worth while to go down there for a $300 savings.
Thank you.
Hey Bob I’ve been looking all over for an answer to this question i have and no luck. Anyway I ordered 50 mens rings gold plated from china and its coming to ontario canada do you know if there is duty on this? Any help to this would be greatly appreciated THANK YOU
So Ive ordered a t shirt online from the usa as a gift, i live in canada, the t shirt came to less thank 60$ usd but more than 60 cdn, 100% cotton shirt, what duty do i pay for that?
Hi John,
Great service you provide here :).. I have listed Brand New Sealed Microsoft Office 2007 Pro on ebay, person in Hong Kong asked me how much for shipping and if there will be import fee’s? Im not sure what to tell him, in some cases I have seen software is declared as intellectual property and is only worth the plastic cost to make it? What should the Hong Kong guy expect if I ship through USPS with insured value of $400.
Thanks, Jay!
John R
July 18th, 2011 at 3:20 pm
Well, I’m not a HK broker, so I can’t tell you what he is expected to pay. He will have no export fees out of Canada though.
I am planning on having some suspension parts shipped to an american address (products are American made and American company). I will be heading down to pick the parts up and bring it across the border myself as brokerage fees and shipping to Canada is rediculous. When i declare my goods will I get charged HST or HST and duty? I’m in BC by the way. Thanks
John R
July 18th, 2011 at 3:19 pm
If they include a ‘made in the usa’ on the goods, it will just be HST.
Maybe – the officer can just wave you through too, but as they are made in the US, duty free.
I just bought an antique camera (circa 1960) on ebay out of the US. I am shipping it to a company in Blaine WA as I live very close to the border. Should I expect to pay duty on it? Taxes?
I am wanting to purchase one bottle of tanning lotion from ebay.ca (shipped from USA) and I live in Vancouver, BC. The total cost is less than $30, will I have to pay duty/tax??
John R
July 18th, 2011 at 11:11 pm
How will it be shipped?
July 18th, 2011 at 11:17 pm
USPS First Class Mail International
I’m considering purchasing a Swiss-made watch with diamonds in NYC. Would it be considered jewellery, and therefore MFN/GPT tariff-free, or a wrist-watch, and subject to 5% tariff (all + HST)? Would it be more cost-efficient to have the store ship directly to Canada and avoid state tax(8.875%), or would my personal exemption of $400 make a difference?
Thanks in advance for all your guidance through all these combinations and permutations! 🙂
John R
July 21st, 2011 at 10:12 am
ok.. Well, its a watch, so 5% plus excise tax (luxury if its over $25 IIRC) of 10%.
How much is the watch worth?
July 21st, 2011 at 10:53 am
The retail is $4250 USD. Since it’s Swiss-made, I think the preferential tariff would be 3% (under EFTA)…? If there’s an excise tax of 10%, are you saying that I would pay 9% NY state tax + 3% tariff +10% excise tax +13% HST?!?!?! That’s 35%, or almost $1500 in taxes!! :O
John R
July 21st, 2011 at 11:08 am
Well, if you shipped it, you would save the 9% NY tax..
Almost makes you want to just slap it on your wrist when you come back.
4250 + 382.50 Sales tax = 4632.50
4632.50+ 3% duty = 138.98
4771.48 + 10 Excise = 477.15
682.32 in HST
So.. 5453.80 approx. is your landed cost.
I’ll have to check on that 3%.. sounds too cheap.
John R
July 21st, 2011 at 11:11 am
I’m checking into the Excise Tax – there may not be after all. So just HST, and Duty.
John R
July 21st, 2011 at 11:21 am
Ok, so no excise tax on watches.
Just duty + HST.
July 21st, 2011 at 12:32 pm
Thanks so much, John! The Fedex/UPS $78.50 brokerage fee sounds so much more appetizing than the $382.50 state tax, if all else (tariff + HST) is equal!
John R
July 21st, 2011 at 12:54 pm
Save yourself more, whatever carrier you use, call them and let them know you will clear it yourself. They will fax you the cargo control number, you pop over to your local customs with a copy of the receipt , pay the HST+duty, and fax that back to UPS/Fedex. Save yourself the 78.50
can i bring a used 16′ sailboat into Canada and leave it at my house. What would I have to pat at the border. I payed less than a 100$ for it used.
John R
July 21st, 2011 at 10:11 am
You’ll have to pay GST on it, then when you register it, PST.
Hi, looking at buying some decking material worth about $5000 from US, coming back to Saskatchewan. Into the US Friday night and out Sunday morning. What sort of tax or duty should I expect to pay? What if I was there until Sunday night?
I live in Quebec, Canada and would like to know what fees and taxes I have to pay if I want to purchase a pair of soccer cleats in the US. I know I would have to pay shipping and the pair of cleats are 200 USD.
How can duty on a $27 T-shirt, ordered from a Canadian website, be over $23? There has to be a mistake, how can tax and duty double the price of an item?
John R
July 21st, 2011 at 10:10 am
Its probably not duty. Its probably a brokerage fee, and HST.
Can you give more details, the carrier, the breakdown of charges, etc?
July 21st, 2011 at 12:01 pm
Yep, can be so much – Fedex charges $20 brockarage fees and never replies your e-mails (nasty!), Ups charges a lot too, canada mail – just $5. So it doubles the price then. I shop with sellers who already cover custom duties and taxes(they take extra 15-205 from price for that) or buy less than $20 in 1 shipping…
Hi, looking to buy some fencing material (vinyl) made in the US and worth about $5000, I’m coming back to Ontario. Having it shipped to a friend’s house and then just going to pick it up (NY) and return home. What sort of tax or duty should I expect to pay? Would it make much of a difference if I stayed longer?
John R
July 25th, 2011 at 9:27 am
HST – duty free if made in the US.
Not much of a difference, exemptions don’t go that high.
I would stay long enough to bring back some beer, it will help with getting people to help you put the fence up.
Hi, Can you pick & choose the items that you want to use for your personal exemption limit, and the the ones that you want to use to pay duty on? For example: I to the US for >48 hours, so have $400 exemption limit. I buy 5 items, each worth $100. One of these items is made in the USA, so I would like the other 4 items to be exempt from both duties & taxes, and then would like to pay taxes & duty on the item made in the USA (so the duty would be $0)? Or do the border services agents decide this for me? Thanks.
John R
July 25th, 2011 at 9:08 am
You have the right to pick.
I would like to import a Motorcycle Jacket from Britain. It is made there as well. The cost of the Jacket is $500 canadian. What additional duty/tax would I have to pay?
Thanks in advance.
Hi – I would like to buy an Bosch microwave and oven from the U.S. The product is made in the U.S. I just wanted to confirm there is no duty and wondering which tax I would need to pay?
I’m in Toronto, Canada.
Thanks in advance for your assistance.
John R
August 8th, 2011 at 7:48 am
Hi, I Am going to buy a bike from an amercian site and have it shipped to canada. the bike is $399 How much in taxes and duty would i have to pay? so i can decide if it will be cheaper then just getting it from a bike shop around here? thanks
John R
August 8th, 2011 at 7:51 am
What kind of bike?
Hello Im looking to purchase platinum diamond Tiffany & Co earrings off of ebay coming in from Florida to Alberta for $1600USD I’m just wondering what kind of fees I should be expecting to see on top of the nearly $100USD delivery charge that the seller is charging to ship UPS international expedited. Your response would be greatly apprieciated !!
Hi –
I am opening a restaurant in Canada. I want to buy and bring in 2 pieces of kitchen equipment (ovens) made in the US. I will pick them up and deliver them myself. The estimated cost together will be about $16,000 new or I may be able to get both used for $10,000. Do I need to pay duty on something that is used? What duty would I pay if they were new? Thanks!!
Im asking my relatives in hk to mail me 100 mini USB thats worth about $4800 HKD to canada …. will i be charged for tax or any fee ??? thanks so much for your help !!!
John R
August 8th, 2011 at 7:52 am
You would be better to call a local broker (as this is commercial), but made in the US is duty free, you have to pay GST/PST or HST depending on the province. If you clear it commercially, you only pay the GST, which you get back as an ITC.
If you claim it personally, you will not get back the PST portion.
Hi, I have 600$ worth of new camping equipment sitting at my moms house in AZ, my sister id going to AZ to visit (from BC) if I get her to bring the gear back as a gift (for myself) how much will have to be paid?
John R
August 8th, 2011 at 7:54 am
She can’t bring in a gift for someone else. And gift exemptions end at $60. Assuming she gets called in, PST/GST. If she stays down there for about a week, her personal exemption would apply though.
hey bob i am looking to buy a longboard in the us and i live in canada the longboard is exactly 139.95$ us how much duty would i have to pay for it?
John R
August 8th, 2011 at 8:23 am
Well, pst, gst, if made in the US its duty free, if its not.. whats a longboard, and I will look it up?
Are you shipping it it up? If you pick it up, and stay the weekend, it will come in under your exemption.
Hi, I live in Canada and want to purchase car mats for my dad, and myself from an American website and I am wondering how much duty I will pay on $437.75 USD? Thank you
Hi I was just wondering how much I would have to pay on duty if I ordered car seat covers for my dads and my vehicle total price would be around $500.00 USD and it will be shipped by UPS to Ontario. Thank you!!
August 8th, 2011 at 7:32 pm
I am buying a drum synthesizer from the US (Worth around 500$). Is it true that I will pay no duty if my friend who is returning after 2 months in the US brings it in for me?
I recently ordered $191.99 of sporting equipment (yoga) from a US manufacturer. I was billed $77.07 by customs. Does this amount seem a little off to anyone else?
John R
August 12th, 2011 at 2:27 pm
Customs doesn’t bill people.
Who was the carrier, and what was the breakdown of charges. Only a portion actually went to Duty/Tax
For $200 – approx $25 would be for HST, the rest were probably brokerage charges by the carrier.
Hi there!
I’m looking to buy 100 chair covers for my wedding and it’s 293.00 US what would I be looking at in custom charges to Ontario Canada?
John R
August 12th, 2011 at 2:29 pm
Where are they made, and what are they made of.
Could be as low as 0+HST, and as high as 16% + HST
I would like to order a leather vest from a US on-line website. It’s Us cost is $2500. My concern is that it is made in Italy. Am I going to get dinged duty if i have it mailed to me via US post to Canada? Do you have an idea how much? Is there any way around it?
John R
August 17th, 2011 at 9:26 am
Yes, 16%, not really.
Looking to buy a waffle maker from the US and its MADE in the U.S and being shipped to Quebec. Looking to see how much tax there is going to be on it.
John R
August 17th, 2011 at 9:27 am
I live in Canada and I have to order a a dress for a wedding I’m standing in. The dress is 280.00$ US and it is made to order in the States. I was wondering if I would be exempt from duty because the dress is made in the US?
John R
August 17th, 2011 at 9:51 am
Yes, but PST/GST or HST applies.
Good luck with the wedding.
Hi, I’m from Canada and I’m considering buying a handbag that’s previously been bought by someone else, therefore I’m not buying from a retail store. It would be shipped from the US and the bag would cost around $300-$400.
How much would duties be for a bag that’s been manufactured in the US, versus a bag that’s made in China?
Thank you!
John R
August 24th, 2011 at 8:29 am
MADE in the US = Free
Made in China = Not so free. Depends on what the bag is made of.
My sister is sending me a purse valued at approx $360 from Switzerland via Swiss Post. I live in Ontario and from what I know, the purse is made in the US but there’s no tag or anything that says so. Would I have to pay duties along with the tax?
John R
August 24th, 2011 at 8:35 am
Maybe. since there is no country of origin, it would default to country of export – Switzerland.
I live in Manitoba, stayed in the US for a weekend, went to Ikea & purchased some furniture. Left two dressers in ND with a friend as we were over our limit. I will be going back to ND for the day only (to drop off my daughter who is staying with her friend 4 days and they are coming back together to MB). QUESTION; I already paid the tax on day of purchased, what duty/taxes would I pay on $448.00 of furniture made in Poland if I were to bring it back on the same day I entered the US?
John R
August 24th, 2011 at 8:28 am
ok.. when you came back the first time, did they pull you over and did you pay duty/tax on the purchase at that time?
I need to sent $25k worth of broken Motorola radio equipment from Canada to the USA to be repaired at a third party shop. Should there be any customs charge on that?
I want to ship $381.20 of clothes from yesstyle.com and i dont know where its located.
John R
September 2nd, 2011 at 11:16 am
neither do I.
I’m gonna buy a $2700 laptop from the U.S and I live in Canada… There will be a friend heading to the U.S for 3weeks and will be picking it up for me! What I want to know is if there will be a duty tax if he says it was given to him as a gift? Also would the $750 exemption apply?
John R
September 2nd, 2011 at 11:19 am
Gifts are valued at $60. So if you want to commit fraud and lie, you will save $60 off the price. If you want to use his exemption, then you’ll get 750 off the price. (honesty is the best policy here).
besides, customs may just wave him through..
Appreciate the efforts on these issues.
I have a custom trophy business in the US and have a customer in Nova Scotia. Our trophies are laser engraved lacrosse balls in acrylic display cases. I found tariff codes on “balls” and rubber materials but the “trophy” code specifically excluded this type of item. Need some guidance on tariffs and duty if you can help, please.
John R
September 2nd, 2011 at 11:29 am
I was curious on this one myself, and ran it through a commodity specialist – the thinking is..
“I think it would be 9506.69.90.90 for other sports balls. 7% duty The case is insignificant and I don’t think it would really be considered a trophy if it is a usable ball. ”
If you were doing this alot, we can apply for a ruling on the matter to get the definitive word.
September 2nd, 2011 at 12:13 pm
Much appreciated, John. They are technically usable balls but wasn’t sure how they’d be perceived (commodity ball vs finished retail product). Would love to get the process nailed and do more business in Canada.
Thanks again.
I have an Airbrush Makeup System beauty being shipped from LA california how much is my tax an duty if a live in toronto ?
So sorry its worth $259
John R
September 25th, 2011 at 1:00 am
Can you give me more details about what it is? like a small compressor with attachments?
Where is it made?
at least HST would apply.
Hi I want to import furniture (sofas,shelves, interior design accessories from china in toronto ON, on container worth 5000$ how much will be the tax?
i want to buy an ipod for the price of 19.99$ from china, what are the canadian duty tax, i live in ontario.
thanks in advance 😀
John R
September 25th, 2011 at 12:46 am
Duty Free, HST applies, if the value will be over $20 CAD
Do you have to pay taxes on an american car purchased in the united states? eg. a ford focus
John R
September 23rd, 2011 at 6:09 pm
If it has air $100 Excise Duty
You will pay an RIV fee, and GST. PST you’ll pay when you register it in the province.
http://www.riv.ca for more info.
I posted a single bottle of alcohol to canada, 0.75l <40% vol, will customs allow this to pass through and what is the duty charge on it it is worth $30? thanks
John R
September 25th, 2011 at 12:08 am
Customs will allow a bottle to come over, and its very messy to calculate as we have to take into account provincial taxes. what province? (a safe guess is going to be about $30,it seems to always end up to be twice the amount its worth..)
I am from bc, and want to buy some vitamins from an online retailer in the US. I want to keep my order total low enough to prevent my from getting any duty or brokerage fees. The company uses DHL for shipping.
Does anyone know what the most I can spend on vitamins without getting nailed for duty/brokerage fees?
September 23rd, 2011 at 5:42 pm
I was going to order these soon and I can’t figure out the answer to this. Not sure who to call etc.
I’m assuming no one here knows for sure….?
John R
September 23rd, 2011 at 6:03 pm
$20 CAD value.
We’re just volunteers here, and sometimes we don’t look at the site everyday.
I would like to purchase a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ40 14.1MP on line and have it shipped to me in Ontario. Would I have to pay a brokerage fee? If so, how much? I have tried to figure this out on my own but one website said I just had to pay HST while another stated HST as well as $150 fee. Which is correct?
Thanks for you time
September 23rd, 2011 at 3:26 pm
Jeanette, If possible try to have it sent to ON by USPS then it will get tranfered to Canada Post and all you will have to pay is the HST, if you deal with FedEx or other shipping companies then yes you will have to pay their Brokerage Charge
John R
September 23rd, 2011 at 5:59 pm
Canada Post is $5.00 for brokerage (But still way cheaper then UPS/Fedex. DHL is $7.00. You also have the option to clear the goods yourself. If you ship by carrier, then call them, and they will fax/email you the paperwork. Go to your local customs port, and pay the HST, and fax back the release.
September 24th, 2011 at 9:01 am
John and Jeff,
Thank you both for answering my questions. After a couple of months trying to figure things out I stumbled upon this website and I am so happy I did. You are both fantastic. I have also read other questions and it has opened my eyes to how to avoid duties and brokerage fees. Thanks again Kudos to you both. Cheers
Hi , my husband is in Pakistan right now , he wants to bring a wooden swing here in Canada , how much will the custom duty be? Thanks for your time . Tallat
John R
September 26th, 2011 at 2:51 pm
How long is he away, and how much is the swing?
I’m looking to buy 6 bridesmaid dresses on an American website and get them shipped to the UK. The dresses will cost about $900. Can you advise me on how much tax I will need to pay?
John R
September 26th, 2011 at 2:40 pm
Are you buying them from the US, shipping to Canada, then shipping them to the UK?
September 26th, 2011 at 4:18 pm
ahhh….nope…just from USA to UK. Can you advise me even though it’s not going through Canada?
John R
September 26th, 2011 at 9:16 pm
Not that I don’t want to, I could just offer no advice to accomplish what you want to do. (I have no knowledge of UK Customs – Sorry)
I would google “UK CUSTOMS BROKERS” and send them an email..
My husband I are looking to purchase a wooden cigar humidor from Florida for $699 US. We live in BC Canada, and are worried about the import duties on this 250 pound cabinet. Would you have any idea? Thx
John R
October 2nd, 2011 at 9:33 am
What kind of wood is it made out of?
You’ll pay HST at the minimum.
October 2nd, 2011 at 3:42 pm
Assembled in Florida out of “American Hardwood”. (Maple?) , lined with Spanish cedar. We’re expecting to pay HST for sure, but fret over the duties and brokerage, as we’ve heard horror stories about these things.
John R
October 2nd, 2011 at 4:00 pm
Do you know how its coming into canada – will it be shipped freight? In that case, you probably want to find a broker in your area, (shop around), as with commercial freight companies, if you don’t clear at the border, and they have have to bring the goods in bond to their warehouse, they ding you a charge, thats about the same as brokerage. I’ll see about the duty rate, and keep you posted.
i want to purchase metal roofing for my house in Michigan and bring it to Ontario. what duties and taxes am i looking at?
Hi there again,
I am looking at purchasing a used Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF1 digital camera from Australia, price approx. $400. Would I have to pay duty and brokerage fees on this camera, as well as HST? It was made in the US and the person had it shipped to AU.
Thanks again for you time
John R
October 4th, 2011 at 4:01 pm
No duty if made in the US. (and has a nafta). HST will always apply. Brokerage only if you use a brokerage firm to do the clearance, free if you do it yourself.
I’m a Manitoba resident looking at purchasing and shipping 4 car tires to Pembina, ND. I going to drive down and pick them up and drive back over.
What would I be expected to pay in regards to duty and taxes? And does it make a difference if the tires are made in the USA?
John R
October 13th, 2011 at 10:56 pm
Makes all the difference – if made in the US, just PST/GST
Hi I want to purchase wooden furniture from India worth around 4000$ how much do i have to pay taxes in canada ontario, or where should i go talk to about this?
Hi, I’m looking to purchase coilovers(suspension) for my car weighing 40lbs from Phoenix AZ to Toronto Ontario. It’s being shipped through FedEX with a declared value of $900. Any ideas on what I’ll be dinged with?
Thanks a lot
Ryan B
October 15th, 2011 at 4:16 am
The coilovers are made in US if that makes any difference. Thanks
John R
October 15th, 2011 at 9:12 pm
Made in the US – Duty Free, just HST.
Hi I bought some Truck KYB shocks that were manufactured in Japan and sold in the States through their outlet. Going to be picked up in the States and brought back here. Will I have to pay duty? Thx Gary
Also the shocks cost $266.00 U.S. In case theres duty and think there will be. How much would duty cost? Thanks
John R
October 17th, 2011 at 7:53 pm
If you get called in, expect 6-7% duty, and HST.
266.. pretty good price!
Hi, I am considering going to the States to have a remote engine starter installed in my Honda CR-V. What duty, tariff, taxes, etc. could I expect to pay? Any issues I should be aware of when crossing the border for this (in both directions)? Thanks in advance!
October 19th, 2011 at 1:30 pm
btw I was planning on going to an official Honda dealership for the installation.
John R
October 24th, 2011 at 1:24 pm
you;’ll have to pay duty (6% about) and HST on the work done. Can’t tell you about going southbound, but northbound just be honest, and keep your receipt.
I’m looking at a stainless steel wall mounted range hood to be shipped to Alberta from Utah. What would the extra charges be on it?
Hello, I would like to purchase a kayak through an online dealer in the US and have it shipped to Ontario, Canada. What kind of taxes am I looking at to bring it over, is it worth shipping to a relative in the US and bringing it over myself?
I live in Vancouver, BC Canada and would like to purchase a concrete block making machine from Turkey.
Cost plus shipping would run about $600,000 USD.
What would be the duty on this and also, would there be tax charged on top of that?
Thanks for this useful information you have here.
John R
October 30th, 2011 at 9:40 pm
Please contact a local broker. There are alot of extra charges you will be hit with, but the HST you pay will be able to claim back on an ITC. A broker will be able to (most with no obligation) guide you with a close to complete detail. How is it shipping? as you’ll have port charges too.
I’m getting UPS to ship a piece of furniture into Canada. I’m not sure where the piece of furniture is manufactured, but the company I’m buying it from is in the U.S. The furniture costs about $880 CAD. What duties would I pay on this? UPS gave me a NAFTA certificate of origin form but I don’t think it is necessary based on research online.
Also, do you think it’d be a good idea to self-clear it? UPS is saying no, to let them handle it. But I’m confused as to how to self-clear. Do I wait for it to come across the border (by checking the UPS tracking # to see where it is), go to customs office to self-clear? Any advice would be appreciated, thanks!
John R
November 2nd, 2011 at 8:41 am
NAFTA is I M P O R T A N T – its what stops you paying duty.
YOU WANT TO CLEAR IT YOURSELF, if you live in a metropolis area, with customs nearby. If you live like 10 hours away, then let them do it.
Since you have nafta, you will only pay HST on the 880.00 converted to canadian.
Tell UPS to give you the manifest.
Goto customs, give them the manifest, and a copy of the invoice
Pay customs, they will tell you how much.
They will stamp back your manifest
Fax to UPS.
But you must call UPS NOW to tell them you want to clear it yourself.
Good Luck.
November 2nd, 2011 at 9:10 pm
Thanks for the reply! One last questions for clarification: a manifest is not the same as a Canada customs invoice or Bill of lading, correct? A manifest is another document UPS would have to provide me?
John R
November 3rd, 2011 at 1:44 am
Manifest is the carriers document, that they give a copy to you, and to customs, for the goods entering into canada.
UPS will provide it to you.
November 2nd, 2011 at 9:17 pm
Thanks for the reply! One last question for clarification: a manifest is not the same as a Canada customs invoice or Bill of lading, correct? A manifest is another document UPS would have to provide me?
We are snowbirds and would like to bring a 4 year old TV, original cost approx $600.00, back to Canada after our 5.5 month stay in the US. Can we claim it within our $750.00 exemption? Do we claim depreciated value of say 10% per year as value? Thank you all.
John R
November 2nd, 2011 at 3:08 pm
It would be up to the discretion of the customs officer. It falls within your exemption easily.
im going to the states for 24 hours and i know i’m not entitled to bring back booze duty free but i was wondering what would be the duty should i decide to bring one bottle???
Thank you John
Hi, I live in Ontario and I was wondering if I have to pay taxes + HST on Baby Formula if I buy it from US.
John R
November 6th, 2011 at 6:45 pm
are you ordering it online, and shipping it, or driving across?
I can’t remember (my little one has been off formula for a year) but if you don’t pay hst in stores, you wouldn’t pay it importing it.
If you drive over, it would be less hassle then shipping it.
November 6th, 2011 at 9:49 pm
Driving, thanks for your answer.
Hi I am now living in Texas US i am looking to move to ontario Ca.. is there a tax to bring my belongings? pretty much all of it is home made family heirlooms, other than my cloths and mattress. Thanks
John R
November 8th, 2011 at 10:13 am
Welcome to Ontario, bring a parka.
There’s a whole section on settlers effects that I will dig up some reading for you. As a general rule, you don’t have pay on things your bringing with you, with a cavaet that if its brand new, they may make you pay duty/tax on it (ie, you buy a brand new tv set on your drive here..).
Are you bringing it up yourself, or hiring a moving company?
Are you a Canadian Citizen returning home, or an American moving for work/pleasure?
November 8th, 2011 at 1:42 pm
I am an American moving for school as well as work and pleaser. so what is classified as brand new? And i planed on bringing everything up in a U-Haul.
John R
November 8th, 2011 at 1:55 pm
Wish you the best of luck in your endeavors,
Please check out..
And if you have any questions, just hollar.
If you’re going to University of Western Ontario, Joe Kools makes the best nachos.
I want to order some toys online from fisher price – would i be required to pay taxes and/or duty when they arrive?
John R
November 9th, 2011 at 1:16 pm
Depends on the toys, and the value.
Under 20 – no
Over 20 – HST applies
You may have to pay duty (depending on the toy, type, material, etc, if you budget for 6% you should be ok.
what toys are you thinking of?
November 9th, 2011 at 2:27 pm
this is the toy – http://www.fisher-price.com/fp.aspx?st=900002&e=storeproduct&pid=33051 It is mainly plastic, a learning toy and $48
I’m buying new Brother PJ663 PocketJet Thermal Printer from BarcodeGiant in States and its cost $460. How much taxes I suppose to pay. Thank you
John R
November 17th, 2011 at 9:11 am
Just the HST
Im hoping to purchase a snowboard/bindings/boots and have it shipped to a family friend near the border and pick it up from there. The total price of the gear is around 800$. How much is the duty going to be for me to bring it back.
November 12th, 2011 at 11:28 pm
And pretty sure the gear is made in the states
John R
November 13th, 2011 at 2:52 pm
If made in the US, duty free, HST applies.
I would like to buy a watch from NY to Alberta were we onlt have GST do you know if I only have to pay the GST for the DUTY? Or is there more?
John R
November 16th, 2011 at 12:12 pm
Depending on the value, its composition, and where its made, you will have to pay Duty and GST. Since you are in alberta, you pay PST, but your PST is 0%.
November 16th, 2011 at 12:16 pm
the item is worth 3200 dollars us just the gst on it then?
John R
November 16th, 2011 at 12:25 pm
Depending on what its made of, and where, duty is between 0 -> 5%
So, 160 in duty, plus 168 in GST, plus brokerage.
the watch is made of stainless steel thank you for your help and have a good day.
I heard that amazon.com includes the price of the duty tarriffs when importing items into Canada in the purchase price. Does Amazon.co.uk also do the same? Essentially I would like to know if I still have to pay extra tarrifs if the cost of the item is over $20 if I order from Amazon.co.uk.
November 17th, 2011 at 8:55 am
I doubt this being true. Amazon.com does not allow Canadian to order and ship to Canadian address. Canadians are advised to shop from Amazon.ca.
I suspect that most stuff at amazon.co.uk won’t ship to Canadian address
John R
November 17th, 2011 at 9:01 am
When ordering from amazon.co.uk, the price listed is not the landed cost. You will still have to pay Duty/Tax (if applicable) on the purchase price.
If you’re ordering, I would recommend you pick up Planet Earth, the UK one sports a better commentary then the north american one.
Would like to buy a medical lift (to lift person from wheelchair to bed, etc.) from US but the product is made in China. Value is about 1500.00 USD. What would the import duty be?
I am planning on purchasing 3 Android Tablet computers for some friends for Christmas. They are about $68 each, and all coming from Hong Kong, to my home in Kingston, Ontario.
Here is the link: http://www.ebay.ca/itm/VIA-8650-7-Google-Android-2-2-Tablet-PC-MID-WIFI-Cam-/400235240160?pt=US_Tablets&hash=item5d2fe11ae0
Am I going to have to pay duty on these? If so I am also able to order them from Australia, would this help?
John R
November 24th, 2011 at 3:06 pm
Won’t matter where you buy them from, and the listing you see for australia, they still ship out of china.
Duty free, HST applies.
Hi there,
I am thinking about buying a 70 or 80″ tv from the states (not sure if I have to rent a cube van or not Based on the size.) and was wondering how much duty I would pay. Made by sharp but I can’t seem to find any link that tells me where it is made.
Do I pay 18% duty if it isn’t made in the US or MX and then HST (ON)?
By the way, thank you. This is a very informative site.
John R
November 30th, 2011 at 10:07 am
((Canadian Value) * 5%) = Duty amount
(Canadian value + Duty ) * 13% = HST Amount
You’ll pay Duty + HST.
i bought a pair of shoes from the UK to Ontario, what duty or taxes will I have to pay when the package arrives?. The shoes were $150. Thanks.
John R
November 30th, 2011 at 10:19 am
What kind of shoes?
hi…i purchased a racing shirt from ebay from a seller in china.the shirt price was 24.95 no shipping fee,and the canadian value of the shirt is about 75.00.can u tell me how much extra i can expect to pay when it gets to me in ontario.also if there are extra fees,will i have to pay when it arrives,or will i be billed at a later date?thanks so much for your help
John R
November 30th, 2011 at 10:28 am
What did you pay for the shirt?, assuming it was $24.95 with shipping included, they will probably mask out the shipping charge when they ship it, making the value less then $20 CAD, so it would be duty free / tax exempt.
Hi there, i am a Canadian resident and am looking to purchase a Caddilac Escalade Power wheels for my daughter, that retails $289 will i pay duty on this and if so how much? i am only looking to go to the USA for the day.
John R
December 1st, 2011 at 3:02 pm
I think its 6% + HST, I don’t have access to the book at the moment, but I brought one in earlier in the year, and I think it was 6%.
I am looking into a DJ gear package priced at around 1500 American dollars. It contains a DJ mixer, a case for the mixer, headphones, two monitor speakers and cables. It would be shipped with FedEx from Brooklyn to me in BC. What Duty and Taxes will would I have to pay?
Thank You Very Much
December 5th, 2011 at 10:33 pm
Hi I’m thinking of ordering appliances from the US and sending it to a PO box in Buffalo. I live in Ontario, what will the duty and taxes be?
If you pick it up from the states, and bring it back over yourself, customs will rarely charge duty, but will charge HST (if you get pulled in). Expect to pay HST.
I plan on importing about USD$5,000 worth of clothing, made in Taiwan, to Ontario. Based on what I have read, I would would have to pay close to 30% in duties and taxes (17% duties + 13% HST). Is that correct?
John R
December 9th, 2011 at 4:15 pm
Depends on what they are, what they are made of, what they are for (kids, ladies, mens etc)
Worse case is 17% + 13% HST, and it works out to be 32.21% actually. (cause there is 13% on 17% too)
December 11th, 2011 at 8:58 pm
Hi John. Thanks for the prompt reply. It is essentially athletic clothing, made from nylon and some Lycra – for both men and women. After considering the potentially 32.21%, duties/taxes makes me reconsider if importing is really worth it.
i was going to buy an atv from usa(used) from e bay and i was wondering what i would have to pay in duty /riv ect. … the cost of the atv is $2000.00
John R
December 11th, 2011 at 8:50 pm
Your best bet is to hit he RIV website at http://www.riv.ca
Good luck.
I bought an Epson Multimedia Projector worth rs 427$ including taxes from Canada. I stayed at Canada for 2 weeks and Now I am returning back to India via London (connecting flight), in the custom clearance, will they object for this product take. Can I take this product with a free mind that there wont b any extra tax on this or they wont object.
John R
December 12th, 2011 at 11:24 pm
Sorry, I don’t know the rules for Indian customs.
hi, I have bought 2 ipads and a samsung smartphone from india and I wish to bring it to canada. how much duty would i have to pay?
John R
December 15th, 2011 at 10:00 am
HST applies
Dear Sirs, i’m starting a new venture here in Toronto (medical devices). I’m preparing financial projections for my investors. How much tax would I pay on sales of approximately $45 million.
Thank you
I repair watches and have someone from the US sendiing me a watch to Canada to repair and I will be sending it back. It will be sent with a value of $50 and marked as other(old watch for repair) will I or should I have to pay any duty on this?
John R
December 20th, 2011 at 10:49 pm
As long as its marked for repair, you shouldn’t have a problem. Worse case is you will be charges GST, which you can claim back as an input tax credit.
Hi bob. i just ordered a Fluke Multimeter (for electrical work) off ebay. cost, about $99 US. i live in alberta with no sales tax. how much will the duty be
Sweet deal! just make sure its not a fake.
You’re ont he hook for GST only on that puppy.
Keep your receipts, as its for work, you can write it off as a business expense on your taxes.
Want to bring in some Nalgene bottles for a client. Made in the USA BPA free. What is the duty rate for these?
curious if there would be any duty or other charges to ship a new laptop keyboard from Hong Kong to Ontario, Canada
value is approx. $54.00 USD
Computer Part – Duty free, HST applies.
i live in new-b canada and i ordered a laptop from las vegas, nevada. the price including shipping is 1162$ ( ups standard shipping). whats awaiting me in terms of additional fee?
thx in advance 🙂
John R
January 2nd, 2012 at 10:45 am
Whats the cost before shipping?
You’ll have to pay HST on that value,
and also UPS charges. (MIN $70.00) – I would strongly advise to call UPS with the tracking number, and tell them you will clear it yourself. They will give you a manifest, take it to customs along with your receipt, and pay just the HST. Fax the release back to UPS, and then they will deliver it.
alright thanx a lot John 🙂
Hi, I want to purchase a puppy from a breeder in Washingston state and the return back to Victoria, BC. The breeder asks for $2000.00 with all the vet papers etc. What amount of duty etc would i be looking at? I would drive down and pick him up. Thanks!
John R
January 9th, 2012 at 3:38 pm
Puppys are duty free, but HST applies
Hi, I did not think that baby items were taxed both now? Is it because of the change to HST this past year? I crossed with infant clothes, breast pump, baby toys etc… and was charged the 13% on all of it.
John R
January 9th, 2012 at 3:12 pm
It depends.. if its HST (or a portion) excempt at the canadian till, it should be at the border, but officers are only human and make mistakes. You can file a B2 and claim back the monies paid in error.
hi there,
im purchasing 169.00 worth of clothing from an american clothing company (urban outfitters) online. I live in Ontario, and am paying $20.00 for economy shipping. will i have to pay additional taxes once i receive my package?
John R
January 12th, 2012 at 2:15 pm
Yes, what kind of clothing, material and country of origin. Clothing ranges from 6% up to 18% duty, plus HST.
(Plus brokerage if you don’t clear it yourself)
I would like to buy a watch on ebay, they offer to ship it to canada (Ontario) the total cost is 115 uSd + 7 for shipment. Am I goint to have to pay taxes? how much? Thanks a lot!
John R
January 12th, 2012 at 3:11 pm
How was it shipping, and where is it made?
Expect HST, and about $10 in duty.. depending..
We are a group of students(aged 20+) visiting Vancouver, Canada in March. However i plan to bring along 2 laptops and 2 iphones for me and my brother.
Will that subject to heavy duties?How much do i need to pay for them ? and Where ? at the VYR airport and on returning to india as well?
John R
January 20th, 2012 at 1:07 pm
You will not be subject to duties or taxes.
Enjoy your stay.
January 21st, 2012 at 12:20 am
Thank u for your quick reply!
But i want to know..why so? And who is subjected to these duties then?
How can i study over this topic?
Hi there I would like to order a metal pAinting on eBay and it is from Florida coming to Canada.the painting is 200 dollars. What sort of fees would I have to pay ?
Thank u so much 🙂
John R
January 31st, 2012 at 11:30 am
Duty free, HST applies. (Plus brokerage fees if you ship via carrier).
DHL is the cheapest, or you can clear it yourself.
Hello, I am buying a tv from wal-mart in Calais Maine
The subtotal is: $499.98
Tax $25.00
Order Total $524.98
How much duty would I be looking at paying to bring this back into New Brunswick.
Thank you!
I am a canadian living in ontario,my husband is american soldier living in virginia.He bought me a tv for my birthday inthe amount of 1250.00 how much duty wud it be to bring it to me in canada?
I am thinking of buying an ipod and getting it shipped to the us to save hst. What would the duty be on it\/
John R
January 31st, 2012 at 10:00 am
As soon as you cross the border, you’ll get hit with the HST. (but its duty free)
I live in the US, I want to send a gift, a cotton blanket to a friend that lives in Belleville, Ontario. I don’t want him to have to pay any duties or taxes for this, at least without me reimbursing him. Could you tell me what, if any the duties and taxes would be?
February 13th, 2012 at 12:55 pm
OH, and the value is less that $20. US
February 13th, 2012 at 1:23 pm
If you state it being a gift, it should be free from duty or HST for value under CA$60
February 14th, 2012 at 3:32 pm
Thank you Bob! I have looked at at least 50 sites, they all say something different. I am so happy to find a site that explains in plain language what everything means.
I live in Canada. I want to mail 1000 copies of magazines from China to Vancouver. They are free periodical publications, and not for commercial purpose.The total weight is 50kg and value is about CND$1000.
Do I need declare to the custom? How much custom tariff, HST, or GST do I need pay? What are the rates?
Thanks for everyone’s reply.
Bought a used small power supply from USA to Canada (ontario) valued and labelled on package $20. I was charged nearly $14 which only $4 was tax and the rest was a “handling fee”. Is this right? I can swallow the little tax but the handling fee and the package was labelled “not opened to inspect”. Also the item was originally made in Canada.
John R
February 21st, 2012 at 11:14 pm
The exchange rate must have been just over par, which resulted in the value (in canadian) being > $20, which means its subject to duties, and HST.
the hst $4, and the ‘handling fee’ was their charge – canada post / cbsa – to clear your item.
Excessive? Heck ya. DHL would have done it for $7
Now that they have increased their rates, we’re going to see more of this.
What can you do ? Not much. Even though it was made in canada, if you bought it in canada, you would still pay the HST…
if it makes you feel better, I once shipped a power supply to the US for repair. It cost me $25 for an IRS look up fee, $25 for new account, $25.00 for an IRS processing fee, $52 for brokerage, and $20 for phone/fax charges. … my power supply was $9.00
Hello, I have personal furnitures manufactured in china, that I want to import for my house in canada.
There are all type of different thigns. Such as electric heaters, paintings, coffee tables, basically not too big but mix of items that you see in any house.
The cost for all these items were about 1000 CAD$.
I can clear the China customs, but I don’t know any charges in Canada customs to clear my goods?
I am considering travelling to China to purchase a Chinese handheld automotive diagnostic equipment (scan tool) used to communicate with passenger vehicles’ onboard computer system. This equipment is valued at 1200 USD and I will bring it back to Ontario. Can you tell me the amount of duty taxes and other taxes I may be looking at when I return to Canada? Which classification of tariffs would this be under?
I have purchased a wool/nylon sweater for $49USD (but it was originally priced at $286USD), and I have chosen the $7 USPS delivery option to Toronto, Ontario. I paid (in total minus a 10% discount plus shipping) $51USD. Can you please tell me what I can expect to pay in duties plus HST (I assume)? The sweater was made in China. Thank you for your assistance in this matter!!
Hi Bob,
I am building a house in Ottawa and since the price of doors, faucets, tiles, etc. is much cheaper in the US than in Canada, I was thinking of renting a U Haul truck and loading it up and coming back with the purchases to Canada. It will be worth thousands of dollars. If I ensure that all the goods are made in USA, will I pay anything else other than HST? What if I bought items that were made in Japan, China, etc. but disposed of the packages and there was no manufacturer label on them, will they be considered as made in the USA.
John R
March 2nd, 2012 at 11:03 am
When you are physically going across, the officers rarely care about Country of Origin, and deem everything as made in the US, So you don’t need to commit fraud.
Items that have No country of Origin on them are deemed as being GPT and impose 35% duty. (If the officer was in a bad mood.. and opening a trailer to see that someones removed all the packaging would probably do that…)
My advice – Leave the items in the packaging, as it shows you have nothing to hide, and bring in your receipts. They won’t go hunting for Country of Origin, you’ll pay the HST and be on your way.
Since your building a house, have you checked out DirectBuy in your area? Saved a ton for things that i couldn’t easily bring back across.
ok, here’s a weird one for you.
I want to purchase $70 worth of wedding favors, metal bottle stoppers.
I live in Vancouver Canada and would be purchasing from a company in NY.
I want to send these to Point Roberts and just pick them up myself and bring them over the border.
Any idea whether they’d charge duty or tax on a per stopper basis or just on the bulk order of items? Also, what on earth would you look up for these to find if there’s duty on them?
Thanks in advance for the help.
John R
March 9th, 2012 at 10:06 am
If you’re going to pick it up, and bring it back, customs will charge you the HST. Usually they don’t bother with duty. If they do, it would be negligible on a low value. (less then $15 total, including duty/tax) (If you can tell me more about them, country of origin, composition, a link to them) i could dig more.. but really.. it will be cheap.
Best of luck on the wedding.
I am looking to purchase ATV accessories in the US and bring them back to Ontario. The purchase consists of a plastic roof and an ATV stereo system.
My question is whether there is a classifcation for ATV parts/accessories or would the speaker be classified as electronic?
Thank you!!!
John R
April 3rd, 2012 at 9:39 am
If you are bringing them across, customs will just put down pretty much that they are ‘other’, and assess HST on the goods. On personal goods brought over by the traveler, they rarely care to properly calculate out the duties.
You are right, the speaker is a speaker. The way to look at it would be if I removed it from its environment, what is it. I can still use the speaker, there is nothing magical about it – so its a speaker. the hard top for hte atv, if removed from the ATV.. is still a hard top for the atv 🙂 so its an accessory.
Eitherway, if you get stopped, you’re into HST.
I am looking to buy from Amazom.com (HTC Flyer 7″ Android tablet) I got one (generic Android tablet) for my daughter from China with no customs/duty, can I assume the same for items coming from the US?
John R
April 3rd, 2012 at 9:30 am
You can also assume politicians are honest 🙂 how is it shipping up – the scoop is
Mail – due to volume, most items come in without a hitch.
Courier – Couriers must report to customs. Expect your package without delay, but with brokerage fees (if over $20)
Tablets are duty free, but GST/HST is to be expected.
i am ordering 105$ 5 items 3 tshirts a hat and a belt from america i live in canada how much would it cost?
Hi there, I’m looking at having some smokeless tobacco shipped from Pennsylvania to Ontario (we’ll say $25 worth), what would I be looking at for duty? What other fees would apply? And is there a chance it goes through unnoticed?
John R
April 10th, 2012 at 9:14 pm
Tobacco – easy rule of thumb. Whatever its worth, double it. I don’t have the exact figures on me, as there are alot of variables to tobacco. Between PST,HST, Excise Tax and a host of other expenses, its easier to prepare to pay double.
You didn’t mention the carrier. but when CBSA sees a package from ‘AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY” be sure that they will inspect it.
April 10th, 2012 at 10:32 pm
Thanks so much, I figured as much, still cheaper than buying it in Canada.
April 15th, 2012 at 2:33 pm
Hey Mike
That place in PA stopped ( as well as all USA to Canada) shipping tobacco products, as the american gov’t outlawed selling ciggies and cig tobacco etc.. You can still buy things like filter tips etc. though. I used to order drum tobacco all the time from PA. 20 or more pouches of it. Then the senate outlawed it last yr. 🙁 However…when they shipped it before it was outlawed, it always came marked as something else. Never showed what it was, always said , homemade sweaters etc.. and never had a problem with customs for over 2 yrs I ordered from there. It was a quarter of the cost of buying a pouch of drum here. American politics…sigh..
John R
April 25th, 2012 at 12:30 am
Well, its a good thing they stopped shipping to Canada. The penalties for misdeclaring goods (even though the vendor misdeclared them) ranges from $500 to $25000.. and you can be sure that it won’t be the vendor that pays for it…
Hello, I live in manitoba and Im wanting to go down to grand forks for the day and buy a swing set…are there any laws regarding this and would i have to pay any taxes or duty? Thank you for your help 🙂
John R
April 24th, 2012 at 11:36 pm
Swingsets are allowed. Expect to pay PST/GST (Or HST). when you come back over.
Want to import heavy (class 8) truck parts from China worth 2400$ . They are engine parts and accesories like : belts , filters and belt tensioners.
Is there any tax or duty on it?
John R
May 3rd, 2012 at 12:24 am
We;d need a complete breakdown of the parts. Expect to pay 6-8% duty though.
hi i looked up your website, and am amazed to see that a split air conditioner has no duty. so i would only pay HST to get it from the US to Ontario?? is this an accurate assessment
May 18th, 2012 at 7:34 am
If there’s no duty, you only pay HST.
Hi I live in Ontario Canada and I am interested in buying 10 Longboard Skateboards from china, does anyone know the duty that would apply?
Hi there,
I am wondering if I would have to pay duty on an ipad I purchased from ebay? If so, how much (percentage) would I pay to get it to me? I live in Ontario. Also would I have to pay brokerage fees?
Thanks so much for your time
John R
June 23rd, 2012 at 2:44 pm
Duty Free, but HST would apply.
Brokerage is dependent on who you use to clear it (you can clear it yourself and save brokerage)
July 12th, 2012 at 10:48 pm
Hi there again John,
So, just to be clear, I would only have to pay HST? What do you mean by “Brokerage is depenedent on who I use to clear it.”? Who would be best to use to ship to me? How can I clear it myself and save the brokerage fees?
Thanks again for your time and you help. : )
John R
July 13th, 2012 at 8:07 am
Brokerage is like pizza. Everyone has a different price..
UPS = most expensize
DHL = Cheapest (Free)
To clear the goods yourself, as soon as you have the tracking number, call the carrier and let them know to email you the MANIFEST. You take that manifest + a copy of your invoice to your local customs office, theyw ill help you to complete the paperwork, stamp it, and you fax that back to the carrier. Voila Done.
Hello: Earlier I told a female asking about import duty from England to Canada that Canada Customs charged me 18%. I was wrong- it was approx 5.5 %; the rest was HST and broker fees. Problem is, I can’t find her question or my response on here now. If you, the moderator, could find and change mt reply it would be appreciated. Was her name Brenda?
Can anyone tell me what dutie would be on a used set of golf clubs purchased from the U.S. that were made in the U.S. and shipped to Canada via USPS
John R
August 16th, 2012 at 8:50 pm
Duty free (made in the US)
HST applies based on value of items.
Porcessing fee applied by Canada Post
I’m looking to buy clothing from a European website, valued at about $200-$250 after conversion, can anyone tell me what duty I should expect to be paying?
John R
September 19th, 2012 at 11:49 am
ANywhere from 0 – 18% depending on material, and who its intended for.
Hi there,
I would like to bring back a Yakima box from the US. I will not stay in the US for the day or weeks, just for the day. Will I need to pay duty?
I live in Manitoba. I traveled to USA last week and stayed for approximately 104 hours.
During our stay my wife purchased a wedding dress for approximately $650. The dress needed alterations so we could not leave the country with the purchased item in our possession.
It has been 6 days since the purchase. The dress is now ready for pick up in Fargo, North Dakota.
The dress would have been well within our limit last week. But this week will be a special trip only to pick up the dress. Our stay in USA will be less than 24 hours and we will not have much of a spending exemption.
Is there any way that I can have this dress placed under my Duty Free exemption from last week when it was purchased?
John R
September 19th, 2012 at 11:27 am
First, you take the delorean up to 88 miles per hour….
Sadly, yes you can, but only if at the time you first crossed, you notify customs that you had left goods in the US.
So, plan B.
Take the original receipt with you for the dress, and some sort of proof that you crossed the border last week.
When you clear this time, explain the situation to the officer and see what they say.
hi,I am from vancouver and i would like to order a clarisonic face cleaning machine from usa which cost $225. Do i need to pay any duty if the machine is made in usa? what about if made in china?